If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Thursday, May 30, 2024

Break Time

I'll be taking a bit of a break from blogging.  Lots of life is happening right now and I need to let some things go.  I may still come around and visit, but I won't be posting for a bit. At this time, I don't know how long that will be. Please don't worry. I'm fine, but again I just need a break. Take care and know that I appreciate each one of you.


Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Bits of This and That

We had a nice quiet weekend, just the way I like it. We were mostly home where I just did normal things like cleaning some, laundry, a little cooking, finished a book and started another, but really nothing special. We did watch the the National Memorial Day Concert and loved it like we do every year. I especially like the biographies that are acted out by some stars and then we got to see the actual persons themselves. This is always a favorite part of mine. I also love when they play and sing the anthems for each branch of the service. 

Below are a couple of pictures I took this weekend. 

Below I am attaching the pre-recorded copy of Sunday's Sermon.

Hope you had a nice weekend and thanks for visiting.


Saturday, May 25, 2024

Share 4 Somethings - May 2024

My May edition of Share 4 Somethings, where I'll talk about the things I loved or disliked, accomplished, improved upon or something that needs improvement, and noticed throughout May. Link-up is here. Link-up is here.

Loved or Disliked: I really loved our ladies Bible Study, which I've mentioned several times before. I love these ladies and enjoy talking about the things of God with them and also just talking about life with them too. I learn so much from them and am constantly being encouraged by them.

I also enjoyed Mother's Day. I heard from both girls and then I loved going out to spending time with my MIL and and my husband's brother and wife and youngest son. So much great conversation.

I also love these beautiful roses given to me
 by a sweet lady at church who grew them herself.

I disliked some of the storms we had, but I am so thankful we were kept safe through them all.

Accomplished: I got my annual mammogram done and all looks good. I'm almost 8 years cancer free. Thank you God. This is my annual reminder to all who read this...Don't forget to get the "girls" checked cause you don't want to be like me and only have one "girl" to get checked. And no, they don't give discounts because you only have one to get mashed! lol

Improved Upon or Something that Needs Improvement: I really need to get out and do some yard work. My bushes need to be trimmed again. I have a spot in the back yard I need to plant some grass seed. I also bought some sandpaper and black spray paint, because the rockers on the front porch need to be painted again. Let's see if I can get these things completed before the next Share 4 Somethings.

Noticed: This morning as I walked with Lucy, I noticed these flowers in the neighborhood. 


Thanks for visiting. Happy Memorial Day Weekend!


Friday, May 24, 2024

Friday Favorites - Friday Photos


Linking up with Andrea and Erika again this week.

We drive past this pond quite often. Yesterday, while stopped at a red light, I asked hubby to take a picture. I think this is such a pretty place,

I just had to have a Starbucks yesterday and let me tell you it was delicious!

I got this planner/journal at the beginning of the year and I really like it.
 I use it more than any planner or journal I've ever had. I'm pretty sure I'll
be getting one for next year, too.

I'm just starting to use the weekly calendar pages a little more.
I keep track of appointments and blog posts, etc.

Each week has a page for sermon notes. And now, I attach the
 sermon handout to that page and it's quick and easy if I
want to look back for something from the sermon.

Thanks for visiting.


Thursday, May 23, 2024

Thankful Thursday


Things I am thankful for this week:

* Our Ladies' Bible Study was finished last night and I believe we all enjoyed it a lot. In fact, they want our fall study to be by the same author/speaker and I plan to accommodate them.

* Kelli gave me a Bible study for Mother's Day. It is Kristi McClelland's "The Gospel on the Ground". We plan to start it next week.

* I had my annual mammogram appointment yesterday and all is well. It's been 8 years now and I am so blessed.

* We've had some really beautiful weather...I'm enjoying the sunshine and even the rain. Temperatures haven't been too bad, but I'm pretty sure summer is here to stay and it will be getting hotter and hotter...

