If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Wednesday Hodgepodge


1. Does anybody really know what day it is? Last week we skipped the Hodgepodge and I just assumed this week would find us in December, but nope. Still November. Do you wear a watch? Use a paper calendar or strictly electronic? What's your favorite hour of the day? Why? Yes, I do wear a watch.  It's an Apple Watch and I really like it.  I always say if I don't have the watch on, then the steps don't count.  lol  My appointment calendar is a shared digital one on our phones.  But I also have a wall calendar in my office and I just ordered a planner/journal combined for 2024.  I don't really have a favorite hour, but since you asked, I'll answer 8PM.  By that time we are mostly done for the day and we sit and watch TV, just hubby, me and the dog.  I love our time together in the evenings.

2. Tell us something about how you celebrated the Thanksgiving holiday. I went to my sister's house and had lunch with my brother, sister and their spouses.  Hubby wasn't feeling well, so I brought him home a plate of food.

3. What's a sound you hate to hear? The smoke detector alarm.

4. Where do you not mind waiting? I don't mind waiting when hubby has an appointment and I go along and wait in the car.  I always have something to do, plus I like people watching.  I'll be doing this tomorrow as he has a podiatrist appointment and this parking lot is always hopping with people coming and going.

5. I really wish it wasn't so cold.

6. Insert your own random thought here. I haven't been to our crochet group for probably 5-6 weeks.  So glad to be going back this afternoon.

Thanks for visiting and if you'd like to link up, you can do that here.



  1. Wow, it must get cold sitting in the car and waiting! I know I don't like to sit in Dr. office waiting rooms because of the germs, but still...it's cold where you are! Hopefully his appointment won't take too long! How nice you can get back to your crochet group. Do you work on any joint projects, or each just work on your own and visit while you work? I don't crochet, so I wouldn't have a clue what you are doing, but it's always fun to visit! LOL. Have a great day.

    1. I turn the car back on if it gets too cold. Usually we have blankets in the car I can use too. I need to remember to get them back in the van as I took them out for our trip. We each work on our own projects and enjoy talking and being together.

  2. What would we do without our technology? We keep a shared calendar on our iPhones as well as my iPad, plus a paper calendar on our table in the sunroom where we begin our day together. And yet, we still miss engagements sometimes. Either life is extremely busy for these retired folks, or we're getting absent minded. Could it be both?

    1. Unfortunately, I'd have to say for me, it's a bit of both. lol

  3. It has been on and off cold for the past 2 months here and I agree - I am over it!

  4. I have had warm weather until this week...brrr...it turned cold too fast.

  5. I've been wanting one of those Apple watches for a while now; glad it's working out nicely for you. Still, there's something I find comforting about having a physical planner. I hope your crochet group meeting was a good time!

    1. We did have a good time and all of our projects grew a little bigger.

  6. Oh I'm with you on the smoke alarm. Recently our smoke alarm went off in the middle of the night - No fire, just low on batteries. It usually beeps but this time, just went off. We almost had heart attacks - I was surprised at how fast we jumped out of bed. Pretty spry, when we have to be!

    Enjoyed your answers

    1. You made me laugh. Yes, it is surprising how fast we can move sometimes.

  7. Brrrr... cold to be sitting in the car!! Hope hubby's appointment doesn't take too long! I do like to people watch, so am right there with you!! Another fun Hodgepodge!! xo

    1. I brought a blanket, but didn't need it. The sun was shining on me and that kept me warm enough.

  8. I love to people watch, airports are my favorite. It's been unusually cold here this week too, but I think is supposed to warm up next week. We never stay too cold for too long. I'm actually making chicken soup right now because it feels like soup weather. Have a nice weekend!

    1. It's been cold here, but started warming up yesterday and should be warm for the weekend.

  9. I should try one of those watches. How nice that you have a routine in the evening. Oh my, those smoke detectors can be crazy and scary. Have you always waited in the car or is that something your started during the pandemic? Hope you enjoyed your crochet group get together.

    1. It depends on what appointment it is. We both wait in the car most of the time, even before Covid.

  10. Oh yes, I also hate the sound of a smoke detector chirping, never mind if it actually goes off! I usually don't mind waiting in the car, except when it's cold! Have a great week!

    1. I usually keep a blanket in the car I can use. And then if it gets too cold, I'll start the car up and let it warm up again.

  11. I enjoyed your answers this week. Sorry your hubby wasn't feeling well. That's never fun, but it's also worse if you try to push through and join in when under the weather. Oh yes the smoke alarm, especially if its chirping.


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
