If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Saturday, April 27, 2024

Share 4 Somethings - April


Good morning!

I'm linking up with the April edition of Share 4 Somethings. We'll be talking about things we've loved or disliked, accomplished, improved upon or something that needs improvement, and noticed. 

*Loved - I've finally started using my air fryer some and I have to say, I'm starting to kind of like it. We'll see if in time I can say that I actually love it.

*Accomplished - I've finally got my reading mojo back. I've read 6 books this month, which is quite a lot for me. I've really been enjoying it too. You can check what I've been reading in my sidebar if you'd like or go to my Goodreads account.

*Needs Improvement - It's time to go through my closet and put the winter clothes away and bring out the summer ones. I also need to get rid of the clothes I haven't worn in a couple of years. I do not enjoy this task, but I do love a freshly purged closet.

*Noticed - I took Lucy out for a walk this morning and saw a beautiful hawk hanging around. I don't think he liked me taking his picture. He flew away right after taking this. Not the best picture, but the best I could get at the time.

Well that's it for April. You can link up here if you'd like.  Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a great weekend.



  1. I really need to finished cleaning out/transitioning my closet too. I started moving out winter things for spring and then our weather turned cold again so I stopped but now I really to get on it again and finish moving everything for spring and summer and warm weather out where I can see and remember what I have. I hate that job but then I love how organized it all looks in the end.

  2. I've been closet diving myself this week. Amazed at all the 'stuff' we hauled from Arizona.

    I love the looks of your air fryer -- so compact! Ours is big and bulky -- there's no room in the cabinets and it and takes up so much space on the countertop (that) I've moved it to another room where it's largely forgotten.

    1. Yes, they do take up a lot of counter space and I was thinking of getting rid of it. But then I decided to try again and I'm liking it better.

  3. I tried to comment earlier- don´t know if it got lost or what... but I commented on your air fryer. I think you will like yours a lot. It´s great to not have to heat up the oven for something small. I hope your weekend is going well!

    1. I don't know why but sometimes Blogger throws it into spam and even my own gets thrown there. I have no idea why.

  4. I love my air fryer!! Keep using yours! It is time for me to clean out the closet too. I don't have winter and summer clothing like my northern friends, but I do switch out long sleeves and a few sweaters. Purging is also on my list of to-do projects. Happy weekend!

  5. Love that photo of the hawk:) And love my airfryer too! Use it almost every day...would love to know what you are making most often in yours??

    1. I've been making fish and tater tots most so far. I've also done chicken breasts.

  6. Want to come clean out my closet? That's one of my least favorite tasks. But Salvation Army likes it when I do because I am always donating to them. I wish I could get back into reading. I've hit a slump where that is concerned. Maybe when my life calms down a bit.

  7. I don't have an air fryer. Not sure if I would use it if I did. It just seems like something else to be cleaned. LOL. Cleaning closets...yes, I need to do that. Mine are overflowing with things that I no longer wear, but I keep thinking I will, so they stay there until next year and I wonder why I still have them...time to purge! I've been reading a lot more lately too. Nothing significant...mostly easy reading, whatever I can find at the library that looks good. I'm currently out of books so a trip to the library is due next week. Hope you have a lovely weekend!

  8. Hi Cathy, I am in the process of changing out clothes too. I also need to get rid of some things. I have been reading a lot too. Thankfully I finally got my new glasses. Enjoy your air fryer. We have one too, but our grands use it more than we do. Enjoy your Sunday!

  9. Glad you are liking your air fryer. Way to go on reading six books. It's never fun cleaning out the closet. Love the photo of the hawk. Have a great week ahead.

  10. Yay for getting your reading mojo back! It is so hard getting out of a reading funk. I hope you have a great week! https://encounterswiththedavisfamily.blogspot.com/

  11. Hey Cathy, you sound like me. I was in a reading funk for all of 2023 and I'm usually a book nerd by nature. Lol. But I got my mojo back in January. I've read 15 books so far.
    Visiting today from Share 4 Somethings.
    Have a great May.


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
