If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Friday, October 28, 2022

Thankful Thursday and Friday Photos and SkyWatch Friday.

 I'm going to do 3 posts in one or at least try to link up with each of the above.  Seems like I've been pretty busy, so her I go!  Thankful Thursday link is here

This evening I am thankful that all my doctor's appointments are over until after our trip.  And all is good.  I found out at my oncologist's appointment that I've lost 11 pounds since my last visit.  Everything is good...Thank you, Lord!

Monday we had blood tests and several of my numbers have improved...so at least I'm heading in the right direction.

Chiropractor appointment this morning and that's always a good thing.  I've got a cold but I did a test and do not have the big C.  It's just a lot of chest congestion.  Hoping it will go away soon.  I think it's some better.  I'm thankful for all of the above.

Here are a few photos from my week:  SkyWatch Friday link is here.

Early morning sky looking towards the east

standing in my driveway and looking towards the east 

pretty fall colors starting - Armco Park

More fall colors at Armco Park

This beautiful mum is at our church and it is from my mom's funeral in 2015 and keeps coming
up and blooming each fall.  Thank you Bonnie and Merle for taking care of it so well. 
Mom would have loved it.

Thanks for visiting.


Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Wednesday Hodgepodge


Click above to link up.

1. In two or three sentences describe yourself to someone who has never met you. I am a child of God, married to my pastor, mother of two girls and gigi to one grandson.  I'm retired and loving retirement.  Life is good (not perfect) but good and I'm mostly a joyful person who is glad to still be alive.

2. Will you celebrate Halloween this year, and if so tell us how? No, we'll be packing up to leave the next day for our fall vacation.  Let's play this or that-chocolate candy or fruity candy? Chocolate pumpkin seeds or pumpkin pie? Pumpkin Pie Halloween party or scary movie?  Really neither, but Halloween Party as I cannot handle scary movies hay ride or corn maze? Hay Ride, but I'd love to try a corn maze too. carve a pumpkin or paint a pumpkin? Paint

3. What's something that scared you when you were young? The Dark Are you still afraid? Not really scared, but I don't like not be able to see anything.

4. Your favorite soothing drink? Hot Chocolate

5. Are you thinking about Christmas yet? Yes, in fact I bought the first Christmas gift last week and we're watching Christmas movies.  Does this make you feel happy or stressed? Happy!

6. Insert your own random thought here. Hubby and I dropped off our absentee voter's ballots at the Board of Elections this morning.  So glad to have this checked off on our to do list before leaving next Tuesday.

I'm so excited to be here next week.

Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a great day!


Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Tuesday 4 - The End of October

The End of October 

1. Do you give out candy on Halloween to neighborhood kids? Did you ever.. have you always? Sometimes we do and sometimes we don't.  We don't get a lot of kids trick or treating in our neighborhood.  When we do, we prefer sitting out in the drive-way and passing it out to whoever comes.  A lot depends on the weather.  The last couple of years we haven't passed it out, because quite frankly, I don't need the candy in the house.  I would have a little trouble keeping myself from eating it.

2. We must dress up as this Halloween.. Yes, you have to ! What will your costume be this year? I used to sometimes dress up as an old lady, but now I don't need a costume for that as I am an old lady.  If cost wasn't an issue, I'd love to dress as the Fairy Godmother from Cinderella.  I used to want to get a job at Disney World when I retired and be the Fairy Godmother.

3. Have you ever carved pumpkins? Have you visited the gorgeous Hudson Valley in New York state? I have carved them but it's been a long time.  No I have never been in New York at all.

4. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving takes place in Sleepy Hollow a town known today as Tarrytown, NY. a lovely town in the Hudson Valley not far from the Catskill Mountains, site of Rip Van Winkle. The Hudson Valley is considered one of the most beautiful places in America. The Hudson separates NY from New Jersey Do you know the Legend of Sleepy Hollow? How about Rip Van Winkle? Do you believe either could be based on true stories as some believe? Why/ why not? I know I've heard both stories or at least part of them, but no I really don't know much about them and so I really can't answer the last questions.

Thanks for stopping by and you can get the questions and link up here if you'd like.


Sunday, October 23, 2022

Sunday Stealings - Dare to Tell

 NOTICE!!!!!  Bev's out of commission and is unable to create new Sunday Stealings.  Your guest host is Kwizgiver.

