If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Saturday, May 25, 2024

Share 4 Somethings - May 2024

My May edition of Share 4 Somethings, where I'll talk about the things I loved or disliked, accomplished, improved upon or something that needs improvement, and noticed throughout May. Link-up is here. Link-up is here.

Loved or Disliked: I really loved our ladies Bible Study, which I've mentioned several times before. I love these ladies and enjoy talking about the things of God with them and also just talking about life with them too. I learn so much from them and am constantly being encouraged by them.

I also enjoyed Mother's Day. I heard from both girls and then I loved going out to spending time with my MIL and and my husband's brother and wife and youngest son. So much great conversation.

I also love these beautiful roses given to me
 by a sweet lady at church who grew them herself.

I disliked some of the storms we had, but I am so thankful we were kept safe through them all.

Accomplished: I got my annual mammogram done and all looks good. I'm almost 8 years cancer free. Thank you God. This is my annual reminder to all who read this...Don't forget to get the "girls" checked cause you don't want to be like me and only have one "girl" to get checked. And no, they don't give discounts because you only have one to get mashed! lol

Improved Upon or Something that Needs Improvement: I really need to get out and do some yard work. My bushes need to be trimmed again. I have a spot in the back yard I need to plant some grass seed. I also bought some sandpaper and black spray paint, because the rockers on the front porch need to be painted again. Let's see if I can get these things completed before the next Share 4 Somethings.

Noticed: This morning as I walked with Lucy, I noticed these flowers in the neighborhood. 


Thanks for visiting. Happy Memorial Day Weekend!



  1. Oh the flowers are beautiful this time of year! I had my mammogram last week and glad yours came back with a good report.

  2. Glorious blooms! I so agree with what you've said about your Bible study friends. Before coming here I'd no idea how that fellowship (sistership) would mean.
    I have to call next week and schedule my own mammogram. Trying to keep Faith over fear.

    1. I know what you mean. It's not always easy.

  3. I'm glad your mammogram was clear. You've reminded me I need to schedule mine. Life's been so busy lately I've been putting it off! I hear you about that yard work too ... I guess I'm behind on everything these days! :-)

    1. I totally get that. But please don't wait any longer for the mammogram. I hadn't had one for several years and then found out I had stage 3 cancer. Not fun for sure!

  4. Something that needs improvement at willows Cottage is the back edge of our home. The grading goes toward the house instead of away. We are in the process of adding soil there to fix the problem. Lots of work.
    Love the flowers! And I am reminded to put out a little American flag I have.

  5. Hi Cathy, I am glad you are 8 years cancer free! I get checked annually now that my aunt got breast cancer. It is nice to have friends to discuss the Bible with. I love my Bible journaling friends. Pretty flowers. My hubby put out our big flat and I put out some patriotic decor. Happy Memorial Day weekend!

    1. Happy Memorial Day weekend to you too Susan.

  6. That is wonderful about your Bible study and glad your Mother's day was wonderful too. Glad you were safe during the storms. Thanking God for His protection over you. I go every year for my mammogram. Hope you are able to accomplish those items you mentioned. Lovely flowers. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks Debby. Hope you have a great weekend too.

  7. Congratulations on 8 years cancer-free!! My mammogram is scheduled for August. Yes, we need to take care of the girls and our whole bodies! Have a happy weekend!!

    1. Thanks Terri. Glad you have yours scheduled.

  8. Those flowers are beautiful! We have a few spots in our yard that need some replanting too but I'm not sure we'll get to that any time soon. Yay for being 8 years cancer free!

  9. Lovely flowers and good for you getting those tests done - I hate mamograms but a must do! #ShareFourSomethings (Lydia c. Lee)

  10. You just reminded me that our rockers (on the porch) really needed to be painted - and a good sanding beforehand would be a good idea as well. Hmm (will that happen soon??) Not sure if you will be doing that today or not - but, however you enjoy Memorial Day, I hope you have a great Monday!

  11. While I am behind on everything (including yard work), I do keep up with my health appointments. Glad your doing well.


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
