If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Wednesday Hodgepodge

Click above to link up with Joyce.

1. Something you've labored over recently? Can't think of anything, other than maybe just regular chores at home.

2. How will you rest on Labor Day? I have no idea as we have no plans yet.  I'm sure some of it will include reading though.
3. Margaret Mead is quoted as saying, "I learned the value of hard work by working hard." Would you agree? Where and how did you learn the value of hard work? I believe I learned it from watching my dad and mom all my life.

4. It's National Eat Outside Day (August 31st). Will you? Do you enjoy dining 'al fresco' or prefer indoor seating? I don't think I'll be eating outside today.  Mostly I prefer eating inside unless there is a view of the water (meaning ocean, bay, lake, river, etc.)

5. Somehow it's the end of August. What was the best day of the month for you and tell us what made it so? Probably Saturday the 20th, because we got to have lunch with Kelli, actually she treated us for our birthdays.  We only had a few hours together.  Oh but it was so fun to just talk and talk.  I'm not sure that hubby got to say much of anything.  I don't know who talks more, me or Kelli! lol
6. Insert your own random thought here. There was such a beautiful sunrise Monday morning when I was out for my walk.

Lamentations 3:22-23, NLT

22 The faithful love of the Lord never ends!
    His mercies never cease.
23 Great is his faithfulness;
    his mercies begin afresh each morning.

Thank you for visiting.


Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Tuesday 4


Summertime and the Living is Easy?

Well, we hope it's easy anyway. Welcome back to Toni's Tuesday 4! Always good to have you here. Let's concentrate on the little bit of summer that is left shall we? We need to enjoy every season to the fullest I believe.. what say you?

Not much more of summer left so we better enjoy it while it lasts. Link up here.

1. What do you like to do in the summer? Stay our of the heat. lol  Actually, I love taking long drives out in the country and seeing crops and animals and barns and homes and watching the blue skies with great big white clouds and maybe sometimes stopping and getting an ice cream cone.

2. What is your favorite summertime food and beverage? When the tomatoes are ripe, I love a good white bread, mayo, Velveta cheese and tomato sandwich and a ice cold glass of Diet Coke.

3. How do you beat the heat? Stay inside in the air conditioning.  If I need to be outside (say for my walk) I do it early in the morning before the heat gets too bad.

4. What do you really like about the summer season? I love the blooming flowers and gardens of vegetables and blue skies and white fluffy clouds.

Thanks for visiting.


Monday, August 29, 2022

Bits of This and That

 I've done a bit of reading this weekend amongst all the activities.  First, I finished a novel "Will the Circle Be Unbroken? by Sean Dietrich (Sean of the South) that was very good.  If you enjoy his blog, then you'd probably like this book.  I love all his southern style comments, many of which I heard growing up, but I never lived in the south at all.  This book is about him and his life (especially his younger life with his dad, who committed suicide when Sean was 10 years old)  So, sometimes this was a little sad and hard to read, but I'm so glad I stuck with it.  It's worth it to see how he's grown and learned to cope with such hard times he had when growing up.  I would also suggest you to follow his blog (There's a link in my sidebar under blogs I read).  His posts are so uplifting and encouraging in some many ways.

Picture taken from the internet

I started another book and am about halfway through it.  It's called "Run Rose Run" and was written by James Patterson and Dolly Parton.  The more I read of it, the more I like it.  It's about a young girl all alone, trying to get into country music.  Obviously, something has happened in her past that she is running from, but the authors are very good about leaving you hanging and wanting to know more (a bit of a thriller, I think).  I can't hardly wait to see what's happened and what will happen and I guess that's what a good mystery book is supposed to do.  lol  

Picture from the internet
Sunday morning, Tracy preached another great sermon from Hebrews.  I never got around to posting last week's sermon, which was a personal favorite of mine as I learned some things that I have misunderstood in the past.  Very enlightening.  I will post them both here, if you are interested.

Yesterday's Sermon 8-18-2022

Last week's sermon 8-21-2022

Thank you for visiting.


Sunday, August 28, 2022

Sunday Stealing

 Click here to link up.

