If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Tuesday 4 - Painting with Tom Sawyer

Painting With Tom Sawyer

Norman Rockwell's Whitewashing the Fence

From Annie:  "Well, we are on the doorstep of August. How do you like that?   A lot of Tom Sawyers adventures take place in the summer like whitewashing Aunt Polly's fence.

Hannibal, Missouri has fence painting contests in July and and July 4th is National Tom Sawyer day there.  They have a parade, carnival,  fireworks, and a general good time is had by all it seems.

So here is another set of questions for Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.        I hope you enjoy them."

1. What special things happen around you in summer? The Warren County Fair takes place in our town.  It just ended last week.  The amusement park, Kings Island is in our county and it's a great park. If nothing, have you ever considered organizing something? Nope.  

2. Tom hated painting. But on the subject of painting, what color is your house? Red brick with black shutters Your living room? 3 shades of Teal, from very light to pretty dark.  Your bedroom? Pale Blue Thinking of  changing anything? Yep.

3. Were your childhood summers carefree and did you have any adventures or chores like Tom did? Our chores were whatever we were told to do. We had lots of playtime and in the summer mom took us to the library and we did lots of reading.

4. Did you ever help paint a house or a fence or anything at all? Yes  How did that go? Pretty good I guess, although, I do not enjoy painting.

Thanks for visiting.



  1. Our home's exterior is like yours - red brick with black shutters. Oh, and a red door that desperately needs a new coat of paint.
    Another reader! One of my fondest memories was summer days spent at the public library. Thanks for reminding me.

  2. My mom never took me to the library, so my grandma did when I would visit her. It was fun. I made it as point to take my son when he was young, and he still loves to go. Loved your answers! Have a nice day! ♥


    1. When our daughter was home last week, she wanted to visit the library because it has always been one of her favorite places.

  3. I do not enjoy painting either - which is probably a good thing because I would be changing the color of our walls way too often. I often have an idea for a change...or to add an accent wall, etc....but then I remember I cannot paint well. And my husband does not like to paint either!

    1. I don't think I could stand a day of climbing up and down a ladder.

  4. I just can't paint anymore . If I could I'd be changing things too often anyway. I'd like to imagine myself organizing things but that's all in my head. In reality, it would never happen!

  5. Your house sounds so nice. We had used brick at our last home. I do not like the color of our house. I have to live with it. The yard looks nice and we have a roof over our head and that is what counts right. I did visit the library when I was a kid. I like to go to the used bookstore there. I think my painting days are over now.

  6. It is always fun reading everyone's answers to the Tuesday 4. Annie does a great job keeping it alive! I need to paint, too, but am not in a big hurry. I think new floors have to come first. Have a good rest of the week!!

  7. I love red brick houses, and black shutters are so stunning on them! I know your home is very comfy and homey! Summertime...ah yes! We always had our chores to do, but then we also went to "summer recreation" at our school for a few weeks each summer...they took us swimming and also we played games together, and just had fun. It was good entertainment! Painting...I'm not all that good at it. I painted parts of our living room and bedroom when we moved in this house, and it was a job I don't want to ever do again! LOL. I don't remember going to our public library as a child. I know I went to the school library, but that was because we had to! LOL. However I am a great reader now and enjoy our public library very much. Happy Summertime!

    1. Thanks Pam. Hope you have a really good week.

  8. I enjoyed your answers. I like brick homes.


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
