If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Monday, June 19, 2023

Bits of This and That


Good morning on this Monday!

The dog woke up early and was ready to go out, so out we went.  I did not sleep much last night as I drank a Diet Coke with my late supper and the caffeine kept me awake.  I know better than to do do that, but I did it anyway and will be paying for it today.  lol  Anyway, it was cloudy and cool, but the next time we went out, we found out that it's raining.  And I am so thankful for the rain.  Our yard needs it big time and it will save me from having to water the flowers today, which is a wonderful thing.

We've had another quiet weekend.  We watched a couple of Hallmark Mystery movies which is always fun.  We went to lunch on Saturday with my mother-in-law and we didn't do much else.  Except for some cleaning and laundry and sorting trying to get some more stuff out of the house.  I just scheduled a pick-up for next Monday morning.  If I don't do this, I'll never get rid of the stuff I want to get rid of.  I'm such a procrastinator.  lol

I also did some crocheting and reading.  I'm still working on the baby blanket and I've got several books from Libby that I'm reading.  The one I'm reading most is called Spice Box by Grace Livingston Hill.  I believe it was written in 1943.  When I was younger, I read a lot of books by this author.  My sister actually collected them and my grandma loved them too.  I don't know if this is one I read or not, but I'm enjoying it now.  

Hubby started a new series this week and I've posted the pre-recorded message below for anyone who may want to listen.

So what did you do this weekend? Do tell, I would love to know.  Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a great week.



  1. The weekend sounds like a good mix of relaxing and productivity! If I can get and stay motivated, I am trying to sort and clean stuff out of the house as well. Then I just need to stay off Amazon to not get more things I don't need!

  2. What a nice weekend! I have heard of Grace Livingston Hill. My mom-in-love has read a lot of her books. I know you're glad for that rain- we've had a lot recently, and we needed it desperately! I'm always thankful when the Lord does the watering and not us....I'm sure there's a spiritual picture in that statement if I were to really dig into that. 😉

    1. I'm enjoying the one I'm reading. It's a little old fashioned, but still very good.

  3. Sounds like it was a good weekend. So glad you got some much needed rain. Hope you have a great week. Take care.

    1. Thanks Debby. I hope all is well with you and that your hubby is recovering well.

  4. You need to visit my blog for what I did this weekend!! LOL Glad you had a good one. We are enjoying the rain here, too!! Have a blessed week!!

    1. I did visit and it sounded like a perfectly wonderful weekend for you too.

  5. Nice weekend!
    I used to love reading my grandmother's Grace Livingston Hill's books. Only one remained. I sold it to a collector a few years ago, together with a personal letter where the author replied to a letter my grandmother had written her.

    1. Oh wow! Your grandmother must have loved that she sent her a letter. Hope you're having a good week.


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