Stolen from Upstream Life

1. Your favorite sport. Volleyball

2. A quote to live by. 

3. A city in the US you would like to move to. I'd rather stay where I am.  

4. 3 beautiful little things in your life. Family, God, Church Family

5. What made you laugh today? Some of our conversations at lunch today with hubby and his mom.

6. A good deed you did today. I'm the one that drove us to the restaurant and back home which was about an 45-60 minutes each way.

7. Activities you like to do when you are bored. Read and watch TV  

8. Are you a procrastinator? Yes

9. Your thoughts about dying Well, I know Jesus, so I'm ready, but I sure don't want to leave on the next boat!  lol  I hope to live and see my grandson grow up and enjoy some really good years of retirement.

10. What super power would like to have? Flying like Superman and then I could visit my girls more often.

11. Top 3 Netflix series Somebody Feed Phil is the only one right now

12. Things you want to do before you die Stay healthy and enjoy my retirement

13. Your biggest fears That I'll get cancer again, although I really don't sit and think about it too much, but I suppose it's there in the background.

14. What makes you angry? Seeing someone or hearing about someone who was mean to someone else.

15. Do you listen to podcasts? Yes, sometimes.  When we travel, hubby usually brings along some podcasts for us to listen to.  On fun things, such as the Moth Man from West Virginia, and Missing 411 about people that have gone missing in the National Parks.  

Thanks for visiting.


Saturday, August 27, 2022

Saturday 9


She's in Love with the Boy

She's in Love with the Boy (1991)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This song tells the story of Katie and Tommy. She waited for him to pull up in his beat-up Chevy truck. Tell us about your wheels. We have two Dodge Caravan's, one white and one grey.
2) Katie and Tommy stay out until 12:30 AM. What time did you go to bed last night? around midnight

3) The lyrics tell us, "What's meant to be will always find a way." Do you agree?   I guess it depends on what you mean by "what's meant to be".  I believe as a Christian that God determines "what's meant to be" in my life and I believe those things will be worked out sooner or later, if I stay obedient to His will.

4) This was the first big hit for Trisha Yearwood. While she's found her greatest success in music, she's also written top-selling cookbooks. Are you a better singer or cook? I'm not that great at either.  I used to be a decent singer, but my voice is pretty much gone now.

5) Trisha also appeared in six episodes of the TV drama, JAG. She played a medical examiner and forensic pathologist, which means her character had a medical degree and (at least) one year of additional training. That's (at least) five extra years of higher education. Do you enjoy taking classes?  Not really.

6) In real life, Trisha earned a degree in Business Administration before going into music. She uses what she learned in school, keeping a close eye on her finances and those of her superstar husband, Garth Brooks. She says she likes and trusts the people hired to their money, "but I check on them." Do you keep a careful eye on where your money goes?  Probably not as close as I should.
7) In 1991, when this song was popular, Dances with Wolves was a hit in the theaters. Have you seen it?  Yes

8) Also in 1991, Seinfeld was a big deal on the small screen. It's still popular in syndication on cable channels and on streaming services. Do you more often watch broadcast TV or streaming/on-demand channels? We watch streaming channels most of the time.

9) Random question: Have you ever gone a day without laughing? Probably, but I've never really thought about it.

That's it for today.  Thanks for visiting.


Friday, August 26, 2022

Friday Photos

 Here are a few photos from my phone taken during the past week.  The first several photos are of some murals painted on the side of buildings in the old downtown area of Franklin which is about 20-30 minutes from my house.  As far as I know, our town does not have any murals like these, but it was fun to photograph the ones nearby.  We have some other towns not too far from us that has some of these too.  I don't know who painted them, but the sure did a good job.

Love this one a lot.  Feels like I'm watching "Happy Days"

Here's the other half of the first one.

This is in a little park like area.

this is on a wall on the side of a little pizza place that I'm told has great pizza.  2 slices and
a soda for only $6.99.  
These next 3 are on the side of their VFW building.

I think this is pretty cool too.  Actually they have a bridge in this town
that looks pretty much like this, lions and all.

And these next 2 are of my new grand dog, Luca! We now have three aussie Grand dogs.  Both girls have them.

