If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Saturday, July 27, 2024

Share 4 Somethings - July 2024


This is my July edition of Share 4 Somethings, where I'll talk about the things I loved/disliked, accomplished, improved upon/needs improvement and something I noticed. Link-up is here. 

Loved or Disliked: I loved having Kelli home with us for 4 days this month.  I loved talking with her, shopping with her, eating with her, seeing a movie with her, playing games with her and visiting family with her.  Anything we did together was something I loved.  And I really loved listening to her and her daddy talking together.  They hadn't seen each other in over 2 years!

Accomplished: Replaced the stove/oven and dishwasher as both went kaput this month!

Improved Upon/Needs Improvement: I've improved on my walking routine in July, but I still need to be more consistent...but at least I've improved.

Noticed: I have only completed 2 books in the month of July, however I have watched a few more movies than normal though.  I've watched several movies from the FRNDLY app and Netflix too. Plus Kelli and I went to the theater to see "Sound of Hope, the Story of Possum Trot".  It was an excellent movie and I'm so glad we took the time to go see it. I've enjoyed the movies, but I'm starting to miss the reading. Maybe I can add 1 more book read before the end of the month.

That's the end of my Share 4 Somethings this month.  Thanks for reading and I hope you have a great weekend. Again, the Link-up is here. 



  1. How great to get to spend time with your daughter! I have been wanting to see the movie that you mentioned! I have not read of another blogger mentioning this movie- glad that you did and that you liked the movie and recommend it. I´d like to see it in the theater; hopefully it is still there when we get a chance to see it. Have a great weekend!

    1. Hi Maria: Thanks for visiting. The movie is very good. My daughter loved it also Most days, there were no tickets available last week. But we chose Thursday at 6:35 and there were very few people in it. So definitely I would say go online for your tickets.

  2. I'm so glad that Kelli was able to come home! I know you loved having her there, and I'm sure her dad missed her greatly in those two years. I've noticed my reading is down as well in July. I haven't counted how many books I've read, but it feels way less than last month and the ones preceding. It was wonderful "hearing" from you today!

    1. Hi Jennifer. Good to hear from you too. I've linked up and I'll be back later to read and comment.

  3. Oven, stove and dishwasher in one month? Hopefully you have a better appliance month in August!

  4. What a fun recap! I really want to see that movie; hopefully, I can get one of my Bible study friends to go.

    1. It really is worth seeing. Hope you get to.

  5. I want to see that movie too. Glad you got to see that with Kelli! I am reading more this year.
    A book called Call The Midwife, part 2. Based on the show on Netflix. Enjoy your weekend!

  6. I want to see the movie, glad to hear you liked it. I haven't read as much this month with so many people in the house, but am catching up a bit this weekend. Happy Saturday!

  7. I just don't go to the theater anymore but will look for that movie to stream on TV. It's usually only a couple of months to wait. Everyone says it is so good! I enjoyed your post and know having Kelli visiting was your summer highlight!! xo

    1. I rarely go, but this was a good time together.

  8. So glad you had a nice visit and how awesome that she finally had time with her dad. Glad you have your new appliances. Way to go with your walking. Glad you and Kelli enjoyed a movie too!

    1. Thank you so much Debby. Enjoy your weekend.

  9. Good luck squeezing in one final book for July! It sounds like you had a wonderful month spending time with family; I find that books fall by the wayside when we have family visiting too.

    1. For sure, I agree. I read a few chapters today, and I'm hoping I'll maybe get some more in this evening.

  10. How lovely to have your child home. We do miss them when they grow up! And good work on 2 books. I've sort of hit a pause in my reading...not sure why

    1. I'm not sure why I've been behind on reading. Hoping to pick up more this week.

  11. Good for you for getting out and walking. That is something I need to improve upon. https://encounterswiththedavisfamily.blogspot.com/2024/07/share-four-somethings-july-2024.html

  12. So glad that Kelli was able to be home...and to see/chat with her dad! Wonderful!! I hope you had the best of visits and that it won't be years before the next one!

  13. How wonderful that you could spend so much time with your daughter! I agree that anything I do with my kids is something I love! Hope you have a great August!

  14. How wonderful you guys got to spend some time with your daughter. That's so special!
    Visiting today from S4S#9


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
