If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Monday, July 17, 2023

Bits of This and That


Good morning:  It's a beautiful morning here.  Lucy (our dog) woke me up at 6:00am and would not let me go back to sleep, so I finally got up, cleaned up and took her out for a walk.  It felt really good to walk over a mile and I didn't have any trouble with my knee...Thank you, Jesus.  Hubby and I finished getting ready and we picked up McDonald's for breakfast and are now at the church.  Loving this day.  

We got this big plaid comforter out one day last week when hubby was having chills so bad.  I moved it across the room to this leather recliner and hadn't put it away yet.  Look who piled up on top of it.  She has always loved this comforter.  If you look closely you can see there are two other blankets under her.  The higher she can sleep, the better she seems to like it.  Can you tell, with all these blankets out that hubby and I love to relax under a blankets?  lol  There are always at least 2 or 3 out when we're watching TV or reading.

Early on Friday, I went with my sister to take our other sister to an eye appointment.  She had to have shots in her eyes (they do this ever few months or so right now).  We stopped and picked her up some lunch and then took her back to her place and then I spent a little time at church with hubby while he finished up a few things.   Hubby still wasn't up to par, so we grabbed some lunch from the Noodles and Company and took it home and spent the rest of the day there. 

Saturday we went to lunch at Chuy's and then I went to Kroger and picked up some much needed things.  Then we got a Starbucks frappecino and went home for the day and had another normal Saturday evening at home.

Sunday was church where hubby preached the 5th message from his "Mission Church" series.  We grabbed some lunch and took it home and we both took a really nice nap, then I cleaned and refilled the hummingbird feeders, clipped down some weeds that had grown up into the bushes and then we went back to church for the evening service.

I enjoyed our weekend together as always.  I hope you all had a good weekend too.  Stay cool in this weather and enjoy your day.  Thanks for visiting,



  1. Nice to walk when it's a little cooler outside. Glad you knee is better. I'm going for a gel injection this week in my right knee. Lucy looks so comfy on the quilt. Sounds like you enjoyed some good meals too.

  2. I know you were thankful to be able to walk without pain. My sister also has to get shots in her eyes from time to time and it always does sound painful. Enjoy your day!

  3. I'm sorry to hear your hubby's been under the weather! Smiling, on account we have no less than 3 soft throw blankies in our den. When I fold them in the morning, if I'm not careful little Grace will climb to the top and sit there like the Queen of Sheba.

  4. I sure hope your hubby is feeling better today! I don't need a blanket in the summer while watching TV but do have a stack of throws that I use when the temps are cooler. My cats also like to sleep higher. Probably makes them feel safe and secure. Have a blessed week!! xo


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
