If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Wednesday Hodgepodge


1. Did you watch the coronation of King Charles III? Share some of your thoughts about that, or about the royal family in general.  No, I did not watch.  Although, I have since seen a few short videos and many pictures.  I really have not followed the royal family that much over the years.  I watched much about the death of Diana and her wedding also.  But as a whole, I've never had that much interest.  I did kind of like Queen Elizabeth, though.

2. What are you the uncrowned queen of? I've always claimed to be the Queen of our immediate family and dad is the King and our girls are the Princesses.

Our royal court.

3. In a box of chocolates which one do you usually go for? The turtles and/or the opera cream fillings.  Oh and also I love the chocolate covered cherries.

4. Something learned at your mother's knee? Maybe, the love of reading.  My mom always loved to read and in the summer she would often takes us to the library and we'd all take home many books.

5. 'Like mother, like daughter'...in what way is this saying true for you? I never used to think so, but more and more I have people tell me I look like my mom.  I take that as a compliment.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

One of my favorite pictures of my mom.

Thanks for visiting.



  1. That's a great picture of your 'court' : ) Happy Mother's Day to you!

  2. Your mom looks so happy in that photo!

    1. Mom loved those flowers that they grew. I think she was very happy.

  3. Sweet photo of your mom. Reading is a nice habit to enjoy and pass on. Happy Mother's Day!

  4. Beautiful 'royal' family, Cathy! I love the twinkle in your mom's eye ... like she's up to something. (lol)

    1. That’s exactly it and a big reason I love it. lol

  5. Love the photo of your Mom, with those huge hydrangeas!! She looks like she was a fun and loving person. I love the picture of you and your Royal Court! Sweet. We didn't watch the coronation either. Not a fan of the current regime. It's funny about love of reading...I don't remember reading a lot as a child, even though I was a good reader, I just didn't take the time to do much of it. But when I became an adult my mother shared more books with me that she liked and that helped me to get into reading more for pleasure. We both loved a lot of the same kinds of books. So I guess she did instill a love of reading in me, it was just later in life! I hope you have a blessed and wonderful weekend.

    1. We really were very blessed with a wonderful mother. She wasn’t perfect (none of us are) but she sure did love her kids!

  6. Your Royal Court is so much better than the one in England!! I love that photo!! You do look like your mom! That is a great photo of her with the flowers.

  7. Lovely royal portrait of your family! Chocolate covered cherries are one of my favorites as well.

  8. My mom loved to read too, and I do as well. I can see a resemblance between you two.

  9. A love of reading is a good thing to have. And I love chocolate covered cherries!

  10. I've tried 3 times to leave my comment and it keeps disappearing. I'll have to come back.


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
