If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Monday, January 2, 2023

Bits of This and That

I love starting the year with new calendars.  

The new wall calendar for my office. 
I love Thomas Kincaide

My new spiral bound calendar/journal

Hubby and I had a nice weekend.  We went to Red Lobster for lunch on Saturday (New Years Eve Day) and then ran to the grocery and came home for the evening.  We watched TV, read some and did 4 loads of laundry.  But at least we went into the new year with laundry all caught up.  lol

On Sunday we went to church and had a good service.  Hubby started a new series called Unexpected Grace and it's on the book of Ruth.  I have so been looking forward to this series as I love the book of Ruth.  Below is a pre-recorded video of that sermon.

After church we stopped and picked up some KFC and enjoyed that and then we both took a nap.  When I woke up I decided to take the dog out for a walk, as we both need to get back to that exercise.  We only walked about 20 minutes, but I'm pleased with that because at least we started.

You can just barely see Lucy in this picture.
I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't sleep, so I finished the book I started a week ago (Alone in the Wilderness) and then started a new one from the Library called Becoming Mrs. Lewis.  I got this on the recommendation of Jennifer from Overflowing with Thankfulness.

So happy New Year to everyone and I hope you have a great day.



  1. I wasn't so sure at first but wound up loving our study on the Book of Ruth. I seriously need to quit making excuses and start walking again. Have a blessed day and keep warm!

    1. I know the feeling. I did it yesterday, but the proof will be if I continue doing it at least 4 times a week. Time will tell! lol

  2. Jennifer intrigued me with that book as well - but I haven't picked it up yet. Let me know if you like it just as much as she did. Hooray for getting back to walks. I know Lucy likes it too! And we just put up our new calendar this morning. A little slow but we got to it!:)

    1. I'll try to remember to let you know. Hope you have a great day.

  3. I like your calendar and I like his work. I buy Suzy's Zoo each year and I just finished filling in all the birthday's on my 2023 calendars yesterday. Sounds like you had a nice day and it is always nice to get caught up on laundry. Glad you went for the walk too. I indeed need to get back on my treadmill each day!

  4. Oh, that's a beautiful picture on the calendar. I love church pictures! So good to get out and walk. I need to. It was a pretty day today, but I needed to start taking down the tree, etc. before we take our trip this weekend. So I opted to stay home and hubby went for a walk. Maybe tomorrow. My tummy tells me I need to walk more. LOL. The book sounds interesting. I need to get back to reading again. I hope you have a great week! Oh, I love the book of Ruth...one of my favorite stories in the Bible!!

    1. Ruth is one of my favorite too. I like Esther a lot too.

  5. I wish I could be a napper. If I fall asleep in the middle of the day I won't be able to sleep come bedtime. The exception is if I am sick but that's a given, I guess. Happy new year Cathy!! xo

    1. Sometimes it hinders me too, but I still love to nap when I can.

  6. I like that calendar and I need to buy one. I want to re read the Left Behind series. Enjoy your reading time. I need to get back to my planner.

    1. I'm hoping I'll do better on doing my planner this year.

  7. I always enjoy a pretty calendar and I think your Thomas Kincaid will certainly be enjoyable! I did find Lucy, only because I followed the leash, if not for that I don't think I would have seen her. It's always nice to have all the laundry done sad thing is, it doesn't last long. :) Happy New Year.

    1. You got that right. It's like that with the dishes too.

  8. First, I like what you did with your blog! It looks pretty and I love buffalo plaid! I also love to start a fresh calendar and planner. I no longer use a planner, but I bought a lighthouse calendar for 2023 on Amazon. I love lighthouses- and I see such a spiritual picture in them. (John 8:12- Jesus being the LIGHT of the world...also, how His light guides me along the right path...)

    I love the book of Ruth and will have to listen to this sermon. Thanks for sharing!


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
