If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Wednesday Hodgepodge - Simple Life


1. Is your life simple? Elaborate. 
I think it's pretty simple since I retired.  Hubby's still working and in the church office 3-4 days a week, not counting Sunday.  And most of those days, I'm there with him.  His office is in the back of the church and mine is in the front.  We both do our thing, but we are still "together", in that I can just holler across the church and he can hear me.  I love any and all time I can get with him.  I seem to say that a lot here on this blog, but it's the truth.  We really enjoy being together.

2. What simple pleasure are you are currently enjoying? 
Reading (just finished a book this morning), crocheting, walking with the dog early mornings and blogging.

Saw this hot air balloon while out this morning.

3. Travel by plane or go on a cruise? "I'd prefer driving.  But I'll be flying 2 weeks from tomorrow and that's okay.  As for a cruise, I loved the ones I went on back in the day, but if I were to cruise now, I want to see Alaska. walk or ride a bike? Walk swim or ski? Swim  ocean or mountains? Depends on the time of year...if spring or summer, then the mountains and fall or winter, the ocean.

4. What's the last thing you bought online that you really loved? Some summer tops that I am very happy with...and of course, the several Kindle books I've purchased this year.

5. What’s your 'back in my day we__________' story? Back in the day when I was a kid, life really was simple, but I didn't really know that then, it was just life.  We played and did chores and really had no worries, because mom and dad took care of everything.  

6. Insert your own random thought here. 
And this is exactly how it works with Lucy and me!

Thanks for visiting and if you'd like to link up with the Hodgepodge, you can do that right here.



  1. That does sound like a wonderful work environment! It's true, we really didn't grow up analyzing everything just enjoying what we had! Enjoyed reading your answers. Hope the rest of your week goes well.

  2. We are also traveling by plane in about two weeks and I hate flying! It's only 2 hours though.

  3. I'm with you ... an Alaskan cruise is the one that interests me. Possibly a riverboat cruise someday ... we will see.

  4. It's wonderful how much time you spend together. Your simple pleasures are very nice. Glad you like your new tops. True, we didn't know how simple life was back when we were kids.

  5. I, too, miss those days of innocence ... feeling safe. When my father passed it came as such a surprise b/c I thought he was bullet-proof. Love your cartoon so much; that's totally the way our Grace Evelyn plays her daddy.

  6. That cartoon reminds me of the setter we used to have. If I sat in 'her chair' she'd often run to the door like she needed out, then when I'd get up she'd hop in the seat. I struggle with motion sickness so a cruise has never interested me. Enjoy time with your hubs, a gift in this season of life.

  7. We're flying in about 2 weeks too! Going to Iowa for a family reunion. I love that you work down the hall from your husband. (Not sure I could work with mine every day. I love him, we just have different work ethics.) :) I've never been interested in cruising. I know a lot of people who love it though. Our favorite way to travel is driving. Enjoy the rest of your week.

  8. Another fun Hodgepodge! I feel blessed by my simple life. God is so good!! Happy hump day!

  9. Your work situation sounds pretty sweet! Simple and efficient! Visiting Alaska is also on my wish list, and I'm pretty sure that will be the cruise we take when we finally go! Have a great week!

  10. That cartoon was hilarious. LIked the rest of your answers. Have fun on your cruise


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
