If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Saturday, March 30, 2024

Share 4 Somethings - March 2024

Welcome to my Share 4 Somethings Post where the prompts for March are:

things I loved or disliked

things I accomplished

things I improved upon or something that needs improvement, and 

things I noticed this month. 

The Link-Up is here.  Now here I go.

*Loved:  One of my favorite things I loved in March this year was doing Bible Study with my daughter on FaceTime.  We would each watch the video and then do the homework on our own. Then we would FaceTime and talk about our thoughts about all that we were learning. My daughter brings so much insight when we talk which helps me to grow more in Christ and I think I sometimes I help her also. She is a great Bible Study companion. We're planning to do another sometime soon. She gets to pick the next one.

*Accomplished:  I finished a baby blanket I've been working on for a few months. I haven't taken a picture of the finished project yet. I'll try to do that sometime soon. Anyway, I always feel accomplished when I finish a crochet project.

*Improved:  I switched the furniture around in my little office at church and I really am enjoying the way it is now. I now face the door out to the sanctuary, so I see hubby most every time he leaves his office, and I can holler a hello or something similar to him throughout the day. I love that we are together so much since I retired.

*Noticed:  With the rain we have been having, our grass has greened up so much and it looks wonderful. I'm also seeing so many spring flowers and trees blooming in the neighborhood. I do love this time of year.

Thanks for visiting my blog.



  1. That Bible study with your daughter sounds lovely. Glad you finished the baby blanket. That sounds like a nice way to have your office set up. Sounds like your Spring is looking really pretty.

  2. It is amazing what a difference just changing the furniture around can make!! Congrats on finishing that blanket as well!!

  3. My last office set-up afforded me the chance to look out at my coworkers. I'd be afraid to miss something or another if my back was turned ... or that someone could come up behind me, unsuspecting. LOL.

    1. Yes, I definitely do not like my back turned from the door.

  4. Such a sweet time to do bible study with your daughter!


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
