If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Monday, July 29, 2024

Bits of This and That - Hello Monday


Good Morning:

Hope you have had a good weekend.  We did, so I'll share a little here.  As usual we had a very quiet, laid-back kinda weekend, the kind I love. We slept in on Friday morning, and then cleaned up and went to lunch at Texas Roadhouse.  I hadn't had a good steak in a while and really wanted one.  As we were pulling in, I saw my brother-in-law walk out of the restaurant to get something from their vehicle.  After parking the van, I walked up to the entrance and hubby and brother-in-law were standing there talking and waiting on me.  We had no idea they were going to be there.  They already had their salad, but they moved tables to sit with us for the meal.  It was so fun to get to have a delicious, unplanned lunch with them.  After that, we headed home and had a very quiet rest of the day there doing, laundry, watching TV, etc.

On Saturday, we picked up hubby's mom and we went to Firehouse Subs for lunch. The food was good and the conversation even better.  I love my mother-in-law and always enjoy spending time with her.  Hubby and I went home after dropping her back off at home.  I left then to run some errands.  I went to the post office to pick up the church mail.  I dropped the mail off at the church and spent some time practicing the piano.  I'm starting to find, I need to spend more time playing in order to keep my fingers limber. After that I ran to Wal-mart to pick up a few things. We  made chicken sandwiches and corn on the cob for dinner. 

On Sunday, we went to church, picked up some lunch and went home.  Both of us took a nap and then we went back to church for a fun time of singing Hymns together.  These are always fun services.

I had heard we had a new sculpture in one of the small parks in our town.  I stopped on the way to the post office on Saturday and took these pictures. I think this is so gorgeous!

Here are a couple of pictures of Lucy from our weekend.

Caught Lucy napping in my chair

And here she is napping in the same chair with me.

Here's the video from Sunday morning's pre-recorded sermon.  It is the last one in our series on Psalms.

I'm linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday.  Thanks for visiting today and I hope you have a good day.



  1. That sculpture is neat looking! It sounds like you had a nice weekend. I am down for weekends where there is a lot of relaxation and spending time with loved ones. Bonus is good food which by the sounds of it, happened for you :).

  2. I was getting so hungry reading about your weekend this morning ... telling Tom a little later we really should try Texas Roadhouse once they open next month.
    You and your MIL sound like real blessings in one anothers' lives.

  3. What a cool sculpture! Enjoy your Monday!

  4. That sculpture is very interesting. Would love to read all the leaves. Is there a story to it? Oh, Texas Roadhouse sounds so good. I wish we had something like that near here. Sounds like you had a nice lunch, and then again with your MIL. So happy you are able to enjoy each other's company. I had a good mother in law too, and I miss her company now. She was a character for certain! Oh, I love old fashioned hymn sings too! Hope you have a wonderful week. Oh, Lucy is so cute.

  5. That was a great surprise at the Texas Roadhouse. So nice that you spent time with your MIL and then ran those errands. I have to say that the sculpture is awesome. I love it. Always fun seeing Lucy. Have a nice week.

  6. What a fun weekend and I love how you got to meet up with family at the restaurant- spur of the moment things can turn out to be the best times ever!

  7. That is a beautiful new sculpture and I love that you had an impromptu family lunch out.

  8. That's a fun sculpture! Sounds like a nice relaxing weekend. Spontaneous meet ups are some of my favorites. Have a nice week. p.s.-yes, I am tired lol.

  9. Your hubby looks like he has lost some weight! I haven't been to Texas Roadhouse for several years. Joe loved going there but my friends who like to eat out don't like the noise. I think the food is good! I enjoyed catching up with you and your weekend!! Have a blessed week ahead!

  10. That's a cool sculpture! Sounds like a great weekend.


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