Hi! I'm your host Bev Sykes of the blog "Funny the World". . Welcome to Sunday Stealing.  Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves.

You can link up right here if you'd like to.

Dare to Tell

What type of day are you having? I'm writing this Saturday evening and I have a good day...went to lunch with his mother and then home for a short nap and a walk with the dog.  Just finished supper and we're watching Christmas movies tonight.  So yeah, it's been a really good day.

Was there anyone who "made your day"? Of course just being with my husband makes m day special.

Are you liking how you look today? My hair wouldn't quite do what I wanted, but I'm fine with my looks and now I'm in my pj's and very comfortable.

Have you ever eaten a bug? I hope not.

Are you vegetarian? No

When was your last paycheck? My last day of work was December 31, 2021 and I suppose my last check was received in January 2022.

How many pets do you have? One.  Her name is Lucy and she's a lharkie.

What kind of toothpaste do you use? Colgate Sensitive

Are you closer to being rich or poor? We're currently doing fine and I don't think about rich or poor.  Besides, God has never failed me yet and He will give us all our needs as we are His children.

What was the last gift someone gave you? Money for my birthday I think.

Do you appreciate that person? Yes, I do.

Did you talk to anyone you didn't like today? Nope.

Do you like picnics? Sure

What book are you currently reading? "See No Evil, A Postcard to a Burglar"

What song did you last listen to? Well, since I'm watching Christmas movies, I think it was a Christmas song, maybe "O Christmas Tree".

How many tabs are open on your computer? 3

Are you a very stressed out person? Sometimes, but not today.

Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a great Sunday.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Saturday 9 - Things

"Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love to answer the questions, however, and here is today's questions!" -  From Crazy Sam of Saturday 9.

Saturday 9: Things (1962)  

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Bobby Darin is sitting beside his window, looking out onto a crowded avenue. What's the view outside your nearest window? My front porch with black Cracker Barrel rockers and then my front yard.

2) He likes to remember the romantic things he and his girl used to do, like walking in the park. When did you most recently go for a leisurely stroll? Did you have a destination in mind, or were you just enjoying the walk for its own sake? Yesterday and lots of days taking a walk in the neighborhood with my dog.  Today we've had 2 really short ones.

3) He notes a couple holding hands. Are you comfortable displaying affection in public? With my husband, yes very much.


4) When Bobby recorded this song, he was married to screen sweetheart Sandra Dee. Today she is best known as the inspiration for the song, "Look at Me, I'm Sandra Dee." Can you name another song from Grease? Greased Lightening

5) Bobby loved gadgets. He was enthusiastic about his suitcase telephone, which was one of the first mobile phones. Are you an early adapter, or do you wait for new technology to be around awhile and not so new before you try it? Probably wait around awhile.


6) He was a chess fanatic and always kept a magnetic chess board in his briefcase, just in case he found someone who was willing to play him. Are you a good chess player?  No!


7) He very much wanted to play Tony in West Side Story, but he didn't the part because the producers didn't think he looked like a romantic leading man. What actor or actress makes your heart skip a beat?  None really, but Mark Harmon as Jethro Leroy Gibbs on NCIS is definitely easy on the eyes.


8) In 1962, when this song was popular, Jack Nicklaus launched his successful golf career. Do you enjoy playing golf, or watching it on TV? No

9) Random question: Which would we find in your kitchen right now -- cookies or ice cream? Ice Cream

Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a great Saturday.


Friday, October 21, 2022

SkyWatch Friday and Friday Photos

Sunday morning from the parking lot at the church for SkyWatch Friday

Thursday night sky.

 Here are a few photos from our trip to Amish Country on Wednesday.  It rained off and on most of the day, but I was still able to get a few photos.  

This home is absolutely beautiful and I couldn't resist snapping a shot.

I stood out in the rain in order to get this photo.

We were in a store and I looked out the window and saw this beautiful tree in a cemetery.

Thanks for visiting today.


Thursday, October 20, 2022

Thankful Thursday


Today I am thankful for:

Cousins:  Yesterday I was invited to spend the day with 2 of my cousins taking a trip up to Amish Country.  We had so much fun, but didn't take many pictures (in fact, I think there was only one picture taken of us and it's on one of their phones).  We had a really good lunch and shopped in bunches of different stores (they took me to so many places I've never been before in all our many trips there).  I brought home a Christmas gift for my mother-in-law and some cheese and beef sticks for hubby and me.  We had lots of great conversations and laughs.  And I believe a good time was had by us all.  I'm blessed with many cousins and these 2 are lots of fun.

