If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Wednesday Hodgepodge


1. Did you watch any coverage of the 9/11 services on Monday? How do you feel on this day some 22 years after the events occurred? Share more if you want to share more. No, I didn't watch.  I hope we will never be attacked like that again.

2. September 13th is National Peanut Day...do you like peanuts? Your favorite dish that contains peanuts? Yes, I like Peanuts.  I'm not sure I eat them in a particular dish.  I just like to eat them plain and also in candy bars such as Snickers.

3. Something you're currently 'nuts' about? My youngest daughter.  She turns 29 today.  
Happy Birthday!

4. Your favorite Peanuts character? There are several quizzes online if you're curious...I took two and got the same character for both so I'm sure it's accurate lol. (Click here for the link) 
Linus is probably my favorite.  I took the quiz and it said I was Charlie Brown.  Sounded fairly accurate.  

5. Tell us about a job you worked 'for peanuts'? The job I ended up retiring from.  When I started minimum wage was $2.50 and I probably didn't make much more than that.  That didn't really bother me too much because I was only 19 and still lived at home.  But eventually times changed and I ended up doing okay.

6. Insert your own random thought here. We started a new Bible Study last night called "When You Pray."  One of the quotes from Jennifer Rothschild really stuck with me.  She said, "Prayer is not a performance, it is a conversation with God."  I think it's so important that we know this.  He's not ticking off a box for all the things we say being just perfect, He is more interested in us being in tune with Him and being authentic and just talking with Him about our worries and cares and praising Him for all He is.

Happy Blogoversary to me!  On this day in 2008, I wrote and posted my first blog post.  Who would've dreamed I'd still be here 15 years later!  I'm so glad I answered the challenge put out by my co-worker.  So how long have you been here in this blogging universe?  Inquiring minds want to know!

Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a wonderful day!



  1. Happy Birthday to your daughter --AND blogoversery to 'Tales'! I had to go check, but yes. My first blog post happened in 2008 -- July 31. I'd no idea what I was doing, but it's changed my life!
    Great quote from Jennifer. I've begun following her on FB and always look forward to her daily nuggets.

    1. She's pretty amazing...I follow her on Instagram.

  2. Your daughter is so lovely. Happy Birthday to her! and Congratulations on your blogoversary! My first post was on February 24, 2010. So I am a little behind you. I had never heard of blogging until I attended a Christian Writer's conference in hopes of publishing a book. I came away from that very discouraged about trying to publish a book, but I visited a class on blogging and thought that was probably a better idea for me! And so here we are 13 years later! I still haven't published a book but my blog could be several books! LOL. Love the quote about prayer. Very true, indeed. It's not how you pray it or even what you pray, but more what the thoughts of your heart truly are in the depths of that prayer. No fancy words needed. God's Holy Spirit does the interpretation for God. So thankful. Great post. Thank you!

  3. Happy Blogaversary! I started mine in January of 2009 so was not far behind you. And happy birthday to your daughter. Her wedding gown is beautiful!

  4. Have you seen the musical Come From Away? It's about a small town in Canada that had 38 planes land there when they were all grounded. We got to see it on Broadway the week of the 20th anniversary of 9/11. We watched that on Sunday afternoon. The stories and photos still make me weep.
    Peanuts! Snoopy is Chuck's favorite character of all time. So I'd have to say Snoopy too. :)
    I've been blogging since 2009. Time sure flies! Happy Blogiversary!

  5. Happy Birthday to youngest daughter, she is very pretty! AND, Happy Blogversary to you, I'm a year behind you, I started in 2009. I enjoyed your answer to #6. Sometimes I think there's too much 'performing' in our churches today and not enough sincere, from the heart prayers and preaching. Sometimes I feel like it's all an act, more so in the large churches. I hope I'm not being too cynical, it's just an observance. Sounds like a great study, hope you share more with us as it goes on. ☺♥

  6. That is a great photo of your daughter! Beautiful. Happy birthday! I've been blogging since 2007. Blogger is my third platform though. I started on Yahoo360, then moved to Multiply, before landing on Blogspot. I enjoyed your Hodgepodge!! xo

  7. Happy Blogoversary and Happy Birthday to your daughter, she looks beautiful! I've been blogging since 2008 (first at Chez Nous, then at When Good People Get Together, and now at The Lady of the House Speaking). I've taken a couple of breaks when life got in the way and something had to go but I'm happy to be blogging again.

  8. Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter, and Happy Blogoversary to you!! I started blogging sometime in 2006, I believe. At least that's the oldest copyright year I list on my oldest blog! I started a homeschool blog when several fellow homeschoolers I knew in an online bulletin board (remember those? LOL) started blogs and never expected it to become such a huge part of my life!

  9. Happy Birthday to your daughter. Hope you love your new Bible Study. Congratulations on your blog anniversary. I enjoyed reading your answers.

  10. Hi Cathy, Happy Blogoversary! I started this blog in 2009 as a meme that was linked from my main site. I started blogging there in 2002 but started my webhome in 1999 through Yahoo Geocities. I still have my website. It is hard to let go when there is so much there. I have over 300 pages. One page is my Reading Room. There is a picture of me with Jennifer Rothschild. http://www.garden4mylord.com/Library.html
    Your daughter is so pretty! When I think of the Peanuts characters, I think of their Christmas program that reached so many. Sad that they don't show it on regular TV anymore.

  11. I started my blog in 2008 too! It sure has been fun getting to know people around the world! I'm glad to have 'met' you recently and enjoy your posts! Happy weekend!


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
