If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Thursday, February 29, 2024

Thankful Thursday

Things I'm thankful for:

* Some beautiful sunshiny days up in the mid 60's and I can't wait to have some more - I see some blue skies this morning, but it's only going to be in the 40's today, but that's okay too since it's not raining

* Some quiet evenings at home with hubby - and today we're heading out for lunch and some errands and then back home for the rest.  I think we're going to Cheddars for lunch...yummy

* Crocheting another baby blanket...I have 2 in progress...I'm trying to use up some of my stash of yarn. I'm so glad I learned to do this many years ago and it's fun doing this with my sister and friends.  My sister and I were both crocheting at the hospital during her husband's surgery.  It sure helps to pass the time. By the way, I'm thankful her husband is doing better.  The first couple days were a little rough, but he should be coming home today.

* Enjoying a cup of hot chocolate while doing some Bible study yesterday and I enjoyed both.

My favorite cup

* Trying a new to me type study called verse mapping...my daughter got me a journal type book for it and I did my first mapping yesterday...I'm just trying to figure it out but I'm not sure it's something I will like, but you never know until you try it.  Have any of you done verse mapping? If so, what're your thoughts and suggestions?

* I'm thankful for Jennifer who hosts Thankful Thursday each week.  You can link up with her here, if you'd like.

There are so many things I am thankful for, but when I sit down to write a post, I seem to have trouble remembering them.  Maybe I should start writing at least one down each evening before bed.

Thanks for visiting.  




  1. Replies
    1. Right now I really don't know. Verse mapping is just a way to take a verse and then look up the words that stand out to you in the Greek and Hebrew and see those definitions in order for you to gain better understanding.

  2. So much to be thankful for! Especially that yummy looking cocoa. I have not had hot cocoa in ages...but that yummy mug sure makes me want some! I'm thankful that you stopped by my blog earlier today. That made me smile! Thanks...and hope you enjoyed your lunch today!!

  3. I'm not familiar with verse mapping, but look forward to hearing more how you like doing so. Did you prepare that cup of goodness? It looks like something I'd see presented in a nice restaurant!

    1. Yep, made it in my Keurig and added whipped topping and with a few sprinkles. Very good.

  4. A lovely thankful list!! My small church home group is going to do a study on Habakkuk. We keep postponing our twice a month meetings because of illness and travel. We might get back to it in April. Keep us posted on your new way to study!

    1. I hope you will enjoy your study. I've never done that book.


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
