If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Thursday, March 31, 2022

Thankful Thursday


You can link up here or here.

I am thankful for:

**Monday getting to spend the whole day at home.  I watched 2 movies (something I rarely do, but may start doing a little more often).  I napped a little, I worked on cleaning out a closet and cooked dinner.  My kinda day sometimes.

**Tuesday I spent the day at church and did some blogging and playing the piano and finished getting ready for the Bible Study.  We went home and had supper and then I was back at church until around 9pm.  We had an excellent Bible Study with lots of laughter and some serious talking and praying and just enjoying being with sisters in Christ.

**Wednesday I went to church and spent the morning and then went out with my sister to Wal-mart to get a few things and then back to church.  Then hubby and I picked up a turkey dinner from Bob Evans and took it home for supper and had a great night at home.

**Also thankful for the beautiful weather on Wednesday...It got up almost to 80 degrees and it was sunshiny and breezy.

So that's all I'll list for now.  What are you thankful for?

I'm also thankful for you and your visit here.


Wednesday, March 30, 2022


 I am:

**Reading - Still reading Make You Feel My Love, by Robin Lee Hatcher and have several others in the wings to read after.

**Listening to - my husband preaching the Wednesday morning Bible Study live on FB.

**Crafting - 2 different crocheted baby blankets.  One I have to watch a video while making it to make sure I stay on track - at least until I memorize the pattern.  The second one I can work on while watching TV because it's all the same stitch.  I just have to count each row to make sure I don't add or delete a stitch (which I often do).

**Thinking - will I ever get these 2 blankets finished?  lol

**Feeling - happy 

**Celebrating - that my biopsies from last week all came back good.

**Grateful - for our Bible Study and realizing more and more "How Much More" God loves us than I ever realized.

**Weather - According to my watch it is 63 degrees and sunny.  Beautiful day even though it's supposed to be colder and raining tomorrow.  Okay Cathy, one day at a time.  Don't worry about tomorrow and just enjoy today.

**A Scripture I want to share - This is my intention for the day!  I know if I do this it will make all the difference in how my day goes.

Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a wonderful day!


Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Tuesday 4

Hooray for Hollywood

 Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where we ask just 4 questions each week to get you thinking, talking, blogging and making new friends.

According to the late Jordan Maxwell,  Hollywood is named for the fact that the holly was used for magic wants by the Druids. This is where term "Hollywood Magic" comes from. People are under it's 'spell'.    Another story says that  H.J. Whitley the father of Hollywood saw a Chinese man hauling wood on the hills overlooking the future site  and asked him what he was doing.  "I holly wood" he said meaning hauling wood.   It occurred to Whitley that holly wood was a great name for his new town. 

1  During WW2 Marilyn Monroe was an aircraft factory inspector.  She was no dumb blonde but had an above average IQ.     Do you know some Hollywood or record industry trivia? Another bit of trivia on Marilyn Monroe.  She was a size 14.  I wish size 14 today would be as adored as it was back then.

2. Would you share with us the funniest movie you have ever seen?  I think Galaxy Quest was a pretty funny movie. So was Down Periscope.


        How about the most dramatic? Gone With the Wind 

3.  Has a movie ever really moved you or changed the way you see things? War Room made me want to be more of a prayer. 

4. Do you have movie nights at your house with special snacks, treats  etc.?  If not movies, was there something else around which you created a  special family night? From time to time we did and still do movie nights.  There were always treats of some type, most often popcorn.

Thanks for visiting.


Monday, March 28, 2022

Bits of This and That

It was a quiet weekend for us and I don't mind a bit.  It was colder than I like and we woke up to snow on Saturday morning.  It snowed off and on all day, but it all melted off the grass by afternoon.  

Hubby and I met up with my sister and her husband and we had lunch together.  It was fun as always and the men barely got a chance to talk as my sister and I together pretty much never hush.  lol

Sunday we were at church where hubby preached a great sermon about the rich, young ruler.  Here's a video of him where he pre-recorded it for You-Tube, if you're interested.

I'm looking forward to a good week and I hope you are too.  Thanks for visiting.


Friday, March 25, 2022


Reading:  Making You Feel My Love, by Robin Lee Hatcher.

Listening to: The Collingsworth Family on Spotify and they are currently singing "You're About to Climb.

Crafting:  Just started a baby afghan in multi-colored stripes with kind of a wave pattern.

Thinking:  Am I really going to be able to follow this pattern.  I usually make really simple blankets that I don't have to follow a pattern for.  Time will tell.

