If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Thursday, December 7, 2023

Currently - December 2023


Today, I'm writing my December Currently Post. It was supposed to be Wednesday, so I'm rather late.  But better late than never, right?  You can link up with Jennifer here, as she is the hostess.  In December, we are talking about what we're currently loving, gifting, wrapping, hoping, and attending this month.

Loving:  I'm loving the new Christmas Tree we bought this year.  For the last couple of years, we've only been using a fiber optic tree that stands maybe 2 feet tall and the branches are not strong enough for any ornaments.  So this year, I decided I missed my ornaments, so we bought a 4 foot tree and I love it.  And I now have my sister's ceramic tree and we still have the fiber optic tree.

Those cords are hidden a little better now.  lol

My sister's tree.  The snowman wearing blue in the front was made by my mother.

The fiber optic tree is on the left.

Gifting:  I have Amazon gift lists for both girls and their hubbies and the grandson.  I have no idea what I'm getting, but it will be from those lists.

Wrapping:  I won't be doing much wrapping as I'll have them mailed directly to their home and they will then wrap it...without opening it.  They plan to do the same for us.

Hoping:  That hubby will feel better soon and that we'll stay healthy for the holidays.  I'm also hoping that we'll get out soon to see all the Christmas lights in our area.  Planning to go tomorrow night with his mom to see some of them.  This is an annual tradition with us and we all love it.

Attending this month:  I think the girl cousins are all planning to meet up next week for a lunch together.  It's been several months since we done this.

Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a wonderful December.



  1. I love your new tree!! I sold two of those ceramic trees in a garage sale about seven years ago! Now they are back in style. Have fun with your girl cousins! So important to keep family close!! xo

    1. Hi Terri. Yes, I used to have one of those ceramic trees too, but must have gotten rid of them. I'm so happy to have this one now. I agree, keeping family close is so important.

  2. Your new tree is so very dear! Sentimental me is glad you've elected to save both the ceramic and fiber optic.
    Great idea about letting Amazon do the 'heavy lifting.' Thankfully, I've only one package to wrap and mail out of town. Postage is getting ridiculous!

    1. Thank you Myra. It's been a little hard to start paring down on stuff, but I don't want my girls to have to do it after we're gone. And yes, shipping is ridiculous!

  3. I love your trees...all three of them! So lovely! Everything looks very special. Oh, I pray your hubby will be feeling better soon. I know how hard it is to be a preacher in the Christmas season and not be feeling well. May God give him strength to do what he has to do, and hopefully he won't overdo it. How nice to have a cousins get together for lunch! That sounds lovely. Also nice to take his mom to see the Christmas lights. We try to do this a little closer to Christmas if we don't forget. Sometimes I forget about it until after Christmas, and then people have already taken everything down. I need to try a little harder to get out there sooner! Have a wonderful rest of your week, and take care! God bless you both.

    1. Thank you Pam. I'm really enjoying it. Hubby is getting better. We did get to go see some lights last night and just had the best time together with his mom. Thank you for your prayers and I'm stopping to pray for you and your family with I end this comment. Have a blessed Christmas.

  4. I like the tree and enjoy all the Christmas lights!

  5. Just a couple days ago we were trying to remember what happened to our little fiber optic tree. It stayed in the MD house with the kids, I guess, but we may claim it when we go home for Christmas. Your trees and decor look beautiful! Hope everyone gets/stays healthy for the holidays!

    1. Thank you Kym. I put my fiber optic tree away different last year and couldn't seem to find it. It was the last thing I discovered and I'm so glad I did and I'll be more careful to put it away better this year. lol

  6. Your tree is very pretty. I also love the ceramic tree with lights. My dad had one of those. Your decorations look so pretty. You sound like you are pretty organized. Hope your husband feels better soon.

    1. No, I'm not very good with organization, but I'm trying to get better. Thanks Debby!

  7. Love your new tree. My mom made me one of those ceramic trees, but when I moved it got lost. I hope I can find it again one day. It must be somewhere around here. So nice to have things that remind you of your family. And a smart idea buying gifts and wrapping them without opening them.

    1. Thanks Kathy. I think it's going to work well.

  8. Ah, a girls' lunch sounds nice...and so does having your girls wrap the gifts you send. Brilliant:) I really like your new tree. It looks so pretty with the ornaments!

  9. I hope you're all staying healthy and getting to see some lights!


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
