If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Monday, March 7, 2022

Bits of This and That #2

It's Sunday night around 10:00pm and I am sitting with hubby watching TV.  We're binging the show Castle.  We've been watching this for awhile now.  It's been a beautiful day and is currently 55 degrees.  We've had several days of beautiful weather.  Thursday, we stayed home all day and cooked some (it seems like I spent the day cleaning up in the kitchen) but we did enjoy being home.  I read some, worked on a jigsaw puzzle and did another on Saturday.  

Friday we got up early and went to breakfast and then met my sister and her husband to go to an estate sale.  I bought 11 skeins of yarn for a $1.00 each.  It was so fun checking all the crafts and stuff they had for sale.  But I only let myself buy just the 11.

Saturday we went to Kentucky to the Cincinnati Airport viewing area and watched planes landing and taking off.  It was such a beautiful day and there were so many families there with their kids playing in the little park and watching the planes.  Such a good time.  Then we drove back to Ohio along the Ohio River and then back home.

Today we had 2 really good services.  The morning sermon was from John 8 was out the woman caught in adultery and she was brought before Jesus by the religious leaders to see what he would do.  It was such a good sermon. He titled it “Where misery meets mercy.”  Isn't that just like Jesus?  When we are in misery and we come before Jesus, He gives mercy.  I'm so thankful for mercy.  I need it so often and I hope I give it to others, as Jesus gives it to me.  Below is the sermon, if you'd like to have a listen.

I've walked about a mile each afternoon for the past 5 days and I'm so glad to finally have gotten myself starting on this again.  I hope to get healthier and this is my first step towards that.  Below are a few pictures from some of the days I walked.

Well that's about all I have for today.  Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a really good day.



  1. Sounds like all is well in your world! :)

  2. I love the title of that message..."Where Misery meets Mercy"...yes, that is the story of our lives no matter how far in sin we had fallen...without Christ we are in misery, and His mercy is what has given us hope and salvation. Great message! I love the puzzles you are doing! You are very committed to doing them. My neck and shoulders and back would be crying for mercy!! LOL. Looks like you are having some lovely sunny days for walking! I don't see any snow on the ground! Sounds like you are enjoying your retirement, which is wonderful!! Have a blessed week.

  3. Oh, I miss me a good estate sale! It's high time to slap on my mask and just do it! More so, I need to take a page from you and start walking again.

  4. You know my ears perked up when you said you came to Kentucky! LOL


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