Feeling:  Blessed beyond all measure.

Celebrating:  My upper and lower GI's are completed and all appears okay.  He did send in a couple of biopsies to be checked, but he believes they are fine.

Grateful for:  The best husband in the world.  He does so much for me everyday.

Weather: Grey, rainy and 43 degrees.

A scripture I want to share: Here's a scripture I read in Deuteronomy yesterday and I so love it.  Who knew there was such good stuff in Deuteronomy.  Sounds like salvation to me.

Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a great day!


Thursday, March 24, 2022

Thankful Thursday


Click here or here to link up.

Today I am thankful for:

**Our Bible Study group.  They are some of the most wonderful ladies and I just have so much fun with them and learn so much from them too.

**New Running Shoes.  Of course, I never run, but they are helping with the walking.  The pounding on the pavement was starting to make my lower back hurt and these shoes help a lot.

**Spring is here.  Or at least it seems to be.  We've had some beautiful skies lately and the buds are starting to show up on the trees.  It makes for such a more pleasant time walking.

**Reading.  So thankful to have time to read.  I haven't read as much lately, but I finally finished a book I started a few weeks ago and I started another one now, so hopefully that reading mojo is back.

Thanks for visiting and I hope you all have a great day.


Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What's something you never seem to have enough time for? Honestly, I pretty much have enough time to do anything I really want to do.  The question is, how bad do I want to do it.

2. If you could turn back time and relive just one day in your life, which day would you choose and why? I don't really want to live any one day again that I can think of.  But it would be nice to have one more day with my girls when they were younger and we spent time at Disney World.  Those trips were always such a wonderful time together.  We all had such a love for Disney and it just seemed so magical.

My souvenirs that year was pictures of them in hats from
all over the world.  They were willing to play along with me. 
They sure were good sports.

 I have many more pictures of Kerri as she was always
willing to pose, especially with the characters.

This is a sight I never tire of.

3. Something you enjoy making that takes a long time to prepare/cook? I've enjoyed some of the soups I've made this winter, but they really don't take that long.  Probably rather than cooking, something that takes a long time is crocheting a baby blanket, but I so love to make them and gift them to others.  Here are some I've made in the last few years.

4. A time recently where you needed/gave yourself a 'time out'? How do you do that? For some reason last Sunday I woke up kind of out of sorts.  I have no idea why.  The best thing for me was to take a short nap and then go out and take a walk with the dog. 

5. Something you've done recently that you'd describe as a 'good time'? Most any time I can be with my hubby is a good time.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Thanks for visiting.  You can link up by clicking on the button at the top of the page.


Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Tuesday 4


Which One?

 Welcome to Tuesday 4 (link ) which is going up late as auto post failed yet again.  I suppose I will have to stop
using it once and for all.  Anyway,, Here is Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4. Better late than never.

Which one do you prefer?

1. Picnic by the water or backyard BBQ? Picnic by the water

2. Spring or Autumn? Got reasons? I think Autumn because after a hot summer, it is so nice to have hoodie weather and all the beautiful colors.

3. Cup of Tea or Cup of Coffee?   'splain it to us Lucy... if you don't mind! I don't care for either.

4. A weekend at home or one spent out and about? I like a mixture.  I like to go out and run errands and have lunch out on Saturday and then come home early afternoon and have the rest of the evening there.  And of course on Sunday, we go to church twice and most often spend the afternoon at home.  That's a perfect way to spend the weekend.

Thanks for visiting.


Monday, March 21, 2022

Bits of This and That

I'm rather late today for blogging, but I guess better late than never.  We headed out this morning to go to the hospital in Cincinnati as I had to have a Covid test.  I'm having both an upper and lower endoscopy on Thursday and they require a Covid test beforehand.  While enroute I got a call from the nurse at the endoscopy office to talk about my medical and prescription information.  While talking to her I mentioned I was heading to get the Covid test and she said I'm so glad I called you.  You don't have to take the test, as our mandates have changed.  Yay!  I really didn't want to take it and I'm so glad I avoided that part of these procedures I'm having.  So onward and upward and prep starts Tuesday night.  Prayers for good results would be appreciated.  Nothing wrong as far as I know, just time to have the tests again.

Since we didn't have to go, we went to lunch and then I stopped and picked up the rest of the prep items.  Then we came home and I took my walk with Lucy and took a short nap and then did some reading.  It's been a good day so far.

While out, I found some buds on flowers and also on the trees.  So happy it is now spring!

