If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge


1. February is coming to a close. Give us a two-word phrase that tells us something about how yours went. Some changes

2. If you had to describe how you're feeling right now as an amusement park ride, what ride are you on? Explain. Merry-go-round.  It just seems so many friends and us some too are having physical issues, surgeries, colds, etc.  We're all getting through, but I still feel like I'm on one of the horses that go up and down and then we're all going around and around with one thing after another.
3. What's something on your desk or a nearby wall that cheers you up when you see it or walk past?  This painting hung in my office at work for the last several years before I retired.  It was painted by my daughter upon my request.  It is now hanging in my little office at church.  This is the desire of my heart.

4. Are you a salad eater? How many salads do you typically eat in a week? Your favorite kind of salad? Since seeing a cardiologist, I have become a salad eater.  I'm probably eat 3-5 salads a week and I'm actually really enjoying them.  I prefer iceberg lettuce with some grated cheese, tomatoes, olives, sunflower seeds and ranch dressing.  I also really love a good cobb salad.

 5. Without telling us the category give us your top five ______________. 
1. Great Is Thy Faithfulness  
2.  It is Well With My Soul
3.  I Am A Child of God
4.  What A Day That Will Be
5.  Amazing Grace 

6. Insert your own random thought here.  I could certainly enjoy a couple of days seeing this view.

Thanks for visiting.



  1. I think this is the month of illness. So many people we know are struggling with one health issue or another. I love your sign and that verse. We thought alike on the last question and have some of the same favorites. It was hard for me to choose just five. Have a nice rest of the week!

  2. Yeah I am already ready for a beach day, though it's still a bit cold.

    1. It probably is pretty cold there, but I could enjoy it from the balcony! lol

  3. I'm right there on the merry-go-round with you, Cathy!
    That's such a great piece of wall art (canvas?). One of my favorite mantras.

    1. Yes, it is on a canvas and I just really love it. The yellow brightens up the room and that is the desire to have a pure heart.

  4. I love all of those songs! I chose merry-go-round too! Loved your answers!! xo

  5. Hi Cathy, I like your picture on the wall. The beach pictures remind me of my day at the beach this past summer. There is something so calming about the sea. Love your Hymn list too!

  6. Definitely beautiful views that I would enjoy seeing too. I love your painted sign.

  7. What a sweet painting! That's great getting in so many salads. I need to do better at that.

  8. We've had quite the string of illnesses and surgeries, etc. to pray for in our circle, too. That is a good desire to have. Those hearts of ours need help. :) Love your five! Happy Leap Year to you.

  9. I like the answer for #1. I feel that way about my health. I love the painting. Your salad sounds good. We tend to use Romaine. Lovely Christian sounds. I would love those views too. Hope your weekend is going well.

  10. I liked your answers. The beach view would definitely be lovely.


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
