If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Friday, July 26, 2024

Friday Photos

Here are some photos from the month of July.  Some I've taken, some I've gotten from my girls or I've stolen from their FB pages.  Hopefully, I'll get back into the swing of taking photos real soon.

Kerri and Colton at Disney yesterday

Current baby blanket I'm working on

We're trying out this dog food for Lucy. 
 She has become very picky in her
eating habits lately. 
She seems to be eating this very well though.

Bible Study Time with Kelli

Game time after church on Sunday night

Bookstore Cat - New store in our town

I snapped this while sitting in line at Culver's.  So pretty

First time we've had a bird nest in this bird house

We hosted a Bluegrass concert at our church!

Our church was packed out and we enjoyed
every second of it.

 That's all for my Friday Photos.  Hope you have a great day!



  1. Happy Friday! Great photos! Looks like a fun month at church...with concerts and fellowships. I love it. We enjoy playing Sequence as well! Your blanket is very pretty. I am trying my hand again at crochet but not sure it is going any better than the first round flop! Our granddog really enjoys Fresh Pet!! Her favorite:) Thanks for your comment and answer to my question that you left on my blog. Very helpful...and I am going to try and join the link-up from time to time!:)

    1. Wonderful! I think you will really enjoy it. I think the main thing with crochet is to find your favorite way to hold the hook and yarn, and then learning to keep your tension the same throughout. I think everyone is different. My sister crochets very loosely and it's so beautiful, but my tension is tighter, but I think it's pretty too. I'm trying to loosen my tension, but I've done it the other way so long, I can't seem to accomplish the change. lol So I think I'll just keep on doing what I do. lol

  2. Lovely photos! My favorite has got to be the one taken at Disney though; they look like they are having lots of fun.

  3. Please let us know how Lucy likes the Fresh Pet. Those television commercials are sure entertaining. Props to the dog lovers!

  4. I wish they had Fresh Pet for cats. Will have to look. I enjoyed your photos, Cathy!! Happy weekend!


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
