If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Currently - January 2023

Loving - This bracelet from MudLOVE in the picture below that I bought while we were Myrtle Beach.  I love wearing it almost every day to keep reminding myself to choose joy.  I ordered 2 more today that says hope and the others says loved.  Each bracelet pays for 1 week of clean water though the group Water for Good.

And I also am still loving my coloring/journaling Bible too.

Resolving - I'm resolving to read the 4 gospels in January along with Annie F. Downs. 3 chapters a day is supposed to cover all 4 gospels.

Organizing - I just ordered a new desk for my church office and then I'll use the current folding table I'm using to hold some storage bins so I can get things more organized there.  Right now I have things stacked all over and then I have to move stuff to get to other stuff.  I'm really hoping this will help.  My next step is to organize the guest room/craft room in the house.

Anticipating - the desk I talked about above.  I love getting new things that help make life a little easier and nice.

Eating - Hubby and I both are trying to cut out some of the carbs we've been eating over the holidays.  I lost 15 lbs. before the holidays and I'm mostly maintaining.  But it's time to get back to business, walking, eating better and just taking better care of myself.

You can link up here for January's Currently if you'd like.

Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a good day.



  1. That desk is super cute!!!!!
    I have so many MudLove bracelets & now I wonder where they all are!!!!

  2. I love that new desk. Do let us know if you like it as much in person. The desk in my office was my dad's so I keep it for that reason....but it really is wobbly (and not exactly my style). A new desk (one day) would be really nice!:)

    1. I'll try to let you know. I get it next week.

  3. MudLove sounds like a super initiative! I get the 'organization bug' only a few times each year, but when it happens ... look out! Afterwards it feels so good.

  4. I love your bracelet, what it does for people who need clean water, and the message it reminds you of! I'm doing a Bible study this semester that is called Joy in the Upper Room by Pam Gillespie. It's on the books of John 13-17. It'll take us right up to Resurrection Sunday. I'm excited to start! Thanks for linking up today!

  5. I love your bracelet and also love that it supports such a worthy cause. I must look into that. And your desk looks really nice. Anything to help keep things organized is such a help! Yeah, I gotta cut the carbs/sweets/etc. that I don't usually eat, but the holidays always do me in. I am really feeling it. Hope to get back into a healthier routine soon. Our Ladies' Bible study starts back next Monday, but I will be away so will have to wait another week. We will be studying The Acts of the Apostles. I am looking forward to it, and also to just getting back together again after taking a break over the holidays. Yes, routine is good. Happy New Year!

    1. Our group doesn't get back together until March. I'm thinking we're going to do Amos by Jennifer Rothschild.

  6. My son has a desk nearly identical to that one in his room and I just love it. Those bracelets are so cute and I love that they support such a great organization/cause.

  7. I love that desk! A blog friend gave me a MudLove bracelet and I need to wear it more. I can't even remember what mine says :(

  8. The bracelet is lovely. Glad you ordered more. Your new desk looks great. Yes, we are cutting back on carbs too!


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