Thanks for visiting.



Thursday, August 25, 2022

Thankful Thursday


You can click here to link up with Thankful Thursday.

Today, I'm going to be thankful for one thing.  My husband.  Today is his 61st birthday (yes, I am 4 years older than him).  I am so blessed to have had him for another year and I pray there will be many more together.

Tracy is my husband, my best friend, my children's daddy, my grandson's grandfather and he's also my pastor.  He is the spiritual leader for our church and our home.  Tracy is one of the most patient person I have ever known.  He'd have to be to be able to live with me all these years.  

He's smart.  He was actually in college heading towards a career as a physicistHe loved and still loves all the science stuff and math.  He said he was sitting in a class and heard God asking what he was doing there and it wasn't long after that, that He knew God was calling him in a different direction, into the ministry in some way.  He started as a Minister of Music in his home church and then after we married he went to a different church and was Youth Minister and Music Minister.  Then about 26 years ago, he was called to the church we are at today as they Pastor.  

We met in the church where he was Music Minister and I joined his choir shortly after leaving my home church and starting to attend his.  About a year later we started dating and the rest is history.

He loves to travel (although, as we get older, we're not doing as much as we used to), he loves to tell stories and he's just a pretty awesome guy to be around.  He truly believes that God gave us 2 ears and 1 mouth and therefore, we should listen a lot more than talk and he really lives that.  

He loves me and that makes me love him even more.  Thank you Tracy for being my husband and thank you God for giving us to each other.

Here he is with him mom.  Junis thanks for raising
such a wonderful son and then giving him to me.

Thanks for visiting.


Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Wednesday Hodgepodge


Click above to link up

1. August 24th is National Waffle Day...what's something you've 'waffled' on recently? Getting some new furniture for the livingroom.  Most of our chairs are getting really old and need to be replaced.  Still waffling on what I want to replace them with.

2. Do you like waffles? Make your own or 'leggo my Eggo? Any favorite toppings or add-ins? Waffles or pancakes-which do you prefer? I do like waffles but seldom eat them.  When on vacation and staying at a hotel with free breakfast, I will make waffles there if they include a waffle maker.  Rarely, do I buy frozen waffles.  As for toppings, just a little butter and maple syrup. I definitely prefer waffles over pancakes.

3. Do you have any momentos from this summer (or past summers)? What do you do with them? Momentos from the beach would be sharks teeth and some shells but that's not from summer as we go in November.  Usually I consider the pictures I take as momentos. 
Sharks teeth from last November's trip to Myrtle Beach

4. One thing you'd like to do before summer ends? Just enjoy each day and whatever we may be doing.  

5. Life is too short to waste time worrying (something I need to work a little harder at). 

6. Insert your own random thought here. This girl took us to lunch on Saturday for both of our August birthdays.  It was so good to see her.
Not the greatest photo, but proof that we were actually in person together.

Thanks for visiting.


Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Tuesday 4

 House and Home

Hello and welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4  Click here if you'd like to link up.

Let's share our home secrets with one another.   Maybe you have  some ideas other ladies would love to hearY about.

1.   What household tool or appliance do you rely on a lot? washer & dryer & dishwasher

2.   Which laundry detergent, fabric softener, and dish detergent work best for you? I change around, but my favorites are Gain for detergent and fabric softener and Dawn Dish Soap

3.   What soap do you like to use? Whatever catches my fancy at the time of purchase.   Where do you have soap in your home... bathroom, kitchen, shower? Yes

4.   What is the secret to a clean home in your opinion? Do a little each day - kinda have a schedule, so you don't have to do it all at one time.

I have a phone appointment this afternoon with someone from social security so I can apply for Medicare.  If you think about it, I would appreciate a prayer that we'll get this all straightened out today.  Thank you.  UPDATE  Prayers worked. I got to talk to someone I could understand  and he was patient and kind.  And my application was approved. Now I just need to wait on the card.

Thanks for visiting.


Sunday, August 21, 2022

Sunday Stealing

Message from the host "Hi! I'm your host Bev Sykes of the blog "Funny the World". . Welcome to Sunday Stealing.  Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves!"  Stolen from Friday Fill-in.