Grandson:   I know I showed pictures of him on yesterday's posts.  But we had so much fun with him last weekend.  I wouldn't trade those 2 and 1/2 days for anything in this world.

I'm going to end this post here and if you'd like to link up, you can do that here.  Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a great day!


Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Wednesday Hodgepodge


Click above to link up with Wednesday Hodgepodge.

1. What's something you wish you'd figured out sooner? That when I'm self-conscious and think people are criticising how I look and or act, that most of the time they're not thinking about me at all.  

2. Something from childhood you still enjoy today? Reading 

3. Are you a fidgeter? Yes, very much so. What's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word fidget? Sitting in church and wiggling around.  I absolutely cannot just sit still.  I've always been like that and my mom was too.  She used to always swing her legs in church.  I'm more of a having something in my hands to piddle with or I'm changing the position I'm sitting in.

4. Your favorite fall vegetable?  I don't know, maybe zucchini. How do you like it prepared? By someone else.

5. What's something you find mildly annoying, but not annoying enough to actually do anything about? Being included in a group text about something I'm really not too interested in. Might you now? Probably not.

6. Insert your own random thought here. We had such a great time with our grandson this past weekend.  

With his great grandma

With my sister and her hubby

playing around at the outlet mall

cutest boy I know (yes, I know I'm prejudiced)

Took him to a playground after lunch

He loved this slide.

Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a great day.


Friday, October 14, 2022

Friday Photos and SkyWatch Friday

A few pictures I took this week.  Link up with SkyWatch Friday 

Blue skies and white clouds - but in other parts there are darker storm clouds

The leaves are even beautiful lying on the ground.

I love this capture of the bird.  When I saw him he was sitting on the
curved branch at the top to the right and I stopped to take a picture
 and he flew off and this is what I got.  Gotta say I kind of like it.

Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a great weekend.


Thursday, October 13, 2022

Thankful Thursdays

 Things I am thankful for today:

I'm loving the weather we've been having lately.  It's been in the 60's and 70's in the daytime and the nights have been dropping into the 30's and 40's.  We had some rain this morning, but when I was out with Lucy, the rain had stopped and I was starting to see some blue skies in between the clouds.

I'm loving all the fall mums and beautiful fall colors of the trees.  They are changing pretty fast now.  Below are a couple of photos from Gazebo Park next to the Golden Lamb.  God has created things that are beautiful in every season.

I am so thankful to live in southwest Ohio where we have all 4 seasons.  Probably fall is my favorite.  But I love things about each of the seasons.

Thanks for visiting and you can link up here at Overflowing with Thankfulness.


Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Wednesday Hodgepodge


1. Thursday (Oct 13) is National Train Your Brain Day. What do you do to keep your brain in tip top shape? I read, do Bible Studies, work puzzles, and be around people. Actually, I do these things because I enjoy them and not necessarily to train my brain.  But if it works, who am I to complain! Is it helping? I don't know.  I hope so.

2. You can sit with anyone in the world and 'pick their brain'...whom do you choose? Bill & Gloria Gaither Tell us why? Because they have done so much for those in the Southern Gospel Music Field and I would just love to sit and listen to them tell stories of all they have witnessed over the years while traveling  and singing with all of those other singers.  I think that would be so interesting.

3. What's something happening in the world (or your corner of it) right now that you have trouble 'wrapping your brain around'? All you have to do is turn on the news and all kinds of things are going on that should not be. It seems that everything we were taught to be good, we're now told it's bad and then everything we were taught is bad, we're now being told that is good.   I wonder why people want to believe and do the things they are.  However, Jesus told us these times would come, so why am I surprised?  No matter what others say, I choose to believe what the Bible tells me is good or bad.

4. On a scale of 1-10 where do you fall in the pumpkin fan club? (1=blech, 10=make it all pumpkin all the time) Tell us something delicious you've tasted recently that had some pumpkin in it somewhere. Probably about a 5 or 6.  I haven't had any pumpkin yet this fall.  But I imagine at some point I'll have a piece of pumpkin pie and/or a pumpkin roll.  

5. Share a favorite song, book, or movie with an autumn title, setting, or vibe. Shine on Harvest Moon

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Thanks for visiting and if you'd like to link up with the Hodgepodge, click the button at the top of the post.


