I know I've been gone awhile, but I thought I'd play along with the Hodgepodge today.
1. Are you watching the Olympics? Your favorite summer Olympic event? I read recently a list of the most iconic Olympic moments in history...what stands out in your mind as a great moment from some past summer Olympic games?
Yes, I'm watching. Gymnastics is my favorite. One of my favorites is the 1996 Olympics when Kerri Scruggs landed her vault on her injured ankle. The whole team was so awesome that year.
2. Have you ever been to Rio? How about the place that started it all-Greece? Have you ever been to any of the Olympic Games in person? Is that something you'd like to do? Have you ever met an Olympian in person?
No, I've never been to Rio or Greece. I've never been to the games in person, and yes, I'd like to. No, I've never met an Olympian.
3. The ball's in their court (tennis), cross the finish line (track and field), on target (archery), make a splash (diving), on a roll (gymnastics), out of one's depth (swimming)...which Olympic-related idiom best applies to your life right now? Explain.
Cross the finish line. That is what I'm trying to do in this cancer fight. Chemo is done and now comes surgery and then radiation. I've about got it licked. Prayers for surgery next Tuesday would be much appreciated.
4. What have you earned a 'gold medal' in recently?
Can't think of a thing right now.
5. What is it (or who is it) that motivates you to eat right, exercise, and do what you can to be healthy?
Cancer has motivated me to want to take better care of myself in the future.
6. Are you young at heart or an old soul? Explain.
I'm a bit of each.
7. It's National S'mores Day (August 10th)...are you a fan? Will you celebrate with a s'more today?\
Not really...I like all the components, but not together.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I've been surprised how much I've enjoyed the swimming events so far this year. I've never watched them in the past very much. Also love the volleyball!