If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Tuesday - Rainy Days and Mondays


Rainy Days and Mondays

Annie says "Welcome to  Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where we ask just 4 questions each week to get you blogging and thinking and meeting other bloggers!"

Rainy Days and Mondays was a song about being down but, not everyone is down on a Monday or a rainy day.

1. Do Mondays get you down or did they ever? Not since I retired.  How about a rainy day? As long as I have nothing planned that will be ruined by rain, I'm fine with it.  What makes it better?  Just going with the flow.

2. How do you like to spend rainy days? At home maybe reading and or watching TV with hubby.

3.Do you like to take a walk in the rain? Not really.

4.What is your weather like this summer so far? Hot and muggy. What would make it better or worse?  Less humidity. What is your ideal summer weather? 70-80 degrees with sunshine, blue skies and big white clouds.

Thanks for visiting today.  You can link up with Tuesday 4 right here.



  1. Enjoyed reading your answers. Enjoy the rest of your week.

  2. I think we all would love the ideal summer weather you described! No humidity would be a plus! We dream about finding a summer vacation cabin in the mountains or some place where the temperatures are like that in summer, but we can barely afford one home, let alone two! LOL. And yes, aren't Mondays great since you retired? Especially the day after a busy Sunday...to not have to get up early and go anywhere is wonderful! Hope your week is wonderful and blessed.

  3. Ooh I love temps in the 70's, I could live with that. But we have the heat and rain in the evenings. So I won't complain. I use to dislike Mondays and now with me being home and my husband still working SONdays evenings are sad because I know he will have to start his work week. Have a wonderful new month and new week too.

  4. Good answers, I like the cooler weather and even love the snow but only while being indoors. Have a great Tiesday!

  5. I'm right there with you on reading or watching TV together.
    Being retired puts a whole new spin on Mondays, doesn't it?!

  6. I agree with Myra, being retired certainly makes Monday's different. Blue skies and white clouds, yep I can do that ~ just lower this HEAT.

  7. Yup, humidity makes weather so much worse! Being retired makes like very different for sure. I used to dread going back to work on Monday and not being able to just stay at home.

  8. My retirement didn't change much, but when Mr. J retired it did. Instead of going on sick leave he retired, without discussing it. He was not able to travel anymore. So from one day to another he was at home, telling me what to do!!!
    Even though I am older than he is and above retirement age I would love to work outside the house.

    I hope your weather will bring some very beautiful days this month.

    Retirement can make mondays very different, indeed.

  9. I am still working, so Monday is hard, but when I am off, I don't mind Monday at all. I don't mind the rain either when I am off. Loved your answers! Have a nice week.


  10. Our answers were very similar!! Blessings!!

  11. Nice answers. I agree...I don't mind the rain if it doesn't interfere with plans.


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
