If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Currently - July 2023

Today it's time for the July Currently Post.   You can link up with Jennifer here, as she is the hostess.  In July for Currently, we are talking about what we're currently loving, savoring, celebrating, remembering, and trying. 

Currently I am:

Loving: The days when I take an early morning walk.  Here are some things I saw on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings.

I think this is such a pretty tree and landscape.

Pretty woodpecker on a utility pole
Cute bunny out for breakfast!

If you look closely, you can see there is a bee inside

You can see him here too.

The moon was still out this morning.

Here's a wider angle

Savoring:   Every minute with my hubby.  I'll be flying out and leaving him alone when I go to Texas for the wedding.  I do not like to go anywhere without him, but this is where life is right now.  We'll both be fine, we're already discussing making sure we can Face Time while I'm gone.  People may think we're crazy, but we really like to be together most all the time.

Here we are last November
 in Myrtle Beach
Celebrating:  Independence Day with just hubby and me and we're okay with that. I feel so blessed to live in this country.  Even with all the problems we have, I love America!

Remembering:  I just ran across this picture of Dad and me on my wedding day.  We are out in the narthex of the church waiting for our turn to enter.  I think I had asked him if he was nervous and he said no, which helped me to calm down.  He told me later he was fine until they opened the church doors and he saw everyone standing and looking at us.  By then, he was the nervous one and I was all calm.  lol   I love and miss my dad and mom.

Trying:  I'm trying to stay calm and not get all nervous about flying later this month.  

That's it for today.  Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a great day.



  1. We have been seeing lots and lots of bunnies everywhere on our hikes and out driving. I don't know if our cooler than usual summer or what but they are all over the place this year.

    Wishing you a very uneventful plane ride! I'm not afraid of flying but I don't always enjoy the hassle of plane travel either.

    1. I've seen quite a few bunnies too, but many, many more squirrels.

  2. I know you'll miss each other while you're away, but I'm excited for you to go! I look forward to reading about it. Those flowers from your walks each morning are beautiful! I always feel the Lord so close by when I look around at His creation. I never want to take it for granted that He gave us such a beautiful place to live and enjoy life. He is so good to us! I love that picture of you and your dad! What a treasure. I hope you have a wonderful day, my friend!

  3. The views of the moon lately have been spectacular! I love seeing the little things in creation that are beautiful that we sometimes miss, so glad you captured some of these on your walk. Flying can be stressful, but also enjoyable. We will pray for calmness for you, even when it seems stressful.

  4. What a beautiful bride you were! I so admire (and envy) how the two of you enjoy one another's company. I'm sure not a fan of air travel, but just remember who's really in control. He's got this!

    1. You are so right and I know I will be talking to Him that day for sure!

  5. So much nature on your walks! I love it. What part of Texas are you coming to? Be prepared for the heat! lol! It's been in the triple digits here for a while. Praying for a safe flight!

    1. Thank you for the prayers. Flying into Houston and the wedding is on the beach in Gilchrist. I'm doing my best to have clothing that will help me bear the heat and definitely I'll be drinking lots of water!

  6. What a lovely photo of you and your dad on your wedding day! You were a beautiful bride!! I enjoyed your post!! You will be just fine flying to Texas for your daughter's wedding!! xo

    1. Thank you so much Terri. I know God's got me in His hands and that nothing will happen unless He allows it.

  7. I joined the Currently today too. What a special wedding picture. I flew to Texas this past May and last May and July. I am flying to Oregon in August. I take my travel Bible with me and some journaling supplies. It helps me stay calm. I like the pictures you took on your walk. I am in the city and miss a lot of things. Enjoy the rest of your week!

    1. Thank you Susan and that's a good idea to take along with me. Hope you have a great day and I enjoyed reading your Currently post.

  8. I love what you saw on your walk. The tree is so pretty. Have a safe flight and the best of times. Love the pictures of you and your dad.

  9. You got some great photos on your walk - especially the woodpecker! And the tree looks almost like a bonsai, except that it's not miniature. I agree with you about loving this country. Despite all the problems and the things that we might wish were different, I really don't think I'd want to live in any other country.

    1. I would not want to live anywhere else either,.

  10. What beautiful morning walks! I should try that more often....and take a camera with me! I'm not exactly afraid of flying but I do not enjoy it. I don't look forward to the security at the airport or the cramped spaces - but, I will admit that it is convenient. I don't like long car rides either!? Have a wonderful trip!!

  11. I love the story behind that wedding photo. And we are currently at my parents' house and they are letting a beekeeper keep his hives on their yard and we hear the bees buzzing around the flowers all the time. I love it!


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