Monday, October 10, 2022

Bits of This and That


I'm a little late writing this today.  I've been working on this weeks lessons for our Bible Study Meeting tomorrow night.  I'm a little behind this week.  So, I need a break for a minute, so I thought I'd go ahead and make a short post.

My sister had invited me to attend a women's conference (Fall Retreat) at her church on Saturday.  We had such a nice time.  There were 3 meals served (we started at 9:30 and it ended at 8:00 but we left about 6:00) and small group sessions and 3 full group sessions.  I feel like I learned some things, had time to worship and sing, had lots of laughter, and mostly I got to meet some new friends and we just really had a good time focusing on God and how we can become more like the Proverbs 31 woman.  I took a couple pictures.  

This was our table and you can see a bit of the
t-shirt we all received.  Isn't this center
piece gorgeous?

This place is where our wedding reception was
held almost 34 years ago.  This was my husband's
home church where he grew up and then this is
where he first had a position as music minister.

Sunday, of course, was church and we had 2 really good services and below is hubby's Sunday morning sermon.  I know some of you have commented on his sermons and since this is a series, I thought I would continuing posting them.

Thanks for visiting and I hope you had a great weekend and that you are having a good day today.


Saturday, October 8, 2022


 I'm getting ready to head out to an all day women's conference at my sister's church.  So, I thought I'd pop in here and just say hi and I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!  Here are a couple pops of color from our walk yesterday.

Again, hope you have a blessed weekend.


Friday, October 7, 2022

Friday Photos and Skywatch Friday

I don't have many photos this week that I haven't already posted.  But last evening around 8:00 I took Lucy out and I thought the sky was so pretty in the dark.  So, I ran back inside and got my phone and snapped these 2 pictures.  I think the sky is one of my most favorite creations of God.  I'm also linking up with Skywatch Friday.

I hope you have a wonderful Friday and thanks for visiting.


Thursday, October 6, 2022

Thankful Thursday


Link up is here.  Jennifer from Overflowing with Thankfulness is hosting this week.

I'm thankful this week for:

**This scripture that came up in our Bible Study this last week.

It's so encouraging to know that God created us, consecrated us and called us to serve Him even before we were born.  I just love being reminded of this.  Also, she (Jennifer Rothschild, "Taking Courage Bible Study") reminded us that "Sometimes it takes courage to accept that we don't deserve His love; we didn't earn His love; we can't lose His love.  That is really encouraging to me, especially that last one.

**fall colors are starting to show up here and there.  We drove though this nearby town after having lunch there today and saw this little pieces of color.

**I'm thankful that my sister has this beautiful cat.  We took her to the vet yesterday for her annual shots and she is all fine.  My sister had some strokes the same year I had cancer and she is now living in Assisted Living and I believe this cat brings her much comfort.  This picture really doesn't do the cat justice.  She absolutely has the most gorgeous green eyes that I've ever seen.

I'm thankful for each day I wake up on this side of the dirt and I know that I am so blessed.  I'm also thankful for each one of you.  Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a great day.


Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Currently - October

I'm linking up with Jennifer at Overflowing with Thankfulness for October's Currently.   Today we're talking about what we're currently anticipating, admiring, spending or consuming, wanting, and purging or deleting. So here are my thoughts.

Anticipating: Our trip to the beach next month.

Admiring: The beautiful colors of the trees as the leaves are beginning to change.

Spending/Consuming: We're consuming some of the more wintry food such as chili (hubby has made it twice already) and beef and noodles (bought a roast a couple weeks ago and cut it in half and the 2nd half is in the crock pot cooking as I type.)  Can't wait to get home and have supper.

Wanting:  To start crocheting a new stitch.  I've got the yarn and have watched the video, but haven't started it yet.  Planning to start it when I get done with this post.  I think I'm going to make a lap blanket or shawl with it.  We'll see how it goes. 

Purging/Deleting:  I'm not sure but why, but recently I've been really bad about not cleaning out my email in-box.  Typically, I clean it out everyday.  But currently, I have over 500 emails there.  I think it's because I get so much trash mail, but I have to check be careful, because I get so many mails that have to do with my retirement and insurance stuff and I have to be careful not to delete any of those. Really, that's just an excuse, so that's something I really need to do today!  In fact, I think I'll do that first and then start the crochet project.

Well, that's it for now.  Thanks for visiting.