* That's why I'm very thankful for air conditioning. lol

So tell me what you are thankful for. I'd love to know.


Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge


1. What are you currently juggling in your life? Just life...some hard things, some blessings, many emotions, trusting Jesus with it all.

2. How often do you buy new clothes? I usually buy some new tops in the spring and again in the fall. What was the last piece of clothing you purchased? This top and this is the first time I've worn it.

3. What food festival would you most like to attend? If you need help here are links to some of the bigger and more popular food events around the world- Ten Food Festivals Worth Traveling To Find 2024 Best Food And Drink Festivals And Events In The US 20 Popular Food Festivals Around The World In 2024 For Your Unconditional Love Of Food  I'm not a fan of going to festivals any more, but if I were going to go to one, I think I would enjoy a Greek Food Festival.

4. May is the 5th month of the year. Tell us something you remember about your 5th grade year. I know I loved school and my teacher. I loved being read to and then I'd go the library and get the same book to read myself. I loved playing hopscotch at recess and being with my friends.

5. What are your favorite five words right now? Love, Peace, Joy, Tracy, Jesus

6. Insert your own random thought here.


Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Tuesday 4 - Books



Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.

Books are such a big part of many people's lives. Maybe we should talk about that.

1. Do you have some books in your home? Yes. If so what subjects are they? Varied, as some are mine and some are hubby's and there may be even some of the girls' books there. Which is your favorite? Any I have by Lori Wick

2. Do you enjoy browsing around in bookstores? Yes, I do. Do you have a favorite you like to go to? Not any more really, as mostly I do e-books now.

3. Do you think real books are clutter or do you just love having them around you? I enjoy having books in my home.

4. What is the oldest book you've read and what is the newest book you've read or are reading. I would suppose the Bible is the oldest. I'm currently reading some series by Connilyn Cossette. I have talked about them frequently lately.

Thanks for visiting. Click on the blue book word at the top to link up.


Monday, May 20, 2024

Bits of This and That - Hello Monday


Good Morning!

I'm linking my regular Monday "Bits of This and That" post up with Holly and Sarah for Hello Monday.

As usual, we went out to lunch each day of the weekend. On Friday, we picked up hubby's mom and we went to Fazoli's for lunch, As always, we had so much good conversation. I love my mother-in-law so much and I learn so much from her. After that we spent the rest of the day at home. I did some laundry, read some and we watched some TV...typical Friday.

On Saturday, we slept in a little, and relaxed around the house. Then we went thru the drive-thru at Culver's and sat in the van to eat. We had no errands to run so we just went back home. That evening we tried something a little different for us, but it was delicious and I believe we'll be doing it quite a bit this summer. Hubby cut up sweet peppers and onions. I cut up potatoes and he spread them out on a cookie sheet along with some brats. Added some olive oil and some seasoning we like and baked them for around an hour. Oh my, they were delicious. We're thinking trying different vegies like cauliflower, broccoli, etc. and different meats, like Italian Sausage, and who knows what else. Definitely, the vegies will be done a lot this summer. I really didn't think I would like it that much, but I was wrong,

On Sunday, we went to church and hubby had a great sermon from Psalm 32...and talked about guilt. The pre-recorded sermon is below.

That was our weekend. Just the way we enjoy them. A little bit of running around each day and then back home. I can't remember which day it was, but I also worked on my closet and finished switching out the winter clothes for the summer stuff and also started a bag of clothes to donate. Next, it's time for me to get a little more brutal and get rid of some more of the things that I haven't worn for a year or two.

Thanks for visiting.


Friday, May 17, 2024

Friday Favorites - Photos


I've been seeing Friday Favorites posts for quite awhile now and decided I would join in today. So, I'm linked up with Andrea and Erika

Here are a few of my favorite recent photos:

Lucy's new harness. Unless it would come unhooked, I don't think she can get out of this one.
But if she would get out the door, it also has her name and my phone number on it. 
Hope they are never needed.

I love these beautiful flowers on a neighbor's mail box.

