If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Bits of This and That and Tuesday 4


Good morning.

I usually write this post on Monday, but I didn't get to it.  Actually, I was at the hospital most of the day.  My sister's husband had a fairly serious surgery and I didn't want her sitting by herself during that. Then when I came home yesterday afternoon, I did read a few blog posts, but never wrote one. Anyway, her husband's surgery went well.  The doctor was very pleased with how it all went.  He'll have a time of recovery, but then he should be good.

We had some really beautiful weather over the weekend and even still yet today.  We went out for lunch a couple of times and ran some errands over the weekend.  We had church on Sunday and then came home and had lunch and took a nap and a walk with the dog, and then back to church.

Hubby's had a bit of a scare the last couple of days.  He's seeing a flashing light in the periphery of his eye and one floater.  So, this morning he called his eye doctor and from what he told them, she said, at this time, it didn't sound like an emergency and that he should just keep an eye on it and if anything changes, let her know.  So, we're both breathing a little bit easier at this point.  

Now for the Tuesday 4:

The Music of Home

Hello again! You are very welcome here at Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.
From the play Greenwillow comes the song The Music of Home:

Tis the music of home
The music of home
Full of wonder as angel song
All the music of home
Thе music of home
Singing, "Home is wherе I

There is a music to home.. let's talk about the music in your home.
1. Was home always your safe place?  Or did it leave a lot to be desired?  What would improve the music in your home today? I've always felt loved and safe in my homes.  I love it just the way it is.

2.Do you like coming home at the end of a day?  How about when you were a kid? Yes, I do love coming home, I've always felt loved and felt safe in my home as a child and also my homes as an adult.  I've been blessed.

3. What is the music of your home?  How would you describe life in your home growing up.. in the middle of your life and right now?  Is there a song that might fit your home? We actually don't listen to a lot of music at home.  But when we do it's probably southern gospel and praise and worship type music most.

4. Like a symphony, home has it's ups and downs as the picture to the side illustrates.  What are your homes best ups and worst downs?( stories of happy times, busted water heaters, goofy things that have happened, etc. Like everyone, we've had our share of things going bad, like a leaky roof (new shingles a few years back took care of that, broken appliances, etc.  Nothing too drastic.

So all in all, it's been a good weekend and in the parts that were not too easy, God was definitely there with us through it all.  How was your weekend?



  1. So glad your brother in law's surgery was a success, and also that your husband's eye issue doesn't sound like an emergency. I've had those floaters and flashers in my eyes too, and so far they just tell me it's a sign of aging. But if a "shade" goes down over your eye, then by all means get to the doctor immediately! Yes, we all have our "ups and downs" in life, but so thankful we have Jesus to hold us up and see us through! Blessings to you and yours.

    1. They told hubby to call if anything changes, so he's keeping and eye on it.

  2. Indeed, we have so much to be thankful for -- starting with your BIL and hubby's startling health concerns. Home ownership sure isn't for the faint of heart, is it? But we do what needs doing and give thanks for the roof over our heads.

  3. The Tuesday 4 was just a bit strange this week but I enjoyed your answers, Cathy. I am glad your sister's hubby came through the surgery and will be fine. Leaving a hug for you here!

  4. I enjoyed your answers. My FIL loves southern gospel.

  5. I'm glad the surgery went well and hope his recovery is smooth. Definitely watch the eye...we have a family member who had a detached retina and the flashes and floaters were both symptoms. It might be worth a visit just to rule that out. There's always something when it comes to home ownership. Our house is now 8 years old and things need a refresh in terms of paint and some other minor things. You definitely have to keep up with a house as time goes by. Have a nice week!

    1. That's for sure and we've let ours go a little longer than we should. Sometimes it just seems overwhelming.


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
