If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Tuesday 4 - Time to Pamper You…


Time To Pamper You...

Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.
Let's talk about you personally.

1. Do you pamper yourself at all? If yes, how do you do that?  I do enjoy a nap and then sometimes just relaxing and reading a good book and that would be about the extent of pampering myself.

2.What kinds of foods/dishes do you consider to be a real treat? A real treat to me is a good steak and baked potato. Do you often pamper yourself by having them? No, not often.

3. What  luxury item/items do you consider would be very hard to do without? (like buying books, having your hair done.. just about anything you really could do without but prefer not to.) One of my favorite things to buy is yarn when I find a project I want to make or when I find a good sale on yarn. Like Monday morning I went shopping with my sister to buy some yarn for a baby blanket for a new great niece coming in October. I found the most beautiful pink yarn and had to place an order for it to get enough. I’m so excited to get it next week and get started making it. My hubby just ordered me a new iPad last night as mine has been going bonkers lately. It’s supposed to come in today. That makes me feel pampered by him.

4. What kind of holiday or vacation would be a total luxury with which you might pamper yourself? Any place we can travel together and have a really nice hotel room with a great view of the mountains or the ocean.

Thanks for visiting. You can link up here, if you'd like.



  1. Steak and baked potato, so yummy♥ We don't have them often either. {{sigh}} Your answer to #4 sounds great to me, being together is what makes it so GREAT.

  2. Enjoyed reading your answers. Glad you were able to find yarn and good luck with your new iPad.

  3. A hotel with a great view always feels like luxury!

  4. I love potatoes and baked are a real treat. I hope you will show us the blanket when it's done!!

  5. My favorite food is usually that prepared by someone else. I've never had an iPad -- your hubby is so thoughtful! In no

    1. No idea how or why those last 2 words got there!

  6. Ohhhhh....yes to naps and yarn!!! LOL!!!

  7. I wish I could nap. When I am sick I have no trouble napping the day away but to just lay down and try to nap... nope. If I am tired, when I lay down I am wide awake. It's okay. I do go to be around 9:00 on work nights. That pink yarn sounds lovely!! Keep us posted!

  8. I really enjoyed your answers.


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
