If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Friday, July 26, 2024

Friday Photos

Here are some photos from the month of July.  Some I've taken, some I've gotten from my girls or I've stolen from their FB pages.  Hopefully, I'll get back into the swing of taking photos real soon.

Kerri and Colton at Disney yesterday

Current baby blanket I'm working on

We're trying out this dog food for Lucy. 
 She has become very picky in her
eating habits lately. 
She seems to be eating this very well though.

Bible Study Time with Kelli

Game time after church on Sunday night

Bookstore Cat - New store in our town

I snapped this while sitting in line at Culver's.  So pretty

First time we've had a bird nest in this bird house

We hosted a Bluegrass concert at our church!

Our church was packed out and we enjoyed
every second of it.

 That's all for my Friday Photos.  Hope you have a great day!


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge and Thankful Thursday


1. The Olympics kick off this coming weekend. Will you be watching? Hopefully I'll get to watch some of it, If you could watch just one event in person, which one would you choose? Ladies' Gymnastics - I would like to see Simone Biles.

2. Have you ever been to Paris? No Is this a city you'd like to visit? Not really. What's your favorite 'French thing'? I have no idea.

3. Macaron, creme brulee, chocolate soufle, mille feuille, or an eclair...your favorite French patisserie from the ones listed? Eclair

4. July 24th is National Cousins Day...do you have many cousins? Yes, I have lots of them.  Are you close to them? Some yes...Love them all, but don't get to see a lot of them very often. Will you see any of your cousins on July 24th? No, I didn't.

5. Last time you went somewhere that felt like 'everyone and his cousin' was there? Probably a graduation party a few weeks ago. Here are a group of the cousins who were there.  These are some of the cousins from my mom's side of the family. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. Adding my Thankful Thursday post here.

I am thankful for:

* Visit with daughter:  We had so much fun for those few days. 

* Bible Study:  Just finished the 2nd Bible Study with my daughter. "Gospel on the Ground" by Kristi McClelland. I'm thankful for the chance to actually do the last 2 videos in person. We actually have one more discussion to go to completely finish it.

* Crocheting: I've been enjoying crocheting a lot lately. I'm working on a pink baby blanket.

* Cooler Weather:  We've had a short time of a little cooler weather and I've loved that.

* Crown:  Finally got my crown finished and it feels pretty good. I hope I'm finished for awhile with seeing the dentist.

That's all I'll list for now.  Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a wonderful day.


Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Tuesday 4 - Great Architecture


Great Architecture


From Annie: "Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4. She would be delighted you are here to join in and so am I.

The photo to the right is the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Newark, New Jersey.  It is the largest cathedral outside Europe . Not only is it beautiful inside and out but has a magnificent pipe organ   It's cornerstone was laid in 1899.

As  buildings go she is a masterpiece of great workmanship."

1. What are some beautiful buildings in your neck of the woods? As I was starting this post, I got these pictures from my brother. This is his home and he has just completely finished remodeling the whole thing and now they are going to sell. If anyone is interested, it lists Wed/Thurs. I think it's beautiful!

2.  What buildings of renown have you experienced or would like to experience? The Louvre? Maybe  Versailles? Things closer to home perhaps? Probably one of the most interesting homes I've seen is in Wisconsin and it is called House on the Rock. Here is a link to their website.

3. What do you think of the current trends in modern buildings? I think they are fine. Times are changing and so do building trends. I'm okay with change.

4. If you could choose any style home you would like, what would it be? Victorian, Farm House, Craftsmen, Ranch, Georgian, Tudor, Cape Cod? I've always enjoyed the Cape Cod style.  But I love our ranch a lot. At this time in our life, we definitely don't need anything with stairs.

Thanks for visiting and if you'd like to join in, here is the link.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Bits of This and That - Hello Monday

 Good Morning Friends:

It's Monday morning and I'm linking up with Hello Monday.  We had a nice weekend and I'm going to share a little bit with you.

Our oldest daughter came to town this week. She flew in on Monday and her friend picked her up at the airport and Kelli spent the first part of the week with her and her family.  On Thursday, we met them in Dayton at a Cracker Barrel and had brunch together and then Kelli came home with us for the rest of her trip.  I hate to say it, but I did not take one single picture of us and all the family we visited with.  But here's a picture she just shared with me from her trip to Italy.

We had so much fun and good talks and visits with family.  It was a wonderful weekend for sure.

