If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge


Good Morning:  I'm linking up with Joyce today.  You can link up here.

1. Something that's had you 'chuffed to bits' (very happy or pleased) recently? I'm very pleased with our Ladies' Bible Study.  We had such a great time together last night.  We had a really good time of prayer at the end.  It seemed we were all together in one accord, which is a wonderful place to be.  I love all these women, most I've known for a long time and some not so long and then we had a completely new person join us this week and two new ones last week.  I cannot even begin to tell you how they have encouraged me and prayed for me over the years and I've done the same for them.  If you are not part of a Ladies' Bible Study, I would highly recommend finding one or starting one.

2. Tell us about an instance recently where you were tempted to 'throw a wobbly' (expression used to describe tantrums thrown, usually by adults or people who should know better). I can't think of anything in particular, but little insignificant things can sometimes make me want to throw a wobbly. For instance, maybe a reckless driver and I may fuss at them in my car, but never in person.  

3. Something everyone seems to love but is not your 'cuppa tea'? Tea and coffee.  I do not like either.

4. Fish and chips, bangers and mash, shepherd's pie, roast beef with Yorkshire pudding...which entree would you choose? Yes, you have to choose. Fish and Chips, but I also would be willing to try all of them.

5. Something you want for your birthday this year? Too late as mine has already passed. As long as I hear from both my girls and can be with hubby, I'm all good.

6. Insert your own random thought here.  This sounds about right.  lol

Thanks for visiting.


Monday, September 16, 2024

Bits of This and That - Hello Monday


Good Morning:

It's been a good weekend.  

On Friday, we went to hubby's mom's and he worked on getting her iPad and Roku TV set up.  She just recently got internet in her home.  She and I went and picked up some lunch from Olive Garden and had lunch at her house.  It was a good time of good food and good talking and getting her stuff set up.  After that we headed home and had a quiet evening together, just the way we like it. Also, Friday was my blogoversary.  I've been here since 2008.  I can hardly believe it's been this long.

On Saturday, we ran some errands and then spent the rest of the day at home.  I did some laundry and pulled out some fall decorations. That evening we watched the third Harry Potter movie, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

Sunday we had church (pre-recorded sermon below) and brought home a sandwich for lunch and took a nap and then back for evening service.  

Friday was our youngest daughter's 30th birthday and today, Monday is Colton's 8th Birthday.  Man, time is going way too fast!  Love these two lots.

Opened his gifts early

At Disney World on Saturday

Aunt Kelli, Colton & Kerri

Happy Birthday Kerri and Colton!  Talk to you later today!

That was pretty much our weekend.  Hope you had a good one. I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah at Hello Monday.

Thanks for visiting.


Thursday, September 12, 2024

Thankful Thursday


Good morning:

I try on most Thursdays to make a post of things I am thankful for.  I believe it’s important to be intentional about giving thanks to the Lord, because He is worthy.  So, here are a few of the things I’m thinking about and giving praise to God for.

Music - I love many different kinds of music and I’m so thankful for the joy it brings to me and that we can use music to honor and praise Him.

Laughter - I love to laugh and I love to hear others laugh. A good belly laugh can sure add a lot of joy to my day.

Bible Study - Our fall Bible Study started Tuesday.  It was so good seeing all these ladies again and having some new ones join us too.  We’re studying Luke using this study by Lisa Harper.

Skies - I love beautiful sun rises and sunsets. I love night skies and day skies. I love seeing all the beautiful skies that God gives us. I don’t know how anyone can look up at the sky and then believe there is no God. 

Family and Friends - I am so grateful for my immediate family and my extended family, my church family, my friends and my blogging friends. I feel so blessed having all these in my life.

So, what’s something you are thankful for today?  I’d love to know. Thanks for visiting here.


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge


1. When the Hodgepodge lands on September 11th I want to acknowledge that. Will you purposely pause to remember, pray, or attend any sort of ceremony on 9/11?  I'm sure I'll find myself thinking about it.  Actually, I think hubby recently found a documentary about 9/11, so maybe we'll find time to watch that. Share any thoughts or memories you'd like to share about this day. I was in surgery that morning to have my gall bladder removed. I was the first surgery of the day.  My surgery had just ended when the first plane hit.  So at least, my surgeon was not distracted by that.  I remember they told me as they were taking me back to my room and there was a small TV on the wall that looked so far away.  I really had no idea what they were talking about.  But after getting home, that's all we watched for days.  So sad!

2. Growing up, did you spend a lot of time with your grandparents? What's something you learned from a grandparent? I don't know if I'd say a lot, but we saw my mom's parents every week as we went to church together, and then when I was in high school, they built a house right next door to us.  I saw my dad's parents when they were home in the summertime and quite often we visited them in Florida during Christmas break from school.  I'd say I learned the love of the Lord and our church (because both sets of grandparents started the work of the church that I grew up in)  I would not change that heritage for anything.

My Dad's Mom and Dad. These are the ones who had the Fruit Loops
and lived in Florida in the winter.  I also remember their little dog,
Bubbles, who was from the same litter as our dog, Poochie.  Grandpa
had taught Bubbles to bow her head when they prayed before
 they ate.  We loved Bubbles and Poochie.

This Mom's Dad and Mom.  Grandpa always sang
bass in quartets at our church.  He was very good. 
He also played guitar, although I can't remember that. 
He was injured in a farming accident and cut off his 4
fingers on one hand.   I only remember him this way. 
He later gave his guitar to my mom and as an adult
with 5 kids, she took lessons and learned to play. 
That guitar has now been given to my nephew who is a
fabulous guitar player.  It wasn't too long ago he brought
it out when we visited their home and played
it for us.  What a blessing that was!

3. What's your go-to breakfast? I really don't have a go-to breakfast.  I almost always eat breakfast, but what I eat changes daily.

4. Tell us the story behind one of your favorite photos. 

This photo was taken in the courtroom on Adoption Day of our girls.  And that is my brother's son with them.  Aren't they all just the cutest!  Some day, I need to share the full story of their adoption and all the miracles God did, just to bring us all together as a family!  God is so so good!!

5. This week Friday lands on the 13th. Are you superstitious in any way? Do you like scary movies, and if so what's your favorite? I am not superstitious and I'm not fond of really scary movies.

6. Insert your own random thought here.    I saw this on Instagram and wanted to share it and this seems like the perfect place.  It was posted in by @heidileeanderson.  

Thank you Joyce for another great Hodgepodge of Questions.  Thank you all for visiting and you can click on the Hodgepodge button at the top of this post to link up should you like to join us all.


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Tuesday 4 - September Musings

 September Musings

From Annie:  "September is back to school month and even if you are an adult now, you can usually still recall the back to school days. It was a new beginning.. sometimes scary, sometimes joyous. New experiences were awaiting you.

How about now? September is still a new beginning to the year. What will it hold for you?"

1. As summer's heat fades do you get out and about in nature often?  As it gets cooler it's easier to be more consistent with my walking and if I miss it in the morning, I'm able to do it later in the day.  In the heat of summer, not so much.  Where do you go, what do you do?  Walk our neighborhood and sometimes even sit on the porch and relax.  What would you like to do? Honestly, I think I do what I want already.  I'm really not a big outdoors person. 

2. What has changed in your life that you miss/regret the most?  I miss my family members who have died.  There used to be seven of us and now there are only 3 left.

3. Money is no object, nothing stands in your way.. are you going to move or stay where you are?  Most likely stay where we are.

4. How can you improve your life?  Just walk closer each day to the Lord.  I'm very happy with my life.
