If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge

From this Side of the Pond
Click here for link-up


1. On January 18th we commemorate A.A. Milne's birthday. Milne is the author of the beloved classic 
Winnie the Pooh. In many ways Pooh represents innocence and simplicity. His optimism reminds us to appreciate the little things. What are three little things you're appreciating in mid-January? 

Good Health, 

Warm Home, 

Loving Husband

2. Piglet teaches us even the smallest of individuals can achieve big things with the proper amount of determination. How do your current responsibilities make you feel? Mostly I feel that I'm keeping up fairly well.  Currently, I don't feel overwhelmed.

3. Tigger is known for his enthusiasm and energy, his boundless joy and love of life. What's something you're interested in learning more about in this new year? Jesus.  I started yesterday working on the spring Bible Study at our church.  At this point, plans are to do the Kristi McLelland study called "Jesus & Women".  Plus yesterday I ordered a new Devotional by Lisa Harper called "Jesus: A Scandalously Devoted, Conspicuously Uncool, Super-Transparent Homage to Who Our Savior Is and How Much He Loves Us".  Typically I do not do a devotional, but I just couldn't pass this one up.

4. Eeyore, while a melancholy character, teaches us the importance of resilience and perseverance. How do you stay motivated and persevere in difficult circumstances? A lot of prayer!

5. What's the last thing you ate that was made with honey? I had a biscuit with some honey on it with my lunch on Sunday...it was delicious!

6. Insert your own random thought here.  

Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a wonderful day!



  1. Our tag line on our Christmas letter this year was 'Love Jesus more in twenty twenty four!' I enjoyed your answers. A very happy Wednesday to you!

  2. Hi,
    I like your #1.. I too said warm home. :-)
    I am so blessed to have a loving husband as well.

  3. Hi Cathy, we covered Rachel and Leah at our Bible journaling group. You study sounds interesting. As I become older, I realize the basics you mentioned are important along with family and of course having a relationship with our God. Having friends too and I am glad I have met you!

  4. With a title like that, I've got to check out Lisa Harper's devotional! Actually, I've been looking for a new one to replace that which sometimes leaves me underwhelmed.

  5. I enjoyed reading your post. A biscuit with honey sounds delicious!

  6. I'm doing the Kristi McClelland study right now. We had week 2 this morning and so far we are all really enjoying it and learning a lot. It's different in terms of homework requirements but I feel already like I've learned so much. My daughter did this study about a year ago and loved it too.

  7. Biscuits with honey are one of life's greatest simple pleasures

  8. I love your random thought! Amen!! Yum... I do love a good biscuit!! Enjoy the rest of the week!!

  9. I really loved reading your answers to the questions. Love your focus on God/Jesus in your life.

  10. I enjoyed your answers.I'm trying to get around to reading what everyone wrote while prepping stuff in my kitchen..lol. I love biscuits with butter and honey. Especially hot biscuits and the butter and honey just melt into it.


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