Thursday afternoon after we got home, we just all sat and relaxed and enjoyed being together. Then Kelli and I left as we had tickets to go see "Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot" and she wanted to go to the Half Price Book Store first.  Half Price Book Stores were our favorite family place to go almost every Saturday for many years. Great memories going there.  Then we headed to the movie and checked in and then went next door to the Rusty Bucket for dinner as we still had an hour before the movie.  Food was good and so was the service.  The movie was very good and even opened some good chats afterwards about adoption.  I don't know if all of you know our girls were adopted.  They are half-sisters and came to live with us when they were 2 and 5. It was a year or so later that we actually were able to adopt them officially. Best choice hubby and I ever made!

On Friday, we spent the morning at home and Kelli and I actually got to do a week of our Bible Study in person.  Here's a picture Kelli took that I stole off FB.

That evening she went and visited with her grandma and then had supper with her aunt from her biological family.  I know she enjoyed the time with each of them. When she came home, the weather had cooled down quite a lot, so she did some work in the back yard that needed to be done.  After a bit, I went out to help her.  I think that now, I'll be able to get the rest of it finished.

On Saturday, we finished the last video of our Bible study and then got cleaned up and went downtown to visit some of the antique and specialty stores.  And then we found a new used bookstore, that I've never been in before.  It was such a cute place and we had a really good time.

This is the store cat. Very friendly.

Then that evening we went to my sister's and our brother and his family all came and we had so much fun together. So Kelli got to visit my whole side of the family at once.  It was definitely a great evening.  But again, no pictures.

We all went to church Sunday morning and it had been quite a few years since Kelli had been back to the church. It was fun for her to get to catch up with everyone there.  Their daddy was installed as the pastor of this church the same month the girls came to live with us...we also moved into our new house (which my dad built) that same month!  Needless to say, September, 1996 was a very wonderful and crazy month for all of us!  lol

After church, we went to Kelli's favorite pizza place (they don't have them in Florida) and got lunch with Tracy's family.  Again, it was a great time of catching up for Kelli.  It's been over 2 years since Kelli was in Ohio.  

After evening service, Kelli and I sat at the table and played a couple of games of Sequence.  Here's another picture from Kelli's FB.  She very graciously did not get much of me in the picture as I was already in my pj's and nobody wants to see that! lol

We all ended up going to bed a little early (at least for us) because we had to be up this morning at 5:30 to get her to the airport to go home.  She's in the air over Atlanta as I'm typing this.  It's been such a truly great time together!

Thanks for visiting!  


Here's Sunday morning's sermon for anyone who has been listening to this Series on Psalms.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Tuesday 4 - Trouble Right Here in River City


Trouble Right here in River City

 From Annie:  "Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where we strive to interest you with 4 questions each week.

"ya got trouble my friend, right here I say trouble right here in River City..." the music man

Problems come to us all and you don't even need to live in River City!

Some you can solve, some you can't. Some scare you.    For instance, on Facebook I lost a lot of people from my friends list and I have no idea why. It was enough people to make me think it was a glitch but then I was too shy to ask people if they had gotten rid of me because they just don't like me....so I did nothing.    What about your problems?"  All in purple is from Annie.

1. Do you think that you handle problems well over all? I think I do fairly well.  But I also think I have a tendency to spend too much time worrying, before I just go ahead and handle them. I need to work on stopping the worrying and ask God for help. The verse I'm working on memorizing this week is, Isaiah 26:3. "You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You because he trusts in you."

2. What kinds of problems send you into a tizzy or downright scare you? Maybe some just exasperate you? Dealing with insurance and Medicare are biggies that scare me.  Again, if I will pray and then start the process and just make the phone calls, etc., it usually works out.  Exasperations would be when things quit working and I have no idea how to fix them (especially like computer issues and issues with apps that quit working, etc.  Now those really irritate me.  lol

3. We always have God in our corner but besides him do you have a reliable back up system to go to for help with car trouble, home repairs and maintenance, or any troubles that may arise for you? My back-up was always my dad until he passed away in 2016. If he couldn't fix it, he had a friend that could.  We do have a good mechanic that we trust so we're okay with vehicle problems.  As for the other, that's part of why I still haven't gotten new floors and the walls painted.  I dread finding someone to do the work and dealing with all the decisions.

4 I love the idea that a lovely cupcake can fix anything at all.  "Oh, you are sick? Just eat a dozen of these delicious cupcakes and you will be right as rain!"      What foods, places, music or whatever can make a problem  seem easier to handle?    I guess we are talking about what brings you comfort in the way of material things.  Praying helps calm me and then just starting small and accomplishing the problems a bit at a time (As long as the problems don't have to be fixed immediately.)  Accomplishing small tasks, keep me at peace and motivated.

Thank you Annie for today's questions.  They were fun.  Thank you everyone for visiting.  You can link up here, if you'd like to participate in the Tuesday 4.
