If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Monday, September 23, 2024

Bits of This and That - Hello Monday

Good Morning:

Hope you are having a good day.  We slept in a little this morning and then we got ready and picked up some breakfast from Bob Evans and came to the church.  I did not get but a couple of bites of my breakfast when a couple stopped in to see us.  They used to come here to church,  but for the last couple of years they are going to a church closer to their home.  They had to drive around 40 minutes to get here and the husband is not in great health and she is now taking care of all of their home jobs that he used to do, plus all she already did.  We miss them, but they stop in every once in a while and that has been really good.  I so enjoyed catching up with them.  Then another couple from church stopped in and we enjoyed seeing them and talking with them too.  They are another elderly couple and they have some health issues too, and have decided, at least for a while, to attend a church nearer to their home.  We are a small church and it is difficult for us when we lose people, but we have to stay encouraged and keep doing what God has called us to with the people (whom we love dearly) we have.  We love our church and know that God will bring us more people when He sees fit.  And most of all, we know that He will never leave us.  If you pray, we would definitely appreciate prayer for our church. 

Now onto the weekend.

On Friday hubby and I had a chiropractor appointment and then I caught with my sister and we went to a School Supply Store and I got some things for the church bulletin board.  It's definitely time to change to a fall bulletin board.  I'll be getting to that this week sometime.  Then we went to Sam's and I got some stuff we needed. My favorite so far is one of their rotisserie chickens which I used to make a Chicken and Noodles recipe that my husband found.  Friday evening we spent at home and I worked this puzzle.

This was a really fun puzzle to work.

Saturday was a nice day.  We spent most of it at home.  I cleaned part of the pantry.  One shelf at a time works best for me.

This is much better.

I've enjoyed how the moon has been out still every morning for our walk.

We did go out for a bit.  We took Lucy to the groomers, which she needed really bad as evidenced by the below photos.  lol  


She definitely looks much better.

I took the rotisserie chicken from Sam's and deboned it and added some other things and made chicken and noodles.  It was pretty good, but I want to tweak it some before we make it again.  I did 4 loads of laundry and we watched Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.  So it was a little busy, but not too bad.

On Sunday we had church very good sermon on Yahweh Shalom (pre-recorded video below). Then we stopped and picked up a sandwich from Penn Station for lunch, took a nap and then back for our evening Bible Study on Grace and Truth.  Very good study.

Well that's pretty much my weekend.  I'm linking this post with Holly and Sarah  for Hello Monday.

Thanks for visiting and I'd love to hear about your weekend.



  1. I want to dive through the computer and grab some of that soup- looks delish!

    1. It is pretty good, but I think I added to much chicken and not enough noodles. So really simple to make too.

  2. That sounds like a wonderful weekend; your soup looks delicious.

  3. Your soup really looks good! It's getting to be soup weather, although it was pretty hot here today...so I think I'll wait a while. But yours looks good enough to eat right now! I love that puzzle. It looks like a fun place to be! Oh, I am sorry for the elderly folks who can't make it to your church anymore. That is always hard to see when folks have to go elsewhere, or even if they can't come at all. Yes, I will pray for your church. We've served in small churches most of our years of ministry, and I know how much every single person means to a congregation. Praying God will bring others to you, maybe even some younger folks who will be able to stay a long time and maybe even help! That's always a plus!! (((hugs)))

  4. That's so sweet about those 'older' couples coming to visit. Y'all must have made real footsteps on their hearts. Almost every Monday at Bible study one lady lifts prayers that our little congregation will grow.

  5. That looks like a fun puzzle! Praying for your church.


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
