If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Tuesday 4 - Books



Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.

Books are such a big part of many people's lives. Maybe we should talk about that.

1. Do you have some books in your home? Yes. If so what subjects are they? Varied, as some are mine and some are hubby's and there may be even some of the girls' books there. Which is your favorite? Any I have by Lori Wick

2. Do you enjoy browsing around in bookstores? Yes, I do. Do you have a favorite you like to go to? Not any more really, as mostly I do e-books now.

3. Do you think real books are clutter or do you just love having them around you? I enjoy having books in my home.

4. What is the oldest book you've read and what is the newest book you've read or are reading. I would suppose the Bible is the oldest. I'm currently reading some series by Connilyn Cossette. I have talked about them frequently lately.

Thanks for visiting. Click on the blue book word at the top to link up.



  1. It's lovely to be surrounded by paper books we love. I have read a lot of ebooks in recent years. They aren't really my favourite but they do in a pinch and they don't add to 'stuff' especially if they are borrowed from the library. Have an awesome week.

    1. I love ebooks, but I miss going to the library and bookstores.

  2. While I e-read almost exclusively, there's just 'something' about the feel of a real book in my hands. Maybe I'll try and mix it up going forward. Blessed to have choices!

    1. That's what everybody says! But I really don't miss holding the books, but I miss the library and bookstores.

  3. I love that my blogging friends here are all Christians and everyone said the Bible for the oldest book they/you have read! Certainly a given for most of us! I enjoyed your answers! I don't think I've read any books by Lori Wick, but blogging friend Pamela just showed four of them she got from the library!

    1. Yes, and that is a particularly good series she has. My sister and I and my oldest daughter all love it!

  4. Yes, I am enjoying Lori Wick's books...I saw that you had referred to her before, and I haven't been able to find the book you listed here at our library, but I am enjoying many others by her. I like light reading at this stage in my life. I read to relax, and it takes the place of TV for me most of the time. Thank you for sharing your book lists with us. I am always looking for new authors to read.

    1. You are more than welcome. Any book you find by her is a good book!

  5. I have some books on my kindle app, but I prefer paper books. I am thankful there is an audio version of books should I even need it. I have read the whole Bible 4 times. It gets easier each time. I will have to look for the author you mentioned. I like Jeanette Oke and have read several of her books.

    1. I like Jeanette Oke too but it's been awhile since I read one of hers.

  6. I love the feel of real books. I am not much into technology as you might notice at my blogs, nothing likes to work with me there! I sure enjoyed all the answers here. I hoper you have a blessed weekend.

    1. Hi Anne. I do read real books once in awhile but they are heavy in my hands and turning pages can sometimes be difficult. As I said above, I really do miss going to bookstores and libraries though.

  7. I do a variety....kindle, physical and audio. There's a place for each in my life...haha


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