Click here to link up.

1.   I am currently obsessed with reading on my new Kindle 

2.  Today I am happy because I've was at a good service this morning and I'm getting read to take my afternoon nap before the evening service.

3.  The age I am is 65 and the age I feel is 65  

4.  My favorite place anywhere that I'm with my husband.

5.  Something I have been procrastinating is painting and new flooring for the house.

6.  The last thing I purchased was groceries

7.  The thing I love most about my home is it's where my husband and I can unwind and do whatever we want.

8.  My most prized possession my husband.

9.  If I could be one age for the rest of my life, I would want to be I like the age I am right now because I just retired and I would never want to go back to work (even though I liked it fine, but I'm just so over that 45 years of my life.)

10.  My outlook on life optimistic

11.  If you want to annoy me, honk at me to turn right on a red light.  If I want to turn I will, if not I won't so leave me alone.

12.  I am completely defenseless when it comes to cute baby and animal videos

13. The bravest thing I’ve ever done was retire and man I am glad I did.

14. Something that keeps me awake at night is worry and a racing mind. 

15. My favorite meal in the entire world is prime rib, and a baked potato.

Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a great rest of your day.


Saturday, August 20, 2022

Saturday 9

Jack and Diane

From Sam Winters, "Welcome to Saturday 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!"     
I have never participated in this meme (as I typically don't post on the weekend) but I have read other's posts before.  Thought I'd try it out today.  Click here if you want to link up.  

Jack and Diane (1982)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) The video for this song features lots of snapshots. Do you have many physical photo albums? I do have several physical albums as I used to do a lot of scrapbooking when my girls were younger.  I also have some photos in boxes.  Or do you store your pictures digitally?  Most of the pictures I've taken in the past 10 years or so are digital and stored that way.
2) This song tells the story of "two American kids growing up in the heartland." Young Jack dreams of being a football star. When you were in high school, did you fantasize about stardom? Sure I did.    If yes, what were you going to be famous for?  My dream was to travel and sing Southern Gospel Music in a group.

3) Diane wears Bobbie Brooks slacks (at least briefly). Bobbie Brooks is a popular brand at Walmart. If you had a $50 gift card for Walmart, would you be more likely to use it toward groceries, clothes, household items, or electronics? I'd use it to purchase whatever we may need at that time.

4) They go to the Tasty Freeze. If you were to run out for fast food right now, where would you go?  Well, we're getting ready to go meet our daughter for lunch at Chili's soon.  She's in Ohio helping a friend for a few days and we're going to meet for lunch.  She wants to treat us for our birthdays which are both in August.

5) When John Mellencamp made this record, he was known professionally as "John Cougar," a stage name suggested by his manager. He has said that adopting a stage name is something he regrets. Looking over your life, if you could take a "do over," what one thing would you like to do differently?  I wouldn't change much of anything because I like our life the way it is.  But if I were to change, it would be to come to know Jesus personally, a lot sooner than I did.
6) Even though he suffered a heart attack, John Mellencamp continues to smoke, admitting that nicotine is something he simply can't kick. Do you have a habit you wish you could break? The way I eat.  I'm eating better most of the time now, but I really need to do a lot better.
7) John's daughter Teddi was one of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. She went on to join the cast of Big Brother. Do you watch any reality shows?  The only one I watch semi-regularly is "Survivor".

8) In 1982, when this song was popular, William Windsor was born. He's better known by his job title. Without looking it up, do you know who he is?  Prince William
9) Random question: What do you do when you can't sleep? Read my Kindle or look at my iPad.  

Thanks for visiting and thank you Sam Winters for letting me participate in this meme.


Friday, August 19, 2022

Friday Photos

 Sharing some photos from this week.  Some I took and some my daughter took.  Hope you enjoy!

Love the way these morning glories surround the mailbox post.

Morning Glories are my favorite flower. 
 I need to do this at my mailbox next year.

Beautiful sunset as we walked out of church Wednesday night.

A little different view.

Ready for Day 2

About to jump out of the truck

Well not running in today,
but still excited for school.

