If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Thursday, February 8, 2024

Currently - February 2024

Today is the time for the February edition of Currently where we are talking about what we're currently loving, looking forward to, doing to be romantic, changing, and celebrating. I hope you make plans to join us! Jennifer is our host and you can link up here.   

Loving - I'm loving crocheting...sometimes I get a little tired of crocheting, but right now it's one of my favorite activities while watching TV in the evening with hubby,  Here are a couple of pictures of what I'm currently crocheting.  I started this a long time ago and have set it aside several times to work on other projects.  I have another project in mind, but decided to put that off for at least a few more days as I'm enjoying making this one grow.


Looking Forward To - I'm looking forward to our upcoming 35th Anniversary on February 18th.  I love my man and I'm so very thankful for our years together.

Doing to Be Romantic - I think one of the most romantic things I can do for my hubby, is to be kind to him.  I think most everyone responds well when kindness is given.  I know kindness, when shown to me, makes me very happy. And kindness and happiness with my hubby can be very romantic.  

Changing - Maybe my attitude...I'm working on being less critical of others and accepting them as they are.  I'm also trying to be less critical of myself and remember that God made me the way that I am and He loves me, so I should love myself.  Not that that gives me free license to quit trying to improve myself in areas that need it.

Celebrating - Retirement for a former co-worker this past week and our upcoming anniversary as I mentioned above.

Thanks for visiting.  There is a link up above if you'd like to participate.  It's the first Wednesday of every month.



  1. This was a lovely post! I don't think I've seen this particular "Currently" variation, and I like the questions/statements. You answered them all very well. I love the blanket you are crocheting...and is that a seat cover for your desk chair? Beautiful! I love the colors. Happy upcoming anniversary! 35 years is wonderful!! My hubby's birthday is next week on the 16th, and I am still trying to figure out what we are going to do. I am running out of time to plan anything, but it may just be an impromptu gathering of family and/or friends. It's a busy week with a lot going on at church and it is difficult to plan something else. So we shall see what develops. I like your thoughts about "changing"...being critical of others is sometimes hard to overcome, especially in this day and age when we see so many people headed in what we would think is the wrong direction. But all we can really do is pray for them, and pray for ourselves to also be more loving and understanding. I know I don't always agree with other people's perspectives on life, but then again, I haven't walked a mile in their shoes so I don't always understand where they are coming from. So yes, I try to improve my own attitude and show more kindness toward others. Thank you for these thoughts today. I hope you have a lovely day and again, a happy anniversary next week!

  2. I loved reading your answers! I think we all have to work on changing that critical nature that's in us from time to time. I know most of my friends would wholeheartedly agree. I said the same thing as you about kindness and how that can be romantic. Funny! I'm so glad you joined us for this!

  3. This looks like a fun link up - I just might do it.

    Happy upcoming anniversary. What a blessing to have been married 35 years! My anniversary is on the 16th - 2nd marriage for both of us at 22 years! For us, having been in unsuccessful marriages we cherish every one of those 22 years.
    I used to crochet but haven’t picked up a needle in 40 years. I keep thinking I might try again to see if it’s like riding a bicycle!
    I really enjoy your answers and this post topic.
    God bless.

  4. Your project looks so much like the baby blanket my mother made for my son 50+ years ago!
    35 years together is an amazing testament to the power of love. And kindness! Congratulations!

  5. Happy anniversary next week!! So exciting! I enjoyed my visit with you here today!! xo

  6. That is a good list. Learning now to be hard on ourselves is a good thing! Happy Friday!

  7. Happy (early) anniversary wishes! Definitely something to celebrate! Hope you have a nice weekend ahead!

  8. I like your crocheting project. I've thought about picking up my knitting again but that will have to wait until fall, I guess. I agree about changing attitude when it comes to being critical. I tend to be too critical of myself and others and need to work on that too.

  9. I'm belatedly catching up on my "Currently" reading. My best friend crochets and we have received some lovely gifts from her. Your project looks beautiful. And Happy (Belated) Anniversary! I hope it was a great one!


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
