If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Friday, August 18, 2023

Friday Photos - Everyday Images #15

 Kym from A Fresh Cup of Coffee has a link up for "Everyday Images" and below is the list of prompts of August.  Kym says:  "I am sharing my photos every other Tuesday, along with my prompts for the next two weeks. You can use all or some of the prompts for your own photo posts, or none of the prompts and just link up a post featuring your photos. Simple rules: Your posts must be family-friendly; the photos must be your own; and the post must be mostly photos. If you do share I'd appreciate a mention and link to A Fresh Cup of Coffee on your post."  

August Prompts - Everyday Images #15
spot in town (quarterly)

Vintage - Piano Babies are porcelain figurines used
to hold a shawl that served as a piano dust cover back
 in the late 1800's and early 1900's.

Hidden - Hiding God's Word in our heart is very important

River - The Little Miami River yesterday afternoon
Spot in Town - Beautiful Gazebo in our town - sorry about
the barrier stuff, but the farmer's market was going on
in the parking lot.

Yellow - Tis the season for school buses again.

Another Yellow - Beautiful house in our town

Forever - God's Word is forever!

If you'd like to link up with Kym, you can do that here.  Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a great day.



  1. Way to go! You did a great job on the August prompts.

  2. Oh, this was delightful! Great way to get some fun photos! Thank you for sharing. I love your little piano babies. They are so sweet. That gazebo is beautiful! I like the yellow house too! It looks old, and I bet it has a story to tell! And yes, God's Word is forever, and it is so important to Hide God's Word in our hearts that we might not sin against God! Amen!!! Have a blessed weekend.

  3. I love your interpretation of 'hidden'! That yellow and green house sure calls to me ... maybe because it's the exact shade(s) of my high school theme/team.

    1. It is such a gorgeous house and I love how they have it painted now.

  4. What a fun new meme to follow!! You represented the prompts very well!! Happy weekend!!

    1. Thanks Terri. It really was fun driving around to find just the right pictures.


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
