If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Thursday, April 14, 2022

Thankful Thursday

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Today I am so thankful for having time with some of my cousins on Tuesday.  Eight of of met for lunch at a little family restaurant in Waynesville, OH.  We had such a great time.  We range in age from 64 to 83 and I love everyone of them.  It seems like the only time we get together now is for funerals.  But this was just for fun.  A couple of the cousins get together once a week or so and they decided to invite the rest of us.  I think now we are going to try to do it maybe once a month or so.  That would be so awesome.  I love my family and am so proud to be one of them.  I have always been proud of my heritage.  I just feel like God honored me so much by making me a part of this family.  They had the waitress take a picture of us and then they posted it on FB.  I stole the picture and am posting it below.  It's not the greatest picture, but I'm so glad we have it.

Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a wonderful day and I hope you'll link up and tell us what you are thankful for.



  1. Such a lovely photo...I wish I was close with my cousins etc. I hope you have a beautiful day, my friend.

  2. Girls' lunches are the best! Thanks for sharing your smiles, Cathy.

  3. Time with family and friends is so important! Great picture Cathy!

  4. How awesome was that? I'm so glad you went and hopefully you can all gather more often in the future.

  5. I just lost another dear cousin so it is so great that you are getting together with yours. Try real hard to make that monthly get-together happen!! xo

    1. We’ve lost so many too, so I hope we can keep doing it.

  6. What a nice photo and what a blessing to be able to get all your cousins together! Mine are so spread out it's impossible to get together.

    1. Oh there are several others that are too far away too. But hopefully when they come to this area we can do this. Maybe someday we’ll even invite the guys too.

  7. How wonderful to be close enough to cousins to enjoy each other! Ours are all over the country and we rarely if ever see them. I have several cousins in Ohio, from both sides of the family, but only one comes to Florida once a year so we get together. The others I haven't seen in years. It's too bad. I am glad you do this. It's good to keep the family "tree" blooming!


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
