If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge


1. Do you have a word for the year (WOTY)? If so, and you'd like to share, please share. How do you decide on a word? If you don't have a word are you still on the hunt for one for 2024? I do not have a WOTY and really don't plan to this year.

2. January 23rd is National Pie Day...will you celebrate? Do you like pie? What's your favorite? No, I probably will not celebrate it.  I like some pies, but I prefer cake.  My favorite is probably coconut cream pie.

3. Tipping. What are your thoughts, expectations, as to who, when where? Do you appreciate a store/restaurant giving a 'suggested amount'? Have you ever left an extravagant tip? We always tip at restaurants, beauticians and the pet groomers.  That's all I can think of right now.  I don't mind the suggestion of a tip amount.  However, I may or may not follow it.

4. Share with us one household 'tip' that works for you. Wash the pots and pans and other items as you cook.  It makes clean-up so much easier after the meal.

5. Influencers on social media are people who've built a reputation for their knowledge and expertise on a particular subject. Do you follow any influencers online? Have you made a purchase or tried something new because of that 'influence'? If there's one you particularly enjoy tell us who they are and why you enjoy them. There are many well-known Christian speakers and authors that I follow and enjoy.  I also follow some crocheters that I really enjoy.  Bagoday Crochet is a favorite crocheter. She has over 1,000 free tutorials on YouTube. She’s so easy to understand and follow. She has taught me a lot about yarn. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Thanks for visiting and you can get to the Hodgepodge link-up by using the button at the top of the page.



  1. AMEN! to your clean-as-you-go tip. I'm grateful that Tom usually cooks his own meals, but like this morning I hate waking up to a sink full of dirty pots.

    1. My hubby doesn't clean as he goes either. But if he does the cooking, I'm more than happy to clean up after him, as he is a much better cook than I am.

  2. Thanks for sharing your answers. Now that you make me think, I realize I do follow some popular YouTubers re polymer clay. That household tip is fantastic.

  3. Washing the pots as you go is a great tip!

  4. Yes if we just "did what He told us to do" we wouldn't have the issues and troubles. I'm studying John at BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) Next year it will be Revelation. I enjoyed your answers.

  5. I'm a bit of a messy cook, but hubs generally comes behind me and cleans as I go ha! That works for us. Have a nice week!

    1. Ours is just the opposite! Hubby cooks/I clean.

  6. Trying again!
    Unlike Tom, I'm normally a clean-as-I-go person. I'm grateful, however, that he makes his own meals. Gotta pick my battles!

    1. Sorry Myra! I don't know why Blogger puts some of the comments in the spam folder, including some of my own posts! I try to check them every few days. So if your's doesn't show up, hopefully I'll find it.

  7. We could work together in a kitchen!! I clean up as I go so there isn't much left when dinner is over. Sure make it all easier!! Hodgepodge is always fun!

  8. Love your afterthought! That's a great kitchen tip, too. Hope your Thursday is going well, Cathy. Yesterday got away from me and I'm visiting Hodgepodge later than usual.

  9. Mark along with Gabby love Coconut Cream pie and it is delicious. Tipping always makes me feel good but I too don't want suggestions. That's a good tip. Those are good influencers to follow. Amen to your random thought.

  10. Yes to washing pots and pans as you go. It drives me crazy when people put dishes in the sink without running a little water in at least!

  11. I try to clean as I go but it doesn't always happen.


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
