If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Friday, May 24, 2024

Friday Favorites - Friday Photos


Linking up with Andrea and Erika again this week.

We drive past this pond quite often. Yesterday, while stopped at a red light, I asked hubby to take a picture. I think this is such a pretty place,

I just had to have a Starbucks yesterday and let me tell you it was delicious!

I got this planner/journal at the beginning of the year and I really like it.
 I use it more than any planner or journal I've ever had. I'm pretty sure I'll
be getting one for next year, too.

I'm just starting to use the weekly calendar pages a little more.
I keep track of appointments and blog posts, etc.

Each week has a page for sermon notes. And now, I attach the
 sermon handout to that page and it's quick and easy if I
want to look back for something from the sermon.

Thanks for visiting.



  1. Lovely pond and happy photos. The journal/planner looks really nice. I'm afraid my handwriting skills have failed and I am pretty much totally just writing via computer these days, except for when I send out greeting cards for the church family. That is a labor of love, but I wish I could type them too! LOL. Have a lovely weekend.

    1. I totally know what you mean. I send the cards for the church too and I feel my writing is terrible too. At least I have labels for the outside. lol

  2. Your planner is so pretty! I just wish they made notebooks for left-handers ... those spiral bindings 'get' me every time. Happy Friday!

    1. I bet they are hard to use. I find when I get to the end of the row they can get in the way too. But if I fold the book, they don't stick up quite as bad.

  3. That is a beautiful pond. Yum on your Starbucks. Glad you are loving your planner. It looks very nice.
    Have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you Debby and I hope you have a great weekend!

  4. That looks like such a beautiful park!

    1. It really is so busy, but it's at a very busy intersection. I haven't checked yet to see if there is easy access to it or not.

  5. That fountain is lovely! So many of my blogging friends use planners. I just use the calendar in my phone. It is nice that you found a planner that you are enjoying!! Happy weekend!!

  6. What did you have at SB's thar was yummy? I like the lavender lattes, but light on the syrup. That is a pretty fountain. That is nice that you found a planner that works for you. Have a great weekend!

  7. That pond is lovely and so nice to use a planner to write things out each week. Enjoy the long weekend!

  8. That really is a pretty pond and that looks like a great planner.


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
