If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Monday, December 4, 2023

Bits of This and That


Good Morning!

It's 7:20am and my watch says it's 31* outside and it's starting to get light outside.  It's rather overcast out this morning and the van windows are frosted over.

I got some of my decorating done this weekend.  This is my new wreath on the front door and I'm really pleased with it.  But, I can't decide if I have it turned the right way.  Any thoughts?

I put out our nativity scene last night after church.  I didn't take a picture, but I'll try to remember to do that this week.  The tree is up and decorated, although I'm sure I'll move things around and I have a couple more ornaments to put on it.  But for the most part it's done.  No picture yet.

Yesterday was the first Sunday of Advent.  Hubby and I are doing another Advent Study from She Reads Truth called "He Alone Is Worthy" and it started yesterday.  There is a woman's version and a man's version.  The day's readings are the same but there are other things that are different.  Hubby and I do the day's readings together and I think this is the 4th year we've used their Advent Books.

I'm also joining in with a December Scripture Writing Plan on The names and Attributes of God and the Birth of Christ.  I found this on Instagram and as I'm intrigued by the names of God and His attributes, I thought this would be good for me. 

Our weekend has been pretty quiet.  Saturday we went out to lunch to Cheddars.  It's the first time hubby has felt like going into a restaurant since we've been home.  He's better, but not quite all the way.  He did teach Sunday School and did both the morning sermon and Bible Study in the evening service.  I've posted the pre-recorded video below.

After church last night we ran through McDonald's and got a sandwich.  As we were driving home, we got stopped at a red light and I took this photo of our town's Christmas Tree Park.  

I finished a book this weekend and started another and we watched some Christmas movies and all in all, it was a very nice weekend.

So, how was your weekend?  I hope it was nice.  Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a great Monday.


Oh and I changed my background because someone told me they were unable to open my blog because of the background I used.  I don't know if anyone else has had that problem.  But this is a blogger background, so I wouldn't think this should be a problem.  Let me know if you can't get in and I'll try something else.  Thanks.


  1. I don't know much about wreaths, Cathy, but yours looks perfect! That's not something I've done in the past, but now you've got me thinking .....
    I'm glad to hear your hubby's feeling more like himself and you were able to eat out. I miss Cheddars!

  2. Hey lady... I got on here... I still had the message pop up. I'm not sure whyit does that. Like I said, I know it did it on Terri's blog too for the longest time. It says NOT SECURE at the top of the blog in the address bar too ??? Notsure what it is... I had to click "Accept risk" & it let me on.??? I wish I understood these things more.

    1. I have no idea but no one else has mentioned it. I’ll attempt to do some more research.

  3. I like your wreath! Your town's tree park is really beautiful! Glad hubby is feeling better. I love Cheddar's and ate there last Thursday! Yum! Have a good week!

  4. Sounds like a good, relaxing weekend. The wreath and your town's lights look pretty!

  5. The wreath looks perfect to me and your quiet weekend sounds lovely. I'm glad you and your husband are enjoying the season.

  6. Burr! That wreath is really pretty. Hope your Advent study goes well. The Christmas lights are so pretty.

  7. A Christmas Tree Park - what a fun idea...and so pretty!!

  8. Love the pretty picture of the Christmas tree park! Very nice and colorful. Glad your hubby is feeling better, Your Advent studies sound interesting, and that wreath is beautiful! I think it is fine hanging that way. I really can't tell if it is up or down, but it looks beautiful, so that's all that matters, right? I hope you have a peaceful and beautiful weekend. I guess I missed this one earlier in the week, and now here it is a weekend again already! Time sure flies when we are having so much fun. LOL! Blessings...


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
