If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Monday, July 10, 2023

Bits of This and That


Good Afternoon:

I'm running a little behind today.  My sister texted me last night and let me know that one of our favorite shops (The Christmas Tree Store) is closing down and everything is on sale.  Well, guess where we went this morning.  We each bought a couple of things, but really not too much.  Then we left there and went to Hobby Lobby because she needed a skein of yarn for the project she is working on.  They had tons of stuff on sell too.  We both bought several things there too.  Then we headed home and I picked up lunch for hubby and I and now I'm doing this blog post.  We really did have a fun morning.

Hubby got sick Thursday night, so we stayed home Friday and Saturday.  Rarely do we ever have 2 days in a row where we stay home.  He was feeling better on Sunday and we went to church and he preached (the pre-recorded sermon is below.).  We had good services and then picked up lunch and took a nap after and then back to church.  Sometime that morning, I did something to my knee and I'm hobbling around now (but from the paragraph above) you can tell I didn't let it stop me from going shopping.  Hubby's feeling better today, but still not 100%, but he's getting there.  Oh and on Saturday, I finished reading the book, Sisterchicks on the Loose by Robin Jones Gunn.  Very good.

Sunday Morning Sermon:  Mission Church:  A Place to Serve.  This is message #4 in this Series.

Thanks for visiting and I hope you had a great weekend.



  1. Sounds like some fun shopping! The Christmas Tree Store is closing?!? That is disappointing...but I'm sure there were bargains to be found! Glad you and your hubby are feeling better. Hope your knee continues to do well (you never know what opportunities are waiting each day)!!:)

    1. I was fun shopping. I hate that it's closing too. But we did get a couple of good bargains. My knee is better this morning. By the end of yesterday it was very painful to walk and put weight on it but it is definitely much better today,

  2. I am sorry your hubby was sick...our Pastor was also sick this weekend, with a tummy virus, so my hubby ended up preaching for him as he really wasn't able to come to church. I know how difficult it is to be a Pastor and not feel well and not have anyone to call on at the last minute to cover for you. Praying your hubby is feeling much better soon, and that you don't get it too! Sounds like you did some fun shopping with your sister. Is the Christmas Tree store closing everywhere, or just the one by you? I know they have them in Maine where my grandson lives. Just wondering if the whole place is closing. I don't get out much and do much shopping anymore. Everything is too far away from where we live, so if I need something I order it online. That helps me not shop more than I can afford to. LOL. Hope you have a good rest of your week and that your knee is better also.

    1. Hi Pam. I don't know if other stores are closing or not. This is the only one I'm aware of.

  3. Gosh, I hope you and Tracy are feeling lots better today! Don't overdo your knee, okay? I checked out the "Sisterchicks" summary and it sounds really entertaining ... I'm adding it to my wish list.

    1. There is a whole series of them and I read them back in the day as they were being written. I can't remember the storyline of all of them, but I sure enjoyed reading this one and probably try to get the others to read sometime too. Currently, I'm reading another book by Gunn called Finding Father Christmas and it's a series too. So far it's pretty good.

  4. I sure hope your knee is feeling better today! Knee pain is no fun. Shopping sales is always fun!! Have a good week!! xo

    1. My knee feels better right now. We'll see how it goes as the day goes on.

  5. I'm glad your hubby is feeling better! You take care of your knee! I'm glad you didn't let any of this stop you. It sounds like you and your sister had a fun morning! I love doing things with my sisters- what a gift they are! Was that your first Sisterchicks book?! Those are my favorite! Keep going and read them all, they're all incredible!

    1. No, I read them all when they first came out. Somebody mentioned reading one and I decided to read one again, Plan on reading others too,

  6. Oh no! Is it just your Christmas Tree Store that is closing or all of them? I've only been a few times and the nearest is a bit of a trip, but I love it! I'm hobbling a bit with bum knees right now, too. No fun. I hope yours heel up quickly.

    1. I don't know. I really didn't know this was a chain store. My knee is doing better - hubby ordered a knee wrap for me and I'm using it today to hopefully strengthen it some again. I did walk a little over a half mile with the dog this morning, but took it very slowly. Hope your knees will heal up quickly.

  7. I hope your hubs is on the mend, and your knee too. Take care!


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
