If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Tuesday 4 - You and Your Books


You and Your Books


Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4... Let's jump right in.

1. Which books never grow old for you?  Most any of them written by my favorite author, Lori Wick.  I wish she were still writing and publishing books.

2. We will make a movie from your favorite novel.  Which actors would fit the parts well? My favorite novel is "Pretense" by Lori Wick and I really have no idea who I'd want to play the 2 main characters.

3. Do  you find yourself daydreaming and thinking about the books you read? Yes, sometimes.

4.   When you get ready to sit down and read is there a ritual to it? Do you assemble a drink or snacks? How do you make yourself comfy?  I really have no set ritual.  It's just whenever I have the time and inclination, I'll pick up and read.  Of course, now after answering these questions, I think it's about time for me to read "Pretense" again.

Thanks for visiting.  Click on the phrase, you and your books, at the top for the link up.



  1. Not recently, but I used to love 'casting characters' from the books I read. Then I'd get all perturbed if I happened to watch a made-for-tv show and the protaganist(s) were nothing like I imagined them.

    1. I'd probably be the same. If I love the book, then I don't want anyone to change the characters from what I imagined them as I was reading it.

  2. I mostly ready books on history. I enjoy envisioning what it must have been like living during challenging times and how I would react. History is amazing.

  3. I think we all envision our characters in books differently, perhaps based on people we know or just how we imagine them to be. Yes, so often movies made from books are disappointing because we had totally different ideas about the characters...or even the movie writers take too many liberties in how they interpret the story to make it more movie-friendly. Very seldom do they get it right. I need to look up Lori Wick and "Pretense" now. I don't believe I've ever read it, but then again, I can't remember what I read yesterday...LOL.

  4. I'm not familiar with Lori Wick so will look for her books!

  5. I like series books. I don't think I have read any Lori Wick books.

    1. She has several series. She stopped writing several years ago.


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
