If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Wednesday Hodgepodge - Is Ignorance Bliss?

1. What motivates you to work hard? A deadline.

2. It's been said "Ignorance is bliss"...is it? Probably not...although, sometimes I really prefer not knowing.  But mostly if I try to ignore things, when I finally find out about them, I realize it probably would have been better to have known sooner.

3.Would you rather be stuck on a broken elevator or a broken ski lift? Explain. Have you ever actually been stuck on either? Of the common fears listed here what's your #1- heights-enclosed spaces-snakes-public speaking-the dark-flying I don't think I've ever been stuck for very long in an elevator.  Although, on our last trip to Myrtle Beach one of the elevators kept sending me to the wrong floor.  Rather disconcerting.  Of the items listed in the 2nd half of this question, I'd probably say snakes.

4. What's something you like about the town or city where you live? I think our town is beautiful.  I've lived within 20 minutes or so from my town all my life and I really have no desire to move anywhere else.  However, I think I would really like to move into town close to the downtown area...so I could walk there every day. Here are some of those places I would like to be able to walk to.

5. Life is too short to be angry at someone.  Just forgive (for your own well-being) and get on with life. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. I love both of these murals painted on the outside of a couple of buildings in nearby towns.

Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a great day.



  1. If we ever sell this house we would like to live somewhere we can walk to town. I like the murals and the town looks cute. Enjoy your day Cathy!

  2. Your town and the murals look charming! I'd love to visit! And I love your answer to #5 - so much truth to that! Have a great week!

  3. Enjoyed reading your answers. I with you on the snake. It's nice that you have lived in the same area your whole life. The town looks lovely. Those murals are really nice. Enjoy the rest of your week.

  4. Yours is such a picturesque town! Amen to #5. It's still a struggle -- but as I grow older I realize lots of what I hold onto is pointless.

  5. Ugh - definitely snakes! Put that at the top of my list (although there are others!) And I rather agree that ignorance is bliss. Some might have good arguments to the contrary but I'll just enjoy my bliss:)

  6. I like those murals and your town looks so cute! I think it would be cool to be able to walk to local spots.

  7. Isn't it fun that so many towns are doing those beautiful murals?!! They are all over Lakeland, too. Interesting that you have lived in the same vicinity all your life. I've been here in Lakeland longer than anywhere else but I've lived in Ohio, Maryland, Virginia, and now Florida. Hugs!!

  8. Hi Cathy, I love the look of your town. I think it would be nice to live within walking distance of a town. Yep, I'm with you about snakes!

  9. I enjoyed your answers and your town looks neat.


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
