If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Tuesday 4 - Books


Click on "Books" above to link up.

From Annie,  "Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.  We ask 4 questions each week to get you talking, thinking, questioning and seeing how your friends feel about things too.   It helps us get to know other bloggers."

Let's think about books and reading this week.

1.Do you have a favorite place to read? Maybe you can post a photo of it or describe it for us?  Probably the recliner in my living room.  But really anywhere that's quiet is good to me.

2.Some say reading makes a person more educated, more informed.  Do you think novels do this in any way? Do you learn things from novels?  Would you tell us what you have learned?  I feel I've learned things from some novels, yes.  I sometimes learn what other times were like, and what some other cultures are like.  I'm sure there's more, but that's about all I can think of off the top of my head.

3. Are there any books on your list to read right now?  I'm currently reading book 3 of a series and I have book 4 waiting (Until the Mountains Fall and Like Flames of the Night).  I also have a book about Bill Gaither (I Almost Missed the Sunset - My Perspectives on Life and Music) to read.

4, Which books did you like the most and which did you dislike most? If I don't enjoy a book, I seldom will finish reading it.  I figure there are so many books, why read something I don't like!

Thanks for visiting.



  1. Great answers! Oh, I would love to read the book about Bill Gaither! I've always been a big Gaither fan! I may have to look for that one. And yes, my recliner is my favorite place to read. I sit there beside hubby in his recliner, who is usually watching sports on TV, but at least we are together. I haven't written my Tuesday 4 post yet, so I'd better save something to say there! See you later!

    1. Hi Pam. I have always been a Gaither fan too. I'll let you know if it's good, but I'm pretty sure is will be. That's one thing I cannot do, is read while the TV is on. I get distracted to easily, I guess. Looking forward to reading your answers.

  2. I love that you are able to put down a book and move on. I have trouble doing that. I love Bill Gaither, I bet that was a good book. Loved your answers! Have a nice week.


    1. I need to finish the 2 books I have from Libby and then I'll get to read the Gaither book. I'm really looking forward to it. Have a great day!

  3. This question makes me realize how much I've learned from books -- without intending to! Sometimes just a peek inside a fictional character's thoughts makes me sit up and go, "Whoa!" or, "I never thought about that." I'm very blessed, but just wish I had the talent to become an author.

    1. Oh man! I'd love to be an author too, but I can barely write a blog post. lol

  4. I too have trouble abandoning a book I've started but I've managed to do it a few times. I'd be interested in the Gaither book. Happy reading.

    1. If I don't like it, I have no trouble dropping it. I may go ahead and read the last couple pages, but that's about it. Have a great day!

  5. I agree, that if I'm really not liking a book, I won't finish. Sometimes I'll push through, but rarely.

    1. Exactly! Thanks for visiting and commenting.

  6. Enjoyed reading your answers to the questions this week. I really need to try reading. Mark reads books all the time.

  7. I agree.. I don't finish books I just don't like. Sometimes I read a book because others swear by it but I just can't get into it.

  8. Books make me so happy! My favorite reading spot in the house is my recliner as well, but I always have my Kindle with me, so I can read anywhere, anytime. I don't buy the books that I used to, but every once in a while, I'll buy something form my favorite authors to support them and to add to my collection. So many of my memories are involving books! I love to re-read my favorite series, too. Do you do that?

    1. I do almost all of my reading on Kindle and I get most of those through Libby. Yes, I do re-read books that I love.

  9. I agree with putting a book aside. But sometimes I am just not in the mood and pick it up later.


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