That's all I have right now.  Thanks for visiting.


Thursday, March 17, 2022

Thankful Thursday


Click here or here to link up.

I'm thankful this week for:

***Bible Study started Tuesday night and we are doing Lisa Harper's study called "How Much More".  I'm so thankful for each lady who attends and participates.  Our first night was really awesome and I hope we all learn exactly what God wants us to and that each one of us come to understand even more who He is and how much He loves us.

***Walking.  I'm back walking again.  12 times out of the last 15 days.  30 minutes and I'm so glad I finally got myself started.  This is one of the goals I had when I retired to get back to walking.  Lucy and I both are enjoying it.  But I've got to get some new walking shoes to help the pain in my back cause I'm walking in shoes that just don't absorb the shock of pounding the pavement. 

Walked by this yesterday as I took my walk in the
area of our church since I was there most all day.


***Weather.  We have had some absolutely beautiful weather lately.  Lots of blue skies and some days in the 60's and 70's.  Totally love it.

Pond in our neighborhood plus
beautiful blue skies

***Puzzles.  Still enjoying working the puzzles my sisters and cousin are sharing with me.

That's all for today.  Thank you for visiting and I hope you have a blessed day.


Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. It's March 15th and as the saying goes-"Beware the Ides of March". Have you read or studied much Shakespeare? Do you have a favorite Shakespeare play? How do you feel about a Caesar salad? I haven't read much Shakespeare, but I did see "The Tempest" performed live in Cincinnati many years ago.  I really don't have a favorite, but if I had to pick it would probably be "The Taming of the Shrew".  I loved the movie Kiss Me Kate which was a musical where a group were making a musical of "The Taming of the Shrew"  Caesar salad is okay, but something I rarely chose.  I'd rather just have a regular salad with ranch dressing.

2. Have you ever been to Rome? If so what do you love about the city? If not, any desire to go?   No, unless you count Rome, Georgia.  lol  No I really have no desire to go to Rome.

3. What's your favorite place to 'roam'? Back roads most anywhere and a real favorite is in Ohio Amish countryside, especially on wash day.  It's so pretty to see the colors of clothing and quilts hanging on the lines.

4. Do you like pizza? Thick or thin crust? Red sauce-white sauce-other? Your favorite toppings? How do you feel about pineapple on a pizza? Yes, I like pizza and I prefer a medium crust (I do not like cracker think crust very well.  Red Sauce, with lots of cheese,  tomatoes, mushrooms, black olives and if a meet, Italian sausage is a favorite.  I also love a good Hawaiian Pizza, so I do like pineapple on pizza.

5. 'Rome wasn't built in a day'...tell us how this expression applies to something in your home-life-job currently (or recently)? It's taking a long time to go through and downsize all the stuff in our home.

6. Insert your own random thought here. I love the words to this song and it is so very true.

You can click the button at the top to join in with Joyce for the Hodgepodge.  Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a great day.


Thursday, March 10, 2022

Thankful Thursday

Click above to link up

 Today I am thankful for:

**Time to work puzzles.  Here's one I finished on Saturday and I have a new one from my sister to start today...another Disney puzzle.

**Beautiful blue skies.

**My sisters and got to go yesterday and change out the flowers on mom and dad's, grandma and grandpa's and our brother's gravesites.  So thankful for my sister is always getting pretty new flowers to do this.

Dad and Mom

Mom's Dad and Mom

My Brother Larry
**My sweet grandson.

That's all I'll list today.  So what are you thankful for today?


Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Wednesday Hodgepodge


1. Where do you get your news these days? Listening to friends talking or even some comments on social media and then checking it out to verify the truth.  I rarely watch the news.

2. It's National Crab Day...do you like crab meat? Yes. What makes you crabby? Lack of sleep or not feeling well.

3. Does freedom mean more choices? I think so. Have you ever felt there were too many choices? Sometimes.  Elaborate. When I'm trying to decide, having too many choices can be difficult, however I don't want to lose the choices.

4. Barbara Millicent Roberts was introduced to the world on March 9, 1959...that's Barbie to most of us. Did you have Barbies as a kid, or did you let your own children play with Barbies? I don't think I ever had a Barbie, but I had other dolls that were similar.  Yes, my girls had lots of Barbies and paraphernalia.  What well known Barbara (living or not) would you most like to meet? First Lady Barbara Bush

5. . What are three things you value most in another person? Kindness, honesty, and love of laughter.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Thanks for visiting and I hope your day is wonderful!
