If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Tuesday 4 - Art




From Annie:  "Hi Friends and welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where we give you 4 questions each week to ponder and answer.  It also gives you a chance to see how other Bloggers feel about things and an opportunity to make new friends.

This week let's talk about art."

1. Are you artistic in any way and if so, how so? Knitting, crochet, drawing, painting, writing lovely word art, home décor, lovely meals?  There are many ways to be artistic. I do not knit except by loom or by knitting machine.  I do crochet.  I don't draw, paint, write lovely word art and I'm okay at home decor, and lovely meals...not really.

2. Does any art hang on your walls or grace your tables or shelves at home? How about your front door or windows.. what about your yard?  I do have several of my sister's paintings and drawings.  She was awesome but unfortunately her strokes took that away from her.  

This is one of her pencil drawings that I love.

I also have paintings from my daughter.

She drew this for me a long time ago and I still love it

Here's one from a few years ago.  I think she sold it though.

3. Do you have a favorite artist or artists and do you have a favorite piece of art? I'd say my sister and my daughter are my favorites.  But I also love Norman Rockwell and Thomas Kincade

4.  Home décor can be art. When you  bought things for your home did you plan out the décor or did it all just fall together. Was there a theme?  I've always said my decor style is Early American Garage Sale.   My mom and sister are both awesome at decorating and I think sometimes that intimidates me.  But  I buy things and display things I like.  And that makes me happy.   I bought a couple fall things yesterday to put out and I have some from past years also.  Hope to put them out this week.

I hope you enjoyed your visit here and that you link up and participate too.  The link is at the top of the post at the blue word Art.

Have a great day!



  1. The picture from your sister and the ones from your daughter are beautiful. I agree with you on Thomas Kinkade and Norman Rockwell.

  2. Oh my, the paintings from your daughter are awesome, and I love the squirrel your sister did! They both have talent. I love "Lady and the Tramp" That's the first Disney movie I remember seeing as a child and I wanted a "Lady" Dog of my own. They sold rubber "Lady" Cocker spaniel dogs that squeaked when you squeezed it. I begged my parents for it and got it for Christmas that year. I kept it until the rubber cracked and the legs basically broke off from age. LOL. Thank you for your thoughts on this today. I enjoyed reading your responses!! I love Norman Rockwell and Thomas Kinkade too.

    1. I think that was my first Disney movie too. I hope you have a great day, Pam.

  3. Your daughters beach painting is great! I had forgotten Thomas Kinkaid. I love his wonderful paintings.

    1. Thank you Annie. That's quite a compliment coming from such an awesome artist as you.

  4. Your sister and daughter are both REALLY talented! I adore Thomas Kinkaid's works. So much so, I may treat myself to his 2024 calendar. Certainly more affordable than one of his paintings. I think surrounding oneself with furniture and objects that you love is the best sort of decor.

    1. I have the 2023 Kinkade calendar and love it.

  5. Your daughter is very talented!! Wow! Another fun Tuesday 4 from Annie. I enjoyed your answers!

    1. Thanks Terri and Annie has been on a roll with great questions lately!

  6. I like that saying, early American garage sale. Those are really nice pictures and I think the squirrel is so cute! I put out some of my outside fall decor today. I enjoy seeing it. We don't get much fall color here, so it helps. Enjoy the rest of your week!

  7. Your daughter is a wonderful artist. Your sister's squirrel is so cute and I bet she has a lot of wonderful drawings/paintings.

    1. Yes, she does. Thank you for visiting and your sweet comments,

  8. Wow. your sister and daughter are talented. I love your answers. I like your idea of early american garage sale..that's awesome.


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
