Five Minute Friday is where we are given a prompt and you write for five minutes in your blog and then go here to link up. Why not join us this week?
This week's prompt: Blessing
I thought on this word for a bit and one of the things that came into my mind is the old hymn that says "Count Your Blessings, name them one by one. Count your blessings, see what God has done." I think this is so important as christians. We can get so busy in life and forget all the wonderful things God has done for us. Little things and great big things. God is always blessing us. The reason I think it's important to remember these blessings is because we can become so wrapped up in the problems of everyday life and easily become very negative. And who wants to be around someone who is very negative all the time? But if we remember His blessings we tend to be more joyous and positive. I don't know about you, but I much prefer to be around someone who has joy. So consider count your blessings today and see if you don't find some extra joy.
End of prompt.
But I want to tell you about this. On most Thursdays I participate in Thankful Thursday. That's where we deliberately try to be thankful. We write some things we are thankful for that week and then link up here. It's so encouraging to do this and then to read what others are thankful for. I missed out on it yesterday, so I'm going to add mine right here. Rebecca won't mind if I'm late. I know she'd love to have you join her too.
Some things I'm thankful for this week:
- the beautiful weather we've had and the time to take walks with our dog in the evenings. We've walked about a mile each night this week. Here are some pictures from those walks.
Shadow walking |
Another beautiful evening |
Lucy |
Beautiful evening |
Walking with Lucy |
- time to read about David in my morning devotions this week. I so want to be more like David. God said he was a man after His own heart. I want to be after God's heart too.
- pictures and videos of my grandson. Since they live so far away I'm so thankful my daughter sends me pics and videos so much. I also love the video chats with them too.
Supposed to be taking a nap (I don't think he looks the least bit sleepy) |
- co-workers who are willing to help me learn the new software system we have at work and never seem to get aggravated at me for asking so many questions.
I'm also linking up with Friday Foto Friends here. where we show pictures from our week. You can join in there too.
Here are a couple more pictures from my week.
Mexican for lunch with hubby on Sunday after church |
Colton eating (or wearing) an ice cream cone. |
Thank you God for your many blessings.