If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Thursday, May 2, 2024

Thankful Thursday


A few things I am thankful for today:

*Health - hubby and I are both feeling much better. We are still struggling some with the coughing, but otherwise, we feel pretty good.

*Crochet Group - It was so good to meet up again with our small crochet group. I've missed everyone the last few weeks. 

*Lucy's Summer Haircut - 

I think Ms. Lucy is worn out this evening after spending 3 hours with a groomer

*Sunset - What a beautiful sky during the sunset Tuesday night.


*iPad - It is so nice to have an iPad that actually works well.

So what are you thankful for today? Thanks for visiting.



  1. Glad you are both feeling better! That sunset looks incredible.

    1. It was very pretty. There are so many trees around that it's hard to get as much of the sunset as i would like.

  2. Lucy is so adorable! Both our girls have to take long naps after their groomer appointment. I tell them, "It's tough being beautiful."

  3. Lucy looks so cute in her summer 'do'. I am sure she is tuckered out. It's hard work making ourselves beautiful! LOL. Praying you and your hubby will continue to feel better and that the cough will go away. I guess it is springtime there and maybe there are seasonal allergies affecting you? Our pollen season is pretty much over here, but it has been really dry and that's bad too. Your sunsets are gorgeous!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend ahead!

    1. That could be the problem for hubby as he has issues off and on through the year.

  4. Miss Lucy looks so cute with her summer cut : )

  5. Three hours at the groomer?!! Lucky Lucy getting pampered like that!! You have a lovely thankful list. God is so good, is't HE!! xo

    1. I got mine cut the next day and I think I was there less than an hour and my cut cost less that 1/2 of what hers did. lol

  6. Lucy is cute! 3 hours is a long time! We just bathed our long hair doxie. We shaved her last summer and plan to do it again so she is cooler. I don't have an I-Pad. I have always had a regular computer or laptop. That is a pretty sunset!

  7. I think they may groom 2 at a time to give each dog a break in the middle. I have a laptop and use it a lot, but the iPad I use to play some games, like Words with Friends, etc and for Instagram and FB. Plus I also use it for reading. I enjoy having both.


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