Kelli gave me this Bible Study for Mother's
Day...we'll be starting it soon. It's a favorite 
to me to do Bible studies with her.

Roses at church

My favorite tree in our yard and I especially love watching birds building
nests in the bird houses.

Current favorite book I'm reading.


Thursday, May 16, 2024

Thankful Thursday


A few things I am thankful for:

* Our Crochet Group - The ladies I meet with are Christians and I learn so much when we are together. We talk together as we crochet and I feel that I can call them friends and even more we are sisters in Christ.

* Another Day - I'm always glad to awake to a new day and find that I am well and still alive. Today is an absolutely beautiful day outside with blue skies and temperatures that are very pleasant.

* Family - All my family, including my husband, girls, sons-in-law, grandson, siblings, mother-in-law, brothers-in-law, sister-in-law, cousins, nephews and nieces, aunts and uncles. I feel so blessed.

* Unexpected Gift - One day this past week, we were in line at Burger King to get a couple of Diet Cokes. When we got to the window to pay, someone in front of us had already paid for us. What a sweet blessing it gave us.

* Another Gift - I received this beautiful bouquet of roses from a friend at church. These are roses she grows herself. Red, orange and yellow. She brought them to me Sunday morning and I have been enjoying them very much.

I'll stop here for today. I am so thankful for all God's many blessings on me. Thanks for visiting here and I hope you are having a wonderful day. 


Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge

 From this Side of the Pond

1. What impresses you? Kindness

2.  Where are you in your family birth order? Do you fit the stereotype of that particular slot? In what way? I'm the middle child with an older brother and sister and a younger brother and sister. I don't really know if I fit the stereotype. You'd probably need to ask my siblings.

3. What motivates you more-a reward or a consequence? Elaborate. It depends on the task probably, but I definitely prefer a reward.

4. May 14th is National Buttermilk Biscuit Day. Who thinks biscuits deserve their own day? Do you like biscuits? Make your own? Grab one for breakfast at a drive-through now and then? Which drive-through makes the one you like best? What do you like to put on a biscuit? What's your favorite food or dish that calls for buttermilk? I like biscuits but rarely eat them. No I don't make my own. I do order them as a sandwich sometimes, but then I usually just eat the egg and meat and not the biscuit because I don't need the extra carbs. McDonald's makes a decent biscuit. I like sausage gravy on my biscuit. Sometimes I just like honey or jelly on them. I don't recall any recipes I use with buttermilk.

5. Are there any weddings on your summer calendar? What's your favorite part of a wedding/wedding reception? We have no invitations for weddings yet this year. Although, I've heard rumors of some cousins getting engaged recently. Honestly, I'm not a big fan of weddings or receptions. I know, I know, I'm weird.

6. Insert your own random thought here. I started book 2 in this series and I think it's going to be really good. I finished book 1 and immediately got this from Libby. Do you use Libby? Do you like it?

Thanks for visiting. You can link up here with Joyce, who is the hostess with the mostess. 


Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Tuesday 4 - Good Morning!


Good Morning!


It's time for Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.. just four questions each week for you to ponder and share your thoughts, likes and dislikes.  You can visit others and see their opinions and hopefully make some new blogging friends.

Can we talk about mornings? We all have them, right?

1. Do you jump out of bed or hit the deck running as I call it or are you slow to get up to speed in the morning? It depends on what the plans for the day are. Lucy usually wakes us up before the alarm goes off. So I have to get up and move so she can go out and do her business. By then even if I'm still tired, I'm awake and usually don't go back to sleep. But I will come back in and look at social media, or read my book (if I'm in the middle of one) or read my Bible and then get up and get started for the day.

2. Do you start the day with coffee or tea?  Or do other things help you wake up like washing your face, etc.? I do not drink coffee or tea. 

