If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Monday, April 25, 2022

Bits of This and That

Here are a few tidbits of life:

**On Friday evening I found out you can get eCards from other libraries.  I got one from the Dayton Metro Library (I used to have an actual card there years ago, and probably I still have it in my den, but it wasn't with me).I went online and registered and then started looking for a Kindle book that I've had on hold  since March 8th through Libby at my library.  Guess what, they had it and it was available immediately.  I checked it out and started it that evening.  Finished it at 2:00am Sunday morning, which I must admit made for a bit of a rough time being alert at church that morning.  The book was The Stranger in the Lifeboat by Mitch Albom.  I have to say it caught my attention and imagination pretty quickly and it was hard to put down.  It's not like the typical books I read, but I really enjoyed it.  In fact, I enjoyed it enough, that I intend to try another book by this author real soon.

I really love my Kindle

**I had a really good walk with Lucy on both Friday and Saturday.  On Saturday I knew it was supposed to get up in the 80's so when I woke up around 6:30, we got cleaned up a bit and Lucy and I took off.  we ended up walking 1.75 miles, which is pretty good for me.  By the end she was starting to flop down in the damp grass to rest for a few seconds and then she'd get up and run on.  So funny.  I must admit, at times, I feel like flopping down with her.  lol

A neighbor's pretty tulips

Close-up of tulips - not quite open yet

Dandelion - I prefer the yellow ones.  They say they are good for the soil.

Can you see the moon above the trees?

**Hubby completed his series on "Conversations with Jesus"  I've put the video here, if you are interested.  This was the conversation with Salome the mother of James and John when she asked Jesus to allow her sons to sit on either side of Him when He comes into His kingdom.  Hope you enjoy.

**This morning I've already been to the salon and gotten my hair trimmed.  I'm in the process of growing out the layers and I've been trying to keep it trimmed about every 4-6 weeks.  This afternoon we'll be taking Lucy to be groomed and funny thing is, we pay a lot more for her hair cut than for mine.  lol

I guess I need to end this now as I have some studying I need to do for Bible Study tomorrow night, which will be the last one in this spring study.  We'll start a new one probably in September, Lord willing.

Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a great day.



  1. Arent Kindles the best thing ever???

  2. I think I would like to read that book. I may have to see if our library has it. I don't do Kindle, but maybe they have the real book. Looks like you and Lucy took a wonderful walk, and those tulips are gorgeous. I bet you are happy to see them and so much green grass finally! Looks very pretty. I miss Ohio in the springtime. Ohio soil has a very comforting scent to me. When we moved up to Ohio for my hubby to go to seminary (Ashland), I can remember getting out of the car and smelling the ground. It brought back memories from my childhood and visiting my Grandparents and cousins in Ohio. And I love dandelions. They are edible, you know...the greens make a good salad green, and I think you can saute' the flower (before it turns to seed of course) and eat it too, but better double check me on that. We don't have real dandelions here...just some other yellow wildflowers that are similar but not exactly the same, and I don't know if they are edible or not.
    Have a blessed week.

  3. I'm so excited to hear you got Stranger in the Lifeboat and liked it, too! I'm thinking of buying a copy just to have; lots of life lessons there.

  4. I love my Kindle too!! I have never borrowed an e-book from a library. Need to give that some thought. Your neighbor's tulips are beautiful. xo


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
