If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Wednesday Hodgepodge


1. Somehow it's March? Is it coming in like a lion where you live? Tell us one fun thing on your March calendar. March is starting like a lamb, at least the first 2 days are.  Reaching the 60's both days with sunshine and blue skies.  Our Women's Spring Bible Study starts in 2 weeks.

2. In what way(s) do you 'march to the beat of your own drum'? Can't really think of anything right at the moment.

3. The Hodgepodge lands on Dr. Seuss Day (March 2nd). Do you like eggs? How about ham? Share a favorite quote from one of his books. Yes, I like eggs and ham both.  I just sent my grandson some Dr. Seuss' books we had here at the house.  Here's a good quote, “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot. Nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”

4. Have you read Little Women? How about Alice in Wonderland? Did you love them, like them, feel just eh about them? Why is this question in the Hodgepodge today? I have read Little Women and love it, but have never read Alice in Wonderland and in fact have never seen the movie either.  I assume because in Little Women their last name was March and in Alice in Wonderland isn't the hare called the March Hare?

5. How do you meal plan? How often do you shop for groceries? One homemade meal that was on your menu last week or is on your menu this week? I'm not real good at planning ahead too far, but usually the night before we try to figure what we'll have the next day.  Lately it seems I'm in the grocery once or twice a week (because I've been going with my sister's too).  We had kielbasa sausage and sauerkraut and fried apples last night and I made Taco Soup for us to have whenever we want this week.  New recipe from my sister and we tasted just a bit after supper last night and it was delicious.

6. Insert your own random thought here. One of my favorite pictures of my family from many years ago at our happy place, Disney World.

Thanks for visiting today and if you'd like to link up with the Hodgepodge, just click on the button at the top of the page.



  1. We love taco soup here. I haven't made it in a while, and you've inspired me to add that back in to the mix. It's cold in the mornings, but warms up during the day and spring is in the air!

    1. Yes, spring is in the air and I'm loving it too.

  2. Wow, I did not connect the dots on those books and March!

  3. How great you're introducing your g'son to Seuss with those well-loved books! I never realized how many great sayings he's credited with.
    Love this family pix! You look like you're ready for more, while the hubs is like, "My feet are killing me." (*grin*)

    1. That's a probably a pretty accurate description of that picture. lol

  4. I'm happy some of you knew the answer to the March and the classic books questions. I was clueless. It's been years since our family had a Disney adventure. We are hoping to all go with the grands sometime soon! Happy March to you.

    1. I hope you get to take the family Disney trip. Take care!

  5. Glad you weather has been nice. Praying your Bible study is awesome. I couldn't think of anything for the beat of my own drum either. I love that quote. I have to buy some of his books for James. I have never done meal planning unless company was coming over. Love the family photo.

  6. Enjoyed your answers. I love Kielbasa and sauerkraut. Yum!!I make taco soup also. So easy.


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