3. Is the best part of waking up some Folgers in your cup? What brand of coffee or tea lights your fire? Mine is Diet Coke

4. In the Netherlands toast with hefty style chocolate sprinkles are a usual breakfast.  Italy also begins the day with rolls or cookies.  Britain and America are eggs, bacon, toast, or cereal.  What about you? What is a typical breakfast for you? If we're staying home, I'll do something like cereal usually for breakfast, or frozen waffles and some bacon or sausage. If we're going to the church we'll pick up some breakfast on the way. Or I'll make overnight oats the night before and bring them with me.


Monday, May 13, 2024

Bits of This and That


Good Morning!

I'm linking my regular "Monday Bits of This and That" post up with Holly and Sarah for Hello Monday.

So here we go!

On Friday, hubby and I went out to lunch. We went to Texas Roadhouse (one of my favorites). I told hubby this was my Mother's Day Lunch. I seldom take pictures of my food any more, but this is my favorite order at Texas Roadhouse. 6 oz Dallas Filet and baked potato. I had already eaten my salad, which is always delicious too.

After that we ran a couple errands and then spent the rest of the day at home.  It was a good day!

On Saturday, we picked up Tracy's mom and went to Chuy's for lunch. We gave her flowers for Mother's Day on Saturday, because we knew Mother's Day was going to be a bit hectic. After lunch we went to a nearby Farmer's Market in Springboro. None of us had been there before, even though it's been around for multiple years. It was a really nice place and I'm sure we'll be back. Tracy and I didn't buy anything, but his mom bought some caramels and a really pretty puzzle. So much fun, but alas I didn't take any pictures.

On Sunday, we went to church and his mom came too. I took the day off from playing the piano, so I was able to sit with my mother-in-law and fully enjoy the service. Hubby preached a great sermon on the 23rd Psalm. (Pre-recorded sermon is below.)

After that, the 3 of us drove to Dayton and met Tracy's brother and his wife and youngest son, for lunch at Cassano's. They have the best pizza around our parts. The restaurant was not busy and we had such a great time talking and just being together. It's been awhile since we had all been together. Again, there are no pictures. But trust me when I say, I love our family and I love being with them. I know we were there for at least 2 hours, but I think it may have been closer to 3. After that, we relaxed and just enjoyed our evening at home.

Well, that's all I have to share.  I hope you had a good weekend too.


Sunday, May 12, 2024

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers and to anyone who has or had a mother.  I hope you all have a wonderful day!

I love you and miss you mom!

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Thankful Thursday


Good Morning:

Here are a few things I'm thankful for today:

*God's Word (currently reading 1st Corinthians)

*Quiet Morning - we've just been relaxing. I've watched some of the show, "The Baxters".  I read these books by Karen Kingsbury a few years ago. I also made up some fresh hummingbird sugar water and will clean and change out the feeders later today. 

*Enjoying looking out the back door and watching the birds play. Saw a cardinal couple up close on the porch. Lucy is sitting at the door watching all the activity too.

*God kept us safe Tuesday night during the storm and tornado warnings and even the sirens going off.

*It's a good day, and it always is, when I start it out with God. Unfortunately, I don't always remember to do that first.

*I'm also thankful for my blogging friends.

That's all I'll list for now. I'll be linking up with Jennifer here. So, what are you thankful for today? You can respond in my comments, or write your own post and link up with Jennifer.

Thanks for stopping by.


Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge


1. Did you watch the Kentucky Derby this past weekend? Have you ever been to a horse race? Ever ridden a horse? Did you enjoy it? Have you ever been to Kentucky? Do you like Bourbon? No, I did not watch the Kentucky Derby and no, I have not been to a horse race. I have ridden a horse (a really, really, old horse named Honeybunch) and yes, I enjoyed it. I have been to Kentucky many times. I live less than an hour from the Ohio/Kentucky border at the Ohio River in Cincinnati. I have never tasted Bourbon, so I have no idea if I like it.

