If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Monday, June 26, 2023

Bits of This and That


Good Morning:  

I hope your day has started out well.  I've had a good morning.  First of all I put out 6 bags, plus a suit case for the Vietnam Veterans of America to pick up today.  We are working on purging stuff from our closets, dressers, etc.  Actually, from all over the house.  We have lived here for 27 years and have accumulated a lot of stuff.  It feels so good to be getting things organized and cleaned out.  I did my side of the closet and now I can see what I actually have.  We're both being pretty ruthless and getting rid of a lot of things.  I think the house is starting to give a sigh of relief to be unloaded some.  lol  It's a work in progress, but we'll get there in time.

Another thing we did this morning was put out some solar lights I picked up last week.  Can't wait to see them lit up tonight.  Although, it's so cloudy today, I'm not sure if they'll charge or not.

We stopped at McDonald's for some breakfast and then headed in to church, where I am currently writing this post.  I still just love my little office here.  This is where I do the majority of my Bible Study and blog writing.

On the way to church, we stopped at a Little Library and I found a book to read and I added a bag of my books.  I am so fascinated by these Little Libraries and have been watching this one for weeks.  Today, it finally had room for me to add some.  I seldom read real books as I usually read on my Kindle.  But it was fun to pick one up and I'm looking forward to reading it when I finish the current book I'm reading.  Unfortunately, I didn't think to take a picture until after I had pulled away.  Maybe, I'll remember to get one later, as I have tons of books to be donating.

This is the book I got

Hubby and I had a good weekend, good food, good movies, reading and crocheting.  That all sounds perfect to me.  On Sunday we went to church (pre-recorded video of the sermon is below) and got Chipotle for lunch and brought it home.  Delicious!  Then I went to a 2'nd cousin's graduation party.  Life is so exciting when you've just graduated and are looking forward to the next phase of life.  It was so fun visiting with everyone. Congratulations Tannen! And, of course, no photos taken again.  lol

Here's Tannen on the left with my dad when at Otterbein. 
Dad loved when they visited him and his mom told me
yesterday that Tannen and his sister (Trinity) loved to go
visit my dad. That's their dad behind my dad. 


We that's the end for now of my Bits of This and That.  Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a blessed day.  But before you leave, tell me something you did this weekend.



  1. Oh, I wish Tom would get a bug to purge his closet! That's a wonderful initiative by the veterans organization. I've not seen any of those little libraries around these parts; fun idea! Tannen and Trinity are/were sure cuties.

    1. We're just doing small bits at a time, but eventually we'll get there.

  2. I cleaned my house nearly all day Saturday! It needed it. Purging does feel so good!! There used to be lots of those little libraries around but I haven't seen one in a long time. Glad you still have one close by!!

    1. Yes, actually there are several in our town. But so many times they are full and that's good for the reader, but a little harder for the donator. lol


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