Hubby and I got lunch and sat in the car to enjoy the
beautiful day.  The skies were absolutely gorgeous.

Thanks for visiting today.


Thursday, August 18, 2022

Thankful Thursday


I am thankful for:

***my grandson and his excitement about starting school.
***his mommy, who always sends me pictures and keeps me updated on their life.  He started school Wednesday and here's a picture of him after he had jumped out of the truck and was running to get into the school.  lol
I'm not sure I was ever that excited to go to school.  lol

***I'm excited that we get to see our oldest daughter this weekend.  She is flying in to help her friend out.  The friend is scheduled for a c-section for her 3rd child and needed someone to stay with her other 2 kids.  I love that she has such a giving heart and is willing to help her friends out like this.  She said she is planning either Saturday or Sunday to take her daddy and I out for a birthday dinner for us both.  Can't wait to see her.

***Most of all I am thankful for Jesus and His never ending love and grace for me.

Thanks for visiting.


Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Wednesday Hodgepodge


1. August is National Back To School Month...how does that make you feel? Now that I'm not in school and neither are my kids, I really don't have a feeling about it.  Well, except my grandson is starting kindergarten tomorrow and he's so excited so that makes me happy.  He got to meet his teacher last night and see his classroom. He told me that mommy and he had to sleep 2 nights and then he'd be going to school.   Share a back-to-school memory. I was always scared to death on the first day of school.  From kindergarten to my senior year, it was some of the scariest moments for me.  

Ready to leave and meet the teacher

Walking in with his dad. 
That book bag is almost bigger than him.

At his locker and so happy!

2. Something you've learned in 'the school of life'?  
If you can't say something nice, then don't say anything. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

3. Three words to describe your current mood. 

4. A summer food you've eaten too much of/are tired of? I'm getting a little tired of corn on the cob, but still have some in the fridge to eat. A summer food you haven't had enough of? Tomatoes fresh from the garden.

5. What small stuff do you sweat that you know you shouldn't? Trying to select the Bible Study to do in our women's group.  But thank the Lord, I made the decision last week and I think it's going to be good.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Thanks for visiting today.  If you'd like to link up with your answers to these questions, just click on the button at the top of this post.


Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Tuesday 4


Dinner Out

Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4... Click here to link up.

Let's talk about restaurants and eating out, okay?

1 Do you like eating out with friends or would you rather have them over for a meal?  I prefer eating out so then there is no one tied up in the kitchen with cooking and cleaning up.  Everyone can just relax and enjoy.

2. Let's go out to eat. You pick.    Where are we going ? If you like Mexican, I would go to Chuy's, if Italian, Olive Garden.  But if you don't like Mexican or Italian,  I'd probably pick Texas Roadhouse or Red Robin.

3. What are you going to order tonight?  If Chuy's I'd probably get chicken or beef fajitas.  If Olive Garden, soup and ravioli.  A burger or fish and chips from Red Robin and a ribeye at Texas Roadhouse.

4.  Are you going to have dessert?  What will it be?  Typically, no dessert as I get too full on the meal.  

Thanks Annie for the fun questions again this week and thank you to all who visit.  I hope you all have a great day.


Monday, August 15, 2022

Bits of This and That

 Hubby and I enjoyed a quiet weekend again.  On Friday we picked up his mom and went to lunch and visited for awhile.  We went to McAlister's.  All three of us got different sandwiches and soups.  It was a very good lunch and the conversations were even better.

On Saturday I got up for an early morning walk and again there was a beautiful sunrise.  Later we grabbed lunch at Chili's and I ran into Walmart to get some things and then home.

The moon was still out too.

I love this picture with the church steeple in it.

Sunday we were at church for morning and evening services and we both had a nap in between. Below is Sunday's sermon from YouTube, if you're interested.

All throughout the weekend, if we had some quiet time, I was reading.  I read two books and am over halfway through a 3rd book (grant it, they are not long books, but I sure enjoyed each one.).  I am so enjoying my Kindle and these books my sister loaned to me from her Kindle library.  

Well that was our weekend. I hope you'll share something from your weekend with me. Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a great day.