2. What's something you wish you'd placed in a time capsule fifteen years ago? I can't think of a thing.

3. Are you adventurous? Elaborate. No, not really. I wish I was.

4. Something you want to make this year? It can be a new recipe, craft, diy project, a milestone you've set for yourself...anything at all. I'm working on baby blankets right now and we are donating them to my sister's church for whenever someone has a baby, they give them a handmade blanket. I'm waiting on the yarn I bought to come in so I can start a baby blanket for my nephew's baby coming in October. We're also talking about making some lap blankets for seniors who would like to have them.

5. Cinco de Mayo was also celebrated this past weekend...do you like Mexican food? If so what's your favorite dish? Have you ever been to Mexico? Margarita-yes or no? Yes, I do. I have several favorites such as nachos, tacos, burritos and enchiladas. I also like refried beans and rice. I have not been to Mexico.I've never tasted a Margarita either. But I will say they are very pretty drinks.

6. Insert your own random thought here. The lilacs are blooming!

That's it for me today. If you click on the button at the top of the page, you'll find Joyce's page. Joyce is the one to host us every week.  Thanks Joyce!


Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Tuesday 4 - What's Cooking


What's Cooking?

 Welcome, welcome.  It's good to have you back for another visit.  I hope you are keeping well and are up for another of Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 questions.

Could we discuss cooking and kitchens today?

1.How did you learn to cook? I guess I learned to follow a recipe in Home Economics. Some I learned from mom. And some I learn from YouTube.

2. Do you have a favorite cookbook? Yes, an old Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook that looks similar to this picture I grabbed on the internet. 

3.What is your cooking specialty? Lasagna (from a recipe in that cook book.) 

4. Is your kitchen well suited for you and if not how would you improve it? I like it.


Monday, May 6, 2024

Bits of This and That


Good morning,

Here's a bit about my weekend.

Friday - Hubby and I picked up his mom and then we met my sister and her husband for lunch. We always have so much fun being together. No pictures as all 5 of us do no like having a picture taken. We were probably about 45 minutes from home and out in the country. So we drove backroads going back home. We stopped at the cemetery because we found out that my sister's stone had been put up.

I think it turned out really well. My other sister
designed it and I think it's perfect. The words
 are from a song called "He Who Began a Good
Work in You" by Steve Green and the scripture is Philippians 1:8

Here is that song sung by Steve Green. Such beautiful and true words.

After stopping there, I found out my mother-in-law had never seen this cemetery, so on the way home, I drove by some of the homes we had lived in when I was growing up and shared some stories with her. I enjoyed it and she seemed to also. Of course, she was kind of a captive audience, as I was the one driving.

Saturday, we slept in a little and then we went to church so hubby could pre-record the Sunday sermon for YouTube and FB. I ran the copies of the bulletin and sermon notes and folded and put them together. After that, we went to Outback and I had the Cobb Salad and hubby had a combo meal of Alice Springs Chicken and sirloin. All was very good. I think that evening we watched one of the Hailey Dean Mystery Movies on Hallmark.

Sunday we went to church and picked up some lunch from a couple drive-thru's as we didn't want the same thing for lunch. He had Gold Star Chili and I had KFC. Then that afternoon I read a lot and cleaned the hummingbird feeder and got out a feeder from last year and cleaned it and made new sugar water and put them both up. We've seen 2 hummingbirds so far or it may have just been the same one that we've seen twice.


When pulling out of the garage that morning, look who we saw
peaking their head out of the birdhouse.
She's got a big ole nest inside the house.

We went back to church that evening and then relaxed for the evening watching some TV and reading. I'm currently reading another book by Connilyn Cossette.  I've read 2 of her series (Out From Egypt, Cities of Refuge) I've read one from the The Kings Men Series and then realized that the The Covenant House Series came first, so I'm reading the first one in that series called To Dwell Among Cedars. I love her writing so much. If you like series and you like stories mixed in with the history of the Old Testament, I think you would really enjoy her books.

So that was my weekend. How was yours?


Linking up with Holly and Sarah.