If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Monday, May 13, 2024

Bits of This and That


Good Morning!

I'm linking my regular "Monday Bits of This and That" post up with Holly and Sarah for Hello Monday.

So here we go!

On Friday, hubby and I went out to lunch. We went to Texas Roadhouse (one of my favorites). I told hubby this was my Mother's Day Lunch. I seldom take pictures of my food any more, but this is my favorite order at Texas Roadhouse. 6 oz Dallas Filet and baked potato. I had already eaten my salad, which is always delicious too.

After that we ran a couple errands and then spent the rest of the day at home.  It was a good day!

On Saturday, we picked up Tracy's mom and went to Chuy's for lunch. We gave her flowers for Mother's Day on Saturday, because we knew Mother's Day was going to be a bit hectic. After lunch we went to a nearby Farmer's Market in Springboro. None of us had been there before, even though it's been around for multiple years. It was a really nice place and I'm sure we'll be back. Tracy and I didn't buy anything, but his mom bought some caramels and a really pretty puzzle. So much fun, but alas I didn't take any pictures.

On Sunday, we went to church and his mom came too. I took the day off from playing the piano, so I was able to sit with my mother-in-law and fully enjoy the service. Hubby preached a great sermon on the 23rd Psalm. (Pre-recorded sermon is below.)

After that, the 3 of us drove to Dayton and met Tracy's brother and his wife and youngest son, for lunch at Cassano's. They have the best pizza around our parts. The restaurant was not busy and we had such a great time talking and just being together. It's been awhile since we had all been together. Again, there are no pictures. But trust me when I say, I love our family and I love being with them. I know we were there for at least 2 hours, but I think it may have been closer to 3. After that, we relaxed and just enjoyed our evening at home.

Well, that's all I have to share.  I hope you had a good weekend too.



  1. Sounds like some good meals out to eat! Glad you enjoyed your Sunday!

    1. It really was a good day with hubby's family.

  2. I love how you love your family, Cathy! So excited they're building a Texas Roadhouse nearby; your steak and fixings looks delish!

  3. Sounds like lots of fun! I'm all about a yummy lunch out with friends or family.

  4. Good food, loved ones, having Mom at church... a wonderful weekend!

  5. Sounds like a lovely weekend, and lots of good food that you didn't have to cook! How nice that your MIL could be with you in church. So, is there someone else who can play the piano when you don't? It's hard to find people who are willing and able. We have one man here who can play when our usual pianist isn't there, but he's a bit hesitant and doesn't always keep the right timing, but he tries and that's what matters. We appreciate his efforts and willingness to help as needed. God is honored by our music when it is done to glorify Him! I hope you have a blessed and wonderful week.

  6. Sounds like a great weekend!! So much good eating:) Have a wonderful week as well -


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
