If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Bits of This and That Including Tuesday 4


Hubby and I had a nice weekend.  On Saturday we went out for a quick lunch and then I took him back home and I headed out to meet with my sister, mother-in-law, and a cousin.  We went to the movies and saw Chonda Pierce's new movie called Roll With It.  All four of us loved it. There was lots of laughter and man, that girl can sing!  Here's a trailer of it.

Sunday we had a great service and then went and spent the afternoon with hubby's mom and his brother, sister-in-law and nephew.  I never even thought to take a picture.  After that we enjoyed the evening at home.  Below, I've posted hubby's pre-recorded sermon.  It's the 4th in his current series.  So just in case any of you have been listening in, I've posted it.

Yesterday, I went and had my annual mammogram and physical exam with the Nurse Practioner at my surgeon's office.  All appears well!  Thank you Jesus!  And this is my friendly public service announcement.  Don't forget your annual mammogram.  You don't want to have to go through what I had to in 2016. 

And now onto Tuesday 4.



Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4. We enjoy having you here and love reading your responses on your own blogs. I sure hope you enjoy the questions and seeing what others have to say.

Would you like to talk about books?

1.  If you had to flee this life and there was a posibility to actually live in a     place based on a story or book or movie, which would you choose and     why? Not to be boring, but I really can't think of a time that I would rather live in.  I think the last 60 years have brought so many major inventions and conveniences to our world, I can't imagine wanting to live without all that.  While there have been bad things also, there have always been bad things.  So I think I'll just stay right here.  Now, it you're talking our future, I can't wait to see heaven!

2.  What kind of story line do you just not like either in books or movies.I do not like horror stories or anything dealing with demons or the occult.

3   How many of the Great Classics have you read and/or popular book series? I really don't have any idea.  I've read Little Women, several times and the Little House Books.  I've read several of C S Lewis' books and most of the Mitford Series and also most of Karen Kingsbury's books.

4.  There are reading playlists available for various genres of literature. Do you play any music while reading? No, typically I do not listen to music when reading.

Thanks Annie for the Tuesday4 questions.  If anyone else would like to join in, click here.

Thanks for visiting.



  1. #3, I've read most of those too, plus lots of other series of Christian fiction authors mostly. then some very old books that I've discussed before in my blogs, but they are old fashioned romance/action/adventure sesries, not necessarily Christian, but good clean books. I don't like to read things that are too "Juicy" or like you, nothing of the occult, horror, etc. I like historical fiction also. I am glad you had a nice Mother's Day weekend. Sounds pretty wonderful! And so glad your mammogram check up, etc. was good. I know you've already been through it, and I am sure you are thankful it continues to be clear. Yes, we need to keep up with that. I think I am about due for my annual mammogram. I guess I'll have to talk to the Dr. next time about getting it scheduled. Thanks for the reminder. Have a blessed week!!

    1. I always schedule my next appointment before I leave from the current one. So my next one is May 17, 2024.

  2. "I can't wait to see Heaven" ... amen to that! Great news about your mammogram and follow-up; I need to call and schedule my own, but keep putting it off. Hold me accountable, won't you?
    I've not heard of that movie, but now it's on my list. Thanks for the recommendation, Cathy.

    1. Hope you call soon and then before you leave, schedule your next one which will keep you from putting it off. That's how my office works and I really need that.

  3. Good news about your tests and doctor appt. My mammogram is annually in August. I haven't heard of that movie but I really don't pay attention to what is currently showing. I will watch for it to hit one of my streaming channels. Love & hugs!!

    1. It was good, but it was only scheduled for 3 dates in the movie theaters. I really hope they will stream it soon.

  4. Oh, I am going to have to look for that Chonda Pierce movie! I didn't know she had one out. Love her! Sounds like you had a great weekend all around.

  5. I enjoyed your answers. I have just started the mitford series.

  6. "C S Lewis' books"

    Love him too!

  7. Lovely post! Yes, I am hearing your hubby's sermons and enjoying them! Thank you for them.


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
